• Member Since 14th Nov, 2012

Jacket Stripe

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When Twilight receives one of the original journals of Starswirl the Bearded from Princess Luna, she can't wait to try the spells inside it, but the book's magic turns out to be a bit more than Twilight can handle, as her reckless experimentation leads to her accidentally bringing her reflection to life. At first, Twilight decides she quite likes the idea of having a copy around the library. But seeing herself from an outside perspective makes Twilight realize there are some parts of her personality she doesn't care for, forcing her to confront her issues.

Written in the same format as the show, save that it is longer and addresses somewhat sadder themes. No objectionable content or OC characters, focuses heavily on the mane cast.

Special thanks goes out to Pascoite and PavFeira, the two editors who somehow managed to withstand my childish scribbling long enough to make them readable. Couldn't have done it without you!

Chapters (14)

=====Originally Written February 2012===== EQD Post=====
After overwhelming Ponyville's mayor, the main six must fill in as she takes a much needed vacation. Yet, only one pony can take the title of mayor at one time. Which of our favorite ponies will be the first substitute mayor? How long will she be able to last before passing the job to somepony else? And in the end, will Ponyville survive long enough for its real mayor to return?

This story was written as a prize commission for the Smile Album Charity Event. The original prize was one by Stormy Seas and he provided the original premise for this story. He always wanted a story that could be shared and enjoyed by everyone, so be sure to thank him if you know him.

Chapters (1)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

To Holmes, she was always "the mare." Whether she stole the Starry Night was perhaps beside the point. What mattered to Holmes was that he had been matched at his own game, by a mare; that it had not been altogether unpleasant; and that she had caused him, however briefly, to turn his keen and unflinching gaze upon himself.

On EQD July 31, 2012.

Chapters (11)

- Act I (You Are Here) - Act II - Act III

Applejack begins to notice suspicious behavior in her friend Twilight. As she presses for the truth, she discovers the truth about their world.

They are not alone.

Somewhere, there is another Equestria, another world in which copies of the Element Bearers live different lives, unaware of the destiny that was almost theirs. A world shrouded in darkness.

As these two worlds begin to collide, six strangers will discover that they must inherit the mantles passed down by their alternate selves and become heroes in a world without rainbows.

(Very) loosely inspired by the television show Fringe.

Act II can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/96

Cover image by Muffinsforever. Show him some love at http://muffinsforever.deviantart.com

Chapters (9)

- Act I - Act II (You are here) - Act III

Twilight Sparkle has been forced upon a revelation. The life she thought she had is not real. Her memories are deceptive.

As Twilight tries to establish a hold on her new life, she realizes that her actions have consequences, even if she doesn't remember those actions. An embittered stallion eager for revenge against Twilight tells his story, and Twilight realizes just how precarious her situation is.

Meanwhile, and a world apart, a group of six ponies led by another Twilight Sparkle desperately search for a way to rescue their friend before her identity gets her killed. Rainbow Dash uncovers clues about her counterpart's past in the form of an old friend.

The appearance of an enigmatic mare with unknown motives threatens to complicate the rescue plan and warns that the interaction between the two worlds is more than anypony initially thought, for plans have already been set into motion.

Act I can be found here: http://fimfiction.net/story/92
Act III can be found here: http://fimfiction.net/story/5197

Chapters (9)

- Act I - Act II - Act III (You are here)

Applejack has found her farm, but it's hardly the way she remembers it. The Apple family is struggling to get by, managed by a version of Rarity who isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty.

Rarity finds herself in high society with a most unexpected host, a prim and proper version of Applejack. Together, they must track down the only pony that can save Equestria, if she's even still alive.

Twilight Sparkle has set sail to the Aurora to find Celestia, the memories of an ancient tapestry flittering in the back of her mind and a sense of desperate urgency driving her.

A pony will face the ultimate test, a test she is doomed to fail, at great cost.

Act I Here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/92
Act II Here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/96

Picture by stellarina. She's a talented artist that doesn't have nearly enough pageviews. Show her some love here: http://stellarina.deviantart.com/

Chapters (13)

While out hiking in the mountains near Ponyville, Big Mac discovers a mysterious staff which grants him the power of the ancient god Thor. Old myths awaken, new legends are born, and one simple farm pony is thrust in the middle - as the leader of Celestia's newest crime-fighting force, The Avengers! A fusion fic with Marvel Universe, mostly Avengers.

Chapters (18)

"Is anypony out there? Please, my name is Trixie! I need help! I think... I saw a cockatrice. I can't move, I can't see. Please, somepony, anypony.... Help me."

Laid low by circumstances beyond control, trapped in a cruel and unrelenting prison of flesh made stone, can anypony hold out hope to see the day once more? When their life rests in the hooves of one whom they tried to humiliate and belittle, can they trust in them and make it right? When they can only see through the eyes of another pony, when only one other can hear them, can they stay sane? When the only chance for their freedom is a fool's hope made incarnate, the impossible made improbable, can they beat the odds? Trixie is going to find out.

Pride can lay one low. Stubbornness can leave somepony friendless. Anger and Sorrow can turn others away. And yet, they can give strength. And Hope, in the darkest hours.

If you're afraid of Dark tones, or find them distasteful, or can get stabbed easily in the feels, I suggest reading on only with caution. This is not a happy tale.

Chapters (11)

Twilight is an intelligent mare, and always has something to say. But when a group of bizarre creatures shows up at her library offering life long service and devotion, for once she's at a loss for words. Which is too bad, because she'd really love to ask: what's a human and why are they so weird?

Story Image by: Megan Lara

Chapters (1)