• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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**10/4/2021: Currently being revised and updated! Chapters will be re-published after revisions are made**

An expansion to "The Perfect Pear"

Grand Pear, after bitterly leaving his daughter in Ponyville to pursue his dream of becoming a successful pear farmer, has finally settled in his new home in Vanhoover. The old stallion, however, receives a letter from his tragic past that soon begins to plague his new found life...

Meanwhile in Ponyville, the Apples face the hardships caused by a longstanding family feud, especially Buttercup. Trying to make sense of it all, a young Big Mac and Applejack are caught in the middle of it. Seeking to finally make amends, Buttercup and Bright Mac make a decision, a decision that will forever change the Apple family...

Years later, Apple Bloom can't help but wonder the fate of her parents. Being the youngest, she feels left out from the rest of her family and seeks to unravel the mystery of her parents...

Special thanks to Phyllismi for allowing me to use her amazing artwork for my story. Check her out on deviantart here

Chapters (5)

Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom need to pick apples before winter comes. Applejack then gets in a predicament with some bees.

Chapters (1)

Seven years have passed since Grand Pear moved to Vanhoover, and time has dulled the pain of leaving Pear Butter behind. Though the scars remain, life for the Pear family has done its best to return to normal.

But one day, a letter from Ponyville comes in the mail.

Featured on Equestria Daily! 10/3/17

Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library 9/7/18!

Russian translation!

Paul Asaran
Seattle's Angels

Chapters (3)

For years and years, Grand Pear refused to go back to Ponyville, his pride utterly bruised by his daughter's choice. How dare she choose an Apple over her own kin! How could she do that to him, his own little angel, with her beautiful voice and the songs she learned on his knee?

For decades, he never dared answer his own question. And it's not just the guilt that's creeping over him in his old age. Not anymore. He stayed away for too long and has let too much fester in his heart.

Now his own wife WILL make him face the music. Pear Butter is no longer around to play. But it hardly matters, because old stallions can't dance again... can they?

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Twilight celebrate their first year of marriage as many couples do. A quiet dinner and reflections of their first year together.

Marriage isn't always easy.

Chapters (1)

The morning after Bright Mac and Pear Butter’s wedding, Granny Smith sits alone in a cafe, trying to process everything that's changed.

When Mayor Mare comes looking to talk with her, Granny isn't sure if she's quite ready to face her old friend.

A draft of this story appeared as a finalist in the July 2017 Writeoff, "TBD" (sic). Featured on FimFiction 10Mar.2018-12Mar.2018 :heart:

Chapters (1)

A commission for spoonlol!

The Grand Galloping Gala. A night of wonder and fun for all its attendees. Well, almost all of them. Gallus is more than happy to just stand in his corner and pretend the world doesn't exist. That way he won't have to confess his feelings and more than likely deal with getting turned down by the girl of his dreams, Silverstream.

However, maybe there is a chance of success if only he could figure out the right way to go about talking to her on the 'mushy romance' level. Asking someone else with more experience for help isn't the worst idea, right?

Edited by: Soaring and Jack of a Few Trades
Preread by: Ice Star

Coverart by: darksly

Chapters (1)

At the beginning of the Age of the Great Frost, Canterlot has fallen. The ponies who lived there either dead, hiding inside their houses or having joined the Ponyville expedition to find the fabled Generator.
Those who decided to stay in the mountain city fought a constant uphill battle for food and firewood. In this collapsed society, a mother and her two fillies are part of the battle, but their mother just lost it.
Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry were on their own now and all that was left for them, except for trying to survive alone, was to give their mother her last honor.....

The first story ever set in Yudhaikeledai's "Frostpony" universe! Inspired by his wonderful and epic animation!

The cover art is an edited screenshot of "Between Dark and Dawn" and was created by me and DinkyUniverse.

Chapters (1)

When Derpy must out of town for a week and needs somepony to take care of Dinky while she is gone, she calls for Dinky's aunt to look after her until she's back. And Dinky absolutely hates it.
Her aunt is always patronizing her by trying to protect her from things she doesn't even need protection from!
For Dinky, it's frustrating and annoying and it makes her angry. All that Dinky wants is to be treated with respect by her aunt and do the things she wants to do, but her aunt just doesn't listen.....
What lies ahead of Dinky is the worst week of her life.

For the full list of characters appearing in this fic, look at the top of Chapter 1!

01:10 AM (CET): 107 views in a little more than four hours! Thanks for letting this story skyrocket!

2016/07/06: And now "Aunt Millie" made it to Popular Stories too! Huge THANK YOU to everypony who made this possible! :scootangel:

2016/22/11: "Aunt Millie" got some fanart! :scootangel: You can view it here:


Chapters (13)

"What will happen once we are all gone? Will the future know who we were or will we be forgotten and erased from history?"

Having recently saved Equestria from the most powerful enemies it had ever seen, a victory bought with the strongest fighters of the kingdom, Twilight can't stop thinking about these questions and what the answers might be.
After several sleepless nights and still without any answers on the questions that plague her mind, Twilight decides that the ponies and creatures of Equestria have to take historical matters into their own hooves and claws.
No one knows what the future will bring, but what if they would bring themselves to the future?
The friendships of Equestria are worth fighting for and they are worthy of being preserved. Ponies and creatures die and make room for new generations, but ideas, experiences and stories live forever.
All she needed to do was to ensure that Equestria's future generations can learn about their friendships and what made them special. And Twilight had just the plan for that.

A love letter to all the ponies and creatures of Equestria and to the show, comics and books that gave me the chance to learn who I truly am.
We don't know what the future holds, but as long as we don't forget and don't stop to care about the ponies and creatures we've met, the friendships forged in Equestria will never leave us.

2021/30/9; 02:19 AM CET: My love letter to Equestria made it into the Popular Stories section on the front page, on Rank #11! :scootangel: Thank you to everyone who brought it there! :heart:

2021/30/9; 03:03 AM CET: Now the story has climbed higher after falling down on Rank #14 for a bit, it is now on Rank #9!^^

2021/30/9; 03:24 AM CET: And now "A Letter to the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations" has ascended to Rank #5! :scootangel: I can't believe this is happening! :scootangel:

2021/30/9; 03:52 AM CET: And now we are doing Rank #4, everypony! :yay:

2021/30/9; 04:14 AM CET: And now the story has jumped up to Rank #1..... And that even though it has sunken down to Rank #7 again before that. I don't know what is happening..... I didn't expect this story to be so popular..... This is unexpected. Unexpectedly wonderful. :heart:

Final Popular Stories update: "A Letter to the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations" was in the Popular Stories section on the front page for a total of 15 Hours and 28 Minutes! Again, thank you to everyone who made that possible! :scootangel: :heart:

Chapters (1)