• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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You love to cuddle mares. Mares love to cuddle you. One batpony mare named Stella REALLY wants to cuddle with you. This is in no way negotiable and your night may or may not be ruined.

Base artwork by Ligerstorm, sourced to his DA.

FANTASTIC reading done by StraightToThePointStudio (Thanks again!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ojuquk9Md0

Chapters (1)

Five humans fell through the barrier between two worlds, straight into the clutches of King Sombra. Forced to drink from a mystical teapot, their bodies transformed into beasts he could use. With his helmets in place he now commands them:

The Yak with brutish strength, the Unicorn and his piercing spells, the Thestral who stalks the night battlefields, and the Dragon that rains down fire on those who oppose their Great King. All four now loyal soldiers.

But what of the fifth? What happened to the last human in the group and why does he not fight alongside the others?

- The death and gore tags relate to particular moments that are more implied than seen and described.
- Darker themes are usually in, but not exclusive to, the main story arcs.
- There is also minor talk of suicide in a very short part, so I have added the tag just to be safe.
- Contains themes regarding gender identity and dysphoria which play out over the course of the entire story.

As before, this may need to change rating from Teen to Mature.

Cover art is by the very talented Mix-up.

Um, apparently this made the featured list on January 15th 2020... Thank you all so much!
Featured on Equestria Daily on May 26th 2020!

This is the home of the stories known as the Teapot Tales.
Side story arcs will be between the main arcs.
Side stories along with a second and third arc are already planned.

Chapters (22)

When Princess Celestia was walking around the outskirts of Canterlot she found a young nymph in a basket in the bushes, she decided to take care of her like her daughter, Amara.

One day like any other Amara is sent to Ponyville with her mother's star student for the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, they were also recommend making friends, but none of them knew what fate was preparing.

Chapters (13)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders try and summon a demon.

Unfortunately, they get something far worse.

On the bright side: this may finally get them their cutie marks.

Written for the Everfree Northwest Pre-Con Contest, using the prompt "Making New Friends". Pre-read by Carapace and auramane, and edited by auramane.

Special thanks to OleGrayMane for volunteering to give additional and very thorough editing. Just as special thanks to Miller Minus for inspiring this monstrosity in the first place.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has just defeated Twilight and she can now achieve eternal night at long last.

Only problem is that a pony challenges her.

A really small Queen.

A prequel to "Look, You're Too Small For Me to Take Seriously"

Thanks to Stinium_Ruide for editing my story!

Featured in 2/23/2022

Chapters (1)

Through clouded eyes, it dims so dark
With each breath heavy, she need not speak
A weight upon her soul so could not move
Burden by duty, the princess could not move.

Yet cocooned, she did not know
Lost in dreams, in a green goop
Far from rescue, she remains subdued
Celestia, locked away, silently subdued.

Created for the Thousand Words II contest in the "Horror" category.

Chapters (1)

The deed was done, her sister was now banished, and Celestia realised too late that condemning her sister to the moon meant loneliness for herself.

This story was written as an entry for A Thousand Word Contest under angst.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord's Time Travel Trip.

Somehow, (Discord), someway (definitely Discord), Nightmare Moon meets her future self. (It’s all because of Discord.)

How will she react to seeing the mare she’s destined to become? And how will Luna feel when confronted by her dark past?

(For those of you who will ask, this Discord is the younger Discord of the previous fic.)

Chapters (1)

After tears start forming between the human and pony dimension, a guy named Morning Wonder falls through and finds himself changed into a pony, a mare no less!
Now he has to learn how to cope with his new body, how to get around in a new world without any money to his name and figure out how to get home, if he wants to go home that is...

Chapters (1)

For millennia Princess Celestia had ruled over the lands of Equestria in peace and harmony, and in doing so the ponies of Equestria have lived a thousand years of peace and prosperity with their mighty Princess being a beacon of harmony and peace. Now Celestia's reign nears a millennia and ponies look forward to another millennium of prosperity. That is until one event that would change Equestria forever bringing back ancient dark evils and terrible secrets that could reveal a hidden dark history of Equestria and their mighty Princess.

But it may also bring hope for one ancient alicorn...


Chapter Types
Normal Chapters: These are just normal chapters and are the main core of the story, and will progress the story.
Lore Chapters: These chapters will mainly go over concepts in more detail or concepts that I want to go over more. These chapters are completely OPTIONAL, you can skip these chapters and still understand what the story is about.
Flashback Chapters: These chapters will dive into the past of the three sisters and sometimes there will be large time jumps. While these chapters are optional, I would recommend them as they will really dive into the world, help define the sisters, and explore certain events.


Hello there! so just wanted to say that this story is more than likely going to have a very infrequent update schedule (if you could even call it that) and that I am sorry if there are long pauses. I am doing this for fun and with school, my laziness, and just getting distracted by everything I see there are going to be gaps between updates. BUT I will try my hardest to work on and hopefully finish this story as I know the feeling of a story that never gets completed. So some final thoughts are well leave comments if I screwed up anywhere and your opinions and well I hope you enjoy this!... Oh also this is my first story so I'm trying :twilightsmile:

Chapters (16)