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Months of torment without end. Months of going to school, fearing each torturous moment. Rarity, broken and afraid, finds solace in a small clearing in a forest near her school. Her bullies do not come for her there.

Until one day they do.

They make their intentions of beating her up quite plain, and when the leader went to attack her... What she did; she didn't mean for it to happen that way, but it happened.

In the main timeline, she killed all three of her tormentors and went on to become a deadly serial killer. Here, one of them escapes, and Rarity is caught right away...

An alternate universe of The Secret Life of Rarity

Cover art link

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Chapters (20)

Featured 9/12/13. You guys are awesome!

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Jade are worried. Equestria, and the planet Sol, are about to be plunged into a chaos the likes of which have not been seen since the War of the Sun and the Moon almost a thousand years ago. The problem is, the changelings are the only ones who know it is coming. The second problem is, every other race despises the changelings, viewing them as a lesser race. So Chrysalis and her sister hatch a desperate plan: To infiltrate the rankings of Equestria and gain their trust, so that the ponies might once again trust the Peacekeepers of old. Should Princess Jade fail... everything will be plunged into darkness and madness.

Chapters (1)

Seeing the poor dragon at his wits end trying to woo Rarity, Gilda decides to give Spike some tips and help him gain the mare of his affection. Although she finds him slightly annoying, he starts to grow on her. And she soon learns that Spike has taken a liking to her as well...

Maybe too much of a liking.

Chapters (5)

Hey there. Name's Discord. I'm the janitor at a high school. I clean up after bratty teenagers and the odd drama queen or two that turns into a demon and wrecks up the school. Ain't my job grand?

Birthday gift to my bro Skeeter The Lurker, a really rad dude everyone should check out!

Awesome art from the greatly talented ManiacPaint, who you should definitely check out for more good art!

Chapters (6)

Freshly graduated from West Hoof Academy, 2nd Lieutenant Storm Kicker decides to enjoy what little free time she has left before accepting her commission with the Long Patrol. And what better way to let down her mane than at the millennial celebration of Celestia’s reign, on the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration?

Well, there is the pesky little detail of a pesky little sibling who decides to tag along and be a pest. Still, it’s the last chance she’ll have to spend time with Star, so they make the most of it. It’s all fun and games, plus she'll have plenty of chances to needle her little sister along the way.

At least, until the two sisters are asked to look into the disappearance of a family friend; it soon becomes apparent that not all is well in Canterlot.

Part of the Winningverse.

Chapters (1)

This Story undergoing Rewrite

A freak accident leaves Princess Twilight Sparkle blind. With magic unable to help her see again she is resigned to her fate as a shadow of her former self.

Sadness and depression strike hard and fast nearly every day. But luckily for the disable princess, she may stumble across an organisation that could help her to see again. But miracles don't come freely, fortunately, she may have a guardian watching over her.


Chapters (4)

Have you ever woken up as a vegetarian cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I can’t seem to do anything right, and it’s even worse when she’s in charge.

Now, we’re in a back and forth war for control of her body. I just want to eat meat again, and have a little personal space. She’s convinced I’m hitting on her friends and trying to score. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix this.

Edits by: Selbi, Abcron, Breath of Plagues, Refro, Jaestring, The Parasprite, Starbound Gurren
Pre-read by: SkeeterTL, Solidfire, Penjacker, TypewriterError, Pearple Prose
(It took all of them to corral my insanity.)
Cover art by Tsitra360
V1.1-Rated teen sex for strong innuendo.
V1.2-Pinkie Pie now enforcing RIAA guidelines.

Chapters (18)

Trixie had planned to have a quiet night under the open stars without Ursa Minors, enchanted amulets, and especially not other ponies to bother her. When a scroll turns up and commands her to attend the Princess for a night of deeply inappropriate fun, she just has one particular problem:

There’s more than one princess in Equestria.


Story is set a couple of weeks after the end of season 3.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus, Mooncalf and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry, To Romance a Magician and Spanner in the Works for three great fics that are well worth your time.

Image composition was done by me, vectors used from left to right are from blueathombomb, nickman983, chamomiletung, santafer and andreamelody.

By Royal Command now has an unofficial sequel/inspired by fic written not by myself in the form of Waiting for Celestia.

Chapters (1)

Something about Lightning Dust just seemed a little 'off'. Sometimes she didn't react the right way to the world around her, and sometimes the way she reacted was positively frightening... but it wasn't until she laughed off nearly killing a couple of ponies that anypony actually realized just how messed up she was.

Cover art is by the amazing and godlike Conicer.

*Not a gluefic.

Chapters (1)

Being a vampire can be rough. Unluckily for Twilight, she just had to end up as the most unpopular vampire type of all time. On the bright side, her last name actually makes sense now.

Thanks to my editor Pearple Prose and prereader Skeeter The Lurker for all their help!

Chapters (1)