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Main Course is a successful chef and restaurant owner. Or he was, anyway, until a fire tore up his life's work and left him adrift. When he visits his sister in the rural backwater town of Ponyville, he discovers an abandoned building that's perfect for a quick fix-up so he can flip it for a profit. But the building comes with an unforeseen tenant, and when he lets her stick around he discovers that maybe, just maybe, there's something out there more important than wealth and fame.

Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have had a rocky relationship, with ups and downs over the course of years, and Rainbow's ready to call it quits for good. As she stands at the door, willing herself to knock, there's something holding her back: she's still in love. Love alone isn't enough to make it work, but as their relationship threatens to end forever, they have one last chance to make sense of it all.

And Rainbow Dash can't stop remembering.

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Winner of the FlutterDash Group Contest: Conflict judges panel.

Chapters (3)

NOTE: We've actually taken this story's concept and given it a massive makeover. Check it out here!

Two worlds. Two friendships.

However, sometimes it takes another Rainbow Dash to say what one can't.

Now with a dramatic audio reading by Goombasa! Thanks, dood! :D

Chapters (1)

"I don’t know where the book came from, or who wrote it. It was bound with a blank, leather -yes leather- cover and contained no identifying marks. I found it one day when I was rifling through the old archives in the Royal Library."

Here is all that it says on the first page:

The Great Chaos has ended. Discord has been defeated and his freshly entombed statue resides in the Canterlot Gardens.

But all is not well in Equestria. Death is everywhere, disharmony has taken it’s toll. The two royal sisters, Celestia and Luna, have been pushed to breaking. Yet still they struggle to rebuild what little remains of pony civilization.

Luna suggests intense action; Celestia refuses to disrupt what little normalcy they have brought to the shattered cities.

What could come between these two sisters? What could be so horrible as to drive our beloved Night Princess to become such a destructive nightmare? A nightmare that will terrify ponies for centuries to come? Well, immortality and power have a nasty way of taking any dispute and turning it into a cataclysmic event that neither party could imagine...

Written in collaboration with Sasha Nein.
Cover art credit goes to SilFoe

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie has noticed something about Princess Luna that no pony else seems to see, and she wants to do something about it. And what does Pinkie do?


This is a special party, designed just for Princess Luna, meant to cure her of the main problem that Pinkie has seen. Sadness.

The second of three stories I promised to write from my blog contest.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Derpy Hooves... I love your butt, and so, I wrote this letter to inform you about it! Probably not one of my best ideas, but I couldn't resist. You just had to know about my feelings."

Derpy's gotten an odd love letter in the mail from a very secret admirer. Who this might be? She may never know...

Coauthored with RainbowBob

What started out as a simple conversation escalated into... this. Considering I wrote most of it, RainbowBob told me I should be the one to post it. So, I am.

This story was inspired by, though not really related to "Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You" and its sequel "Dear Princess Luna: I Love You"

Chapters (1)

There is a secret in Equestria. A secret the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn’t dare to believe. Like puppeteers pulling on marionettes, they have influenced Equestria for better and worse since the fall of Discord. So far they have been benevolent, but their potential for evil is vast. What’s worse, she doesn’t know their name. She doesn’t know their mission. All she knows for certain is one thing.

That they all seem to be zebra.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You

"Dear Princess Luna... I love you oh so much. I just want to be with you forever, lost in your embrace. While mere words cannot even begin to describe the depths of my feelings for you, but this letter will have to do."

Twilight is at it again with hitting the bottle and forcing Spike to put words on a letter. This time addressed to Princess Luna herself, who is quite surprised by the gesture. Even more surprising in the revelation of Twilight's feelings for her. Along with some other... quite questionable subjects.

Warning: Not so subtle sexual context.

Sequel to Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You.

Thanks to my editor Xl9 for all the help!

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Applejack are engaged. Life seems wonderful... yet Applejack doubts. Twilight seems happy, but she's so busy everywhere but Sweet Apple Acres. Two ponies are stuck in their own worlds, or at least that's how it seems to Applejack. When Twilight is called away from the harvest for an important political summit in Canterlot, Applejack decides in her loneliness that the only way to bridge the gap she fears is forming is to head off into a world of magic and intrigue after her favorite unicorn. She will place herself as a seal on Twilight's heart, come hell or high water.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... The end of days are fast approaching...

Twilight faced her darkness and made peace with it. Now she can face who she is, and not a moment too soon. The greatest battle in Equestrian history is about to begin, and she'll need to understand just how deep the darkness in her heart goes in order to face the threats to come. However, in preparation for the worst event in Equestrian history, she'll have to protect a mare that may be the key to everyone's destruction. Even worse, she has to deal with an old enemy/former friend that's intent on saving the world her way, which means killing the life that Twilight wishes to protect. But can a demon truly do an angel's job, or is Twilight simply deluding herself?

"Can I atone for my sins...?"

For years Diamond Tiara has been contending with dark feelings, night terrors, and blackouts she can't explain. When Apple Bloom, the love of her life, was here, she could handle it. Now that Apple Bloom is gone though, Diamond Tiara's sanity is slipping, and she's becoming something horrible. Good news, she's beginning to understand what she is now. Bad news, she hates it, because the more she learns, the less likely it seems she can be saved.

"Wh-what am I?! Apple Bloom, help me!"

She is the Guardian of Equestria, sworn to defend the golden land of Terra from any and all threats. Vale's life was saved by a Unicorn who's heart was more pure than even her own, but now she has to carry on her life and continue her own mission. That should be simple, except for three things standing in her way. Midnight has once again chosen to stand against her, the lover of the one who saved her won't leave her alone, and strange foreign emotions plague her, hindering her mission. All she knows is that something in her heart is saying this isn't right.

"What's holding me back...?"

These three, and others surrounding them, will play an integral part in the events over the next month. As for what their places on the board are, unfortunately that's not entirely up to them.

Note: if you haven't read the other stories yet, STOP NOW and read the following:
Inner Demons
Inner Demons: 10 Years and Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth (these can be read in any order, but only after Inner Demons)

Cover Art by my friend The Spectralist!

Inner Demons II added to the TV Tropes page?! WHAT?! Go here to read it!

Chapters (15)