• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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When Thorax received a message from Chrysalis he is left with two options: Meet with her to discuss the future of the changeling race, or prepare for a civil war.

This story had been translated into Russian here

Chapters (1)

It's been over a year since Anon-A-Miss,the frame up, Gilda stealing Rainbow Dashes phone, that cold, cold night...

The gang at CHS have lived with the guilt of their actions, relieved that Sunset survived but desperate to break the ice wall she built between them.

Just when they thought hope was lost, Sunset contacted them and later agreed to meet with them.

And now some choice words will be given.


Based on the Anon-A-Miss genre made popular by Dainn, a type of fic I don't believe I've ever seen before.


Jesus Christ this got featured.


Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Anon-a-Miss

It's been almost half a year since the events that took place on Mystable.
Most of the students at CHS have learned from the incident, vowing to do whatever it takes to atone.
Meanwhile, there are others who refuse to let go, still consumed by thoughts of revenge.

Apart from these two groups, there is one student in particular who was changed entirely.

Preread by Hattafan2593 and Cerealkiller78

Disclaimer for readers who enjoyed the previous story:

The original was multiple chapters long, whereas this is only a one-shot.
And as such, this story won't carry as much weight as the original.
The purpose of this story is to give an idea of "What happened next".

Disclaimer for new people:

If you haven't read the previous story that this is a continuation of then you're going to be confused.

* Jan 27th, first feature. Thanks everyone!

Chapters (1)

Warning! This story is dark! Very dark! And it does NOT have a happy ending! If you are not into that kind of fic, DO NOT READ!!!!!!

Yet another Anon-A-Miss fic. This one is an alternate route to Dainn's "Anon-A-Miss," where instead of escaping her captors, Sunset gave into despair......and to her demons.

"I was stupid.....so stupid....."

Chapters (19)

When a song doesn't help them see the light, what else can you do?

Print a second edition that calls them out for what they really are.

Twilight has let her anger get the best of her, and has called out her worst detractors for what they really are. But one fan shows her that her aim was not as precise as she thought, and those that took no sides paid the price for her negligence.

Whether they feel genuine care for their heroes, choose to show their upset in more mature ways, find inspiration, or find light after years of darkness, Twilight sees that the fans she'd thought so little of were more than she'd ever imagined.

Rated T for one slight hint at suicide.

I didn't write this for popularity. I wrote this as a metaphor to call people out. Just like they did.
Only I was more careful and actually cared. They didn't.

Chapters (3)

What would happen if the Apple family found out the true actions of Babs Seed?
What would the reactions be when Rarity found out about Sweetie-Belle's tormentors?

NOTE: I am not happy with the editing of this one-shot. I have re-written it 4 times now, I know the flow is choppy and it feels rushed. I may one day come back to this and either re-write again, or expand it to a multi-chapter.

Chapters (1)

In the days leading up to the Cell Games, Cell faces off against his latest challenger(s). DBZA-verse.

The following is a non-profit fan-based parody.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha, and Akira Toriyama.

My Little Pony, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are owned by Hasbro, Studio B, Bonnie Zachary, and developed for television by Lauren Faust.

Please support the official release.

Featured on 08/05/2017

Chapters (11)

The caribou are pushing back and pushing hard against Equestria, wanting nothing more then to enslave the whole lot of them and turn all of the mares into willing whores for Diann's pleasure. However... they didn't expect a long dead race... to aid Equestria in their time of need.

Even in death... we fight.

Story hit the feature box 1/24/2017

Chapters (2)

The human was dead. And Applejack was the one to see him kill himself. She should be happy, right? The varmint was dead, no longer able to bother anypony else. Then why did Applejack felt sad?

A non-cannon sequel to Ending.

Chapters (1)

We all know how the end of the story went. Starlight was shown the disastrous consequences of her time travel spell, she revealed her past, Twilight took her under her wing as her own student and she mends her ways.

But what if that wasn't the case?

Even when the results of Starlight's meddling of the past is shown to her, she rejects the offer of friendship and still vows to never stop her attempts to exact revenge on the Mane Six and ruin their connection. Thus Twilight is faced with only one final option...

Starlight Glimmer vector by Godoffury

FEATURED: 28th October 2016! Thanks a bunch, y'all!

Now with a TVTropes page!

Reading by DragonFirePrincess7

Chapters (1)