• Member Since 20th Nov, 2012


2200 horse stories read!

Read 2258 stories
  • Read 2258 stories Everything that I have read on this site
    Created by Scarier
    - October, 2014
Found 1,333 stories in 115ms

Total Words: 44,800,717
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Third Wheel

Double Time is a changeling. Years ago, she fought the Crystal Empire in the war in the north. Now she's Cadence's prisoner.

Together, they'll learn something new about life, and rulership, and what it means to love.

Chapters (6)

There’s nothing better than a weekend, a time when you can relax and unwind in the solitude of a dock with nothing to think of but your fishing pole and earthworms for bait.

And pegasi.

So very many pegasi.

Now with a reading by Curtis Wildcat!
Now with a Chinese translation by hehelover

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Shining Armor have a little sister named Light Step. Everypony tells Light Step how lucky she is to be related to such great heroes.

Light Step wishes she could smother them both.

Chapters (6)

It's December 24: Hearthswarming Eve. While most ponies are doing some last-minute shopping, or trying to get that last bit of work done before a glorious week off, the homeless of Manehattan are all scheming up ways to avoid the annual post-New Year's blizzard. Some will head south to warmer climates. Some will rely on the kindness of others. But Lima Bean?

Lima Bean has a foolproof plan all her own.

(Cover art done by the always amazing TJ Pones! If you don't follow him, you should!)

(Inspired by The Cop and the Anthem by William Porter, with additional inspiration derived from Red Skelton's portrayal.)

Featured on December 15, 2018! Many thanks to those of you who read it to give me my first feature!

Chapters (1)

If there was one thing Twilight Sparkle had learned since ascending to alicornhood and becoming a princess, it was that ponies talked. Then, quite suddenly, they were talking about her.

And then they were talking about her love life since she was a single princess, unmarried and approachable.

She was still getting used to that part.

She was especially getting used to talking about it with Sunset.

5/14/2018: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist was a little girl, and Twilight Sparkle's best friend. Her death left Twilight traumatized.

Fizzlepop Berrytwist was a little foal, with a bright future ahead of her. Her trauma gave birth to Tempest Shadow.

When someone is gone, it's the duty of the ones left behind to remember them, and to avenge them.

Inspired by a discussion on Fractured Sunlight

Written for the Villain Exchange Program

Chapters (5)

A strange mare arrives in Twilight’s library, claiming to be her future self—here to stop a terrible plague. But Twilight worries that this stranger’s bold claims may hide something more sinister.

Cover art by Cold in Gardez.

Chapters (4)

During a climatic battle, a panicked magical blast from Twilight results in Chrysalis receiving a crippling wound. Twilight dedicates herself to Chrysalis' recovery and, hopefully, redemption.

As Twilight will soon learn, Chrysalis' frozen heart is one that won't easily be melted.

Won 1st place in the"Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. Rated for suggestive content.

Special thanks to Midnight Quill and Peerimagination for help with editing/being my lifeline and Setokaiva for pre-reading assistance.

10/3 - Updated tag based on feedback.

Chapters (5)

The opening titles of MLP have always felt like they were from a different version of the show. This is that version...

Fed up with being useless at magic, a blank-flanked Twilight Sparkle does the only thing she feels she can do... she runs away. Fortunately, she has a good friend along for the ride...

Now has a sequel: Nightwaker, which presents the return of Nightmare Moon in this timeline.

Featured 10/16-10/19/2018 -- thanks, everypony, for your kind support and feedback on this version of the pilot story!

Chapters (1)

"I am Friendmaker!"

Twilight Sparkle is concerned that she may one day go insanely evil, as with Nightmare Moon or Daybreaker. So, knowing Twilight, do you really think for one moment she's just going to wait for it to happen?

Includes the charter members of the Reformed Villains Society, plus Celestia and Luna, and a brief magic-journal cameo from Sunset Shimmer.

Featured from 9/11-9/16, 2018... wow! Thanks, everypony! It wouldn't have happened without all of you! By way of a thank you, I've uploaded a higher-res version of the cover art for those who asked for it. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)