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Long ago the nations of the world faced a deadly threat from a powerful conqueror. Divided by their differences the peoples of the world nearly fell alone, one by one. But champions arose who exemplified the virtues of their cultures, and learned to work together to fight for the good of all. Inspired by these champions the varied races of the world cast aside their distrust of one another and defeated the evil that sought to grind the world under its rule. Though centuries have passed since that time the example of the champions was not forgotten, and to this day is honored by a special contest, held every hundred years: The Contest of Champions. Here, members of all races are chosen to represent their people and land in a series of games and challenges, for the sake of promoting understanding and harmony between the vast varied races of the world and demonstrate what each can be when at their best.

The call for champions has gone out, and Trixie Lulamoon and her friends, freshly dubbed Knights of the Realm and Bearers of the Elements of Harmony have been chosen to represent Equestria. It is an honor some of them are elated to bear, while others among the friends question if they can take on such a lofty responsibility. However they may feel about it the six mares from Ponyville shall travel to the Isle of the Fallen where they will face the greatest champions the races of the world have to offer; from veteran griffin soldiers and enigmatic zebra martial artists to mighty cervid warrior skalds and a kirin royal heir obsessed with obtaining victory by any means. On top of that, Corona herself has designs upon the Contest, and others attending the event may have plans that have nothing to do with promoting harmony and understanding.

Based on RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, this story is canon and part of Season 2, taking place in the spring-arc.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle's 505th Birthday

Smarty Pants, Honeycrisp, and Sandy find themselves stuck in the salad days of Equestria, four hundred and eighty years in the past. Can they get back without screwing up everything?

Probably not.

This story is a direct continuation of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s 505th Birthday, which is itself a continuation of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s 500th Birthday. To really get a grasp on what’s going on you should give both of those a read in the right order. You can skip them if you'd like but... Oh boy, will you have questions.

- Cover art commissioned by HAK2. Check out his other stuff, too.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord go read his story, too!
- And thanks to the newest pre-reader to join in the craziness, Razalon The Lizardman. Keeper of the mighty Em dash! Go read his stuff, too!
- Dedicated to my wife. Her love keeps me going and her snark keeps me smiling.

As always, please leave comments and critiques.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle's 500th Birthday

Five years have passed since the events of that fateful morning. Smarty Pants and her friends set off on an adventure of a lifetime to discover the secrets of the past when they awaken a… oh wait, that would be spoiling it!

Many questions from the first story will be answered! New questions will arise. Lunch will be had, pies will be thrown, blood will be kept inside bodies because seriously, ew blood, you guys.

- Cover art commissioned by HAK2. Check out his other stuff, too.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse.
- This story was written and completed (except for the epilogue) before Season 4 of MLP:FiM aired.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord go read his story, too!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

After the events of Project: Sunflower, Erin Olsen has returned to Ponyville, happy to pursue her studies in magic. After everything that happened the year before, she's looking forward to spending her days studying and having fun with her friends.

Meanwhile, on the newly discovered world of Harmony, humans and ponies work together to study this strange new world. However, their arrival causes something ancient to begin stirring. Something that may end up changing everything.

Erin will need all of her courage, all of her cleverness and, of course, all of her friends to see herself through what happens next.

Cover art by Valkyrie-Girl
Editing provided by:
Brilliant Point, Coandco, Ekevoo, Ludicrous Lycan, Merlos the Mad and Razalon the Lizardman.

Chapters (22)

Today is Princess Twilight Sparkle’s 500th birthday, and her most faithful student, an earth pony with a familiar name, can’t wait to celebrate!

- Cover art by ErinKarsath, used with permission. Check out her DeviantArt page.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse, and you can find the sequel here.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord. Go read his story, too!
- This was written during the season 3 hiatus of MLP:FiM.

Chapters (4)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)

Its winter in Ponyville and for the most part everything seems to be going well. That changes when Grinding Gears, a friend of Cheerilee's from Detrot with more engineering skill than common sense, comes to town hoping to get endorsement for his latest invention.

The Automaton, a fully mechanical creation powered by magic.

He's researched extensively, planned out thoroughly and has brought his first working prototype for inspection.

What could possibly go wrong?

A Season Two Lunaverse Story

Chapters (6)

Everypony loves Cheerilee -- except, apparently, for an old friend of hers from college, who has just returned to Ponyville with a score to settle! It's a wild race around town as Cheerilee attempts to flee her former companion long enough to figure out what, exactly, she did -- she was a bit drunk at the time, and her memories are rather hazy -- and how she can make it up to her. Not to worry, though: if Cheerilee can't set things right, her students are happy to help out!

...for a generous definition of 'help.'

Lunaverse story, set in the Fall portion of Season 2. Thanks to Blackbelt for helping and betaing!

Chapters (6)

Trixie is very bored. In an effort to relieve said boredom, she is reading her textbooks on magic.

This is a very bad idea.

The result? A spell goes wrong and Ponyville ends up with two Trixies, or at least two pieces of Trixie.

One is carefree, pompous, and just a wee bit more arrogant than usual about her powers.
The other is a nervous wreck that can't work up the courage to do anything based on the thought that it'll lead to a personal failure in her responsibilities.

They are two incomplete halves of a whole that have a spell to fix.

The problem with fixing it?

One of them decided to run off to Neigh Orleans during a night of endless partying.

A Lunaverse Story.

Chapters (4)

The story is generally the same. A group of ponies go on a quest to stop an insane alicorn who had escaped banishment, learning about friendship along the way and mastering the Elements of Harmony. But the details...

It can be Trixie Lulamoon leading the Elements of Harmony against Corona.
Rainbow Dash could be Celestia's student and go to Ponyville.
Equestria could have a deep connection to three young people in its distant past.
The Elements of Harmony could have been moved to Manehattan for the ponies to quest for.
Princess Cadance might rule over an Equestria of music, with Octavia as her prized protege.
Or Spike and Twilight might have their roles reversed, the former a stallion and the Element of Magic.

And each one has been chosen by Discord, an Element removed to a seventh Equestria for purposes as yet unknown. Can they survive? Can they get home? Read and find out!

The Lunaverse was created by RainbowDoubleDash and is used with permission. Opening segment was written by Talon and Thorn.
The Hasbroverse was created by RK_Striker_JK_5 and is used with permission.
The Manehattanverse was created by Little Jackie Papercut and used with permission.
The Cadanceverse was created by GrassAndClouds2 and used with permission.
The Flipverse was created by Bed Head and used with permission.
The Dashverse was created by Trinary and used with permission.

And special thanks to dramatic_spoon for getting this all together.

Chapters (20)