• Member Since 20th Nov, 2012


2200 horse stories read!

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    Created by Scarier
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle are called to Canterlot to take over two very important responsibilities: The Sun and the Moon

Oh, and just one additional thing.

Placed 8th in the Writeoff.me event for Out of Time

(Now on Equestria Daily Cover Source - MLP Wiki site )

Chapters (1)

Silverstream and her husband Gallus are going to be parents! Everyone is so excited about their egg.

Well…almost everyone.

We’re Eggspecting! takes place a few years after the Young Six graduate from the School of Friendship and go their (mostly) separate ways.

New cover art by the truly wonderful Cat Scratch Paper. :heart:

Featured on FimFiction February 2019!
Posted to Equestria Daily!
Selected for the Royal Canterlot Library!
Translated to Polish by Zodiac!
Translated to Chinese by Disharmony Tree!

Chapters (1)

An ancient law of Canterlot states that each species present within the city must have an adequate diplomatic representation. There are no exemptions from it, even as far as interdimensionals aliens are concerned. As such, Anonymous the Human must pick up the mantle of an ambassador for humanity, even if he is the sole specimen. Even if he doesn't want to.

But it's not all bad news for him. After all, with such a responsibility also come some privileges. Personal guard detail, generous private mansion, all expenses covered by the crown. And of course, diplomatic immunity. Only that, thanks to the pony magic, the word immunity is taken much more seriously in Equestria.

Proofread by Havana

Chapters (1)

Spike has lived with ponies his whole life, from the very moment he opened his eyes. After experience with his own kind, he's consistently chosen ponies over other dragons. They're his friends, his colleagues, his companions.

But Spike is getting older now, and taking notes and organizing papers isn't the way he plans on spending a dragon's lifespan. He is thrilled to discover there are plenty of ponies who appreciate his talents.

But then he gets his first rejection, and he discovers that even the ponies close to him had different ideas of his place in the world.

Written as a Patreon reward for Vilken666. Proofreading by Two Bit and Sparktail, and cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (1)

Baked Bean is but one of the thousands of tourists in Canterlot, and he's looking for some inspiration to help launch his writing career. To this end, he pays a visit to the Royal Gardens, but while there he quickly and quite accidentally invokes a long-forgotten law that will completely upend his life and thrust him into the spotlight...

As Celestia's husband.

And all this because of noses.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

With an audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios!

Cover art graciously provided by the Right Most Awesome Backlash91!
Original cover art provided the Right Most Awesome Sipioc!

Proofreading and prereading services provided by Georg, Sipioc, and Moon Fire!

Fan Art for this story can be found right here!

A most worthy review by Cyonix!

Chapters (32)

Twilight's clone barely escaped her grisly end, and is seeking refuge in the large city of Manehattan. She's quite fine with going it alone, until she spots somepony just like her.

Inspired by the Cover Art by Badumsquish

Chapters (1)

Discord has only been improving, and Twilight wants to reward him with a little more responsibility. As a thank you, Discord rewards her with a shiny new vending machine for the Crystal Tree.

The problem? That vending machine dispenses bees.

Twilight now has a castle full of bees that will attack of she thinks the wrong kind of thoughts... That being said, if she thinks the right ones...

Chapters (1)

Somewhere, high in the skies of Equestria, a derelict airship drifts. Alone.

It should remain that way.

Chapters (1)

All things face mortality. Princesses just do it more than once.

It is a cycle that Celestia has learned to accept, and then to appreciate, and finally to love. Not for what it was, but for who.

Editors: IrRespective, Pascoite

Cover art A Namby-Pamby Pony Princess by Harwicks Art

Now with a Spanish reading by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (3)