• Member Since 19th Oct, 2014


blonde , brown eyes

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This story is a sequel to Iron Wing and the Demolition Crew

Everyone knows the story of the Iron Wing. They all know how fiercely she fought at the battle of Rainbow Falls. Soldiers measure their worth by where they were when she routed Sombra at the gates of Canterlot. Even now, there's a pilgrimage some take that follows her entire campaign.

And anyone who knows anything about the Iron Wing knows about the Demolition Crew. The story of the Crystal Collapse is one fraught with thrills and chills for fillies of all ages, and the closing of the Ghastly Gorge continues to inspire and terrify all who hear of it.

But legends seldom begin as the titans they become. Heroes are not born, but made, through fire and pain and loss. There isn't a pony alive who doesn't know the story of the heroes, but the story of the soldiers who became those heroes is one known only to them.

This is not the story of Iron Wing and the Demolition Crew. This is the story of Rainbow Dash and the Pie sisters.

Chapters (3)

Soldiers don't just stand there, blindly following orders and throwing their lives away. Sure, some of them do, but they aren't the ones who come back. The ones who come back have spent hours, days in the trenches, waiting for that brief moment of terrible and bloody action. And thinking.

You have a lot of time to think, in a hole in the ground waiting to kill or be killed.

There aren't any trenches in the Crystal War. Sombra throws his soldiers in wave after wave at the enemy, and the bodies of those soldiers only rest when there is nothing left to fight and their master is briefly perplexed about where all the squishy targets went. The Equestrians aren't much better, retreating to tents and clouds and once in a glorious while, maybe a cave. But even without the trench, there is time to think.

And when you might die tomorrow, you don't think in silence. You talk. You ask questions.

They aren't all easy questions.

Chapters (1)

Getting presents on Hearth's Warming is great. Everypony knows, however, that what's even better is giving somepony else the perfect present. Twilight Sparkle figured out long ago that seeing their eyes light up with the magic that can only be felt on this special day was what really brought ponies closer together in each other's hearts.

So, when Rainbow Dash shows up early Hearth's Warming morning with a rickety old sleigh and tells her to hop in, how can she refuse? After all, sometimes the best gifts are the most unexpected ones.

Pre-reading and editing services courtesy of Melon Hunter and Carabutt.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash shows a surprising amount of manipulation to get Twilight out for a romantic night. Rarity might have helped a little.

Cover art by DoktorRainbowFridge

Chapters (3)

Twilight’s flying lessons have taken to a slow pace, but things quickly heat up when she gets her very first wingboner... right in front of Rainbow Dash.

Could her best friend be responsible for this?

Youtube reading by Doom Pie Network

Chapters (1)

Just as Rainbow Dash is about to drift off to sleep, a sound pulls her from the brink, and she decides to investigate.

Chapters (1)

A few month ago, Rainbow Dash found Twilight stargazing up on the balcony of Golden Oaks library. Ever since then she's come back, every night, and listened to Twilight's lectures on everything astronomy.

Twilight never found out why Rainbow came to the library that first night, but when she makes an unusual request one night, she discovers more than she thought she would about her pegasus friend.

New cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out.

Chapters (1)

You forgot your bracelet at my place when you came for your visit. So I came back to Ponyville to return it to you.

And, by the way, Twi—why did you cry?

Written for the Twidash Army's second contest.

Thanks to my prereaders: Invisible Pink Unicorn and He Who Wishes To Remain Unnamed

Chapters (1)

The Chaos Rose is a unique flower that only blooms once a year on Hearts and Hooves Day. It is a symbol of unyielding love and affection between ponies and is sought after as one of the greatest and most treasured gifts of the holiday.

So, what will happen when Twilight Sparkle buys one and gives it to Rainbow Dash?

And, more importantly, what will Rainbow do when everypony becomes convinced that Twilight must be in love with her because of it?

Prereading/Editing by: Carabutt, Auramane, and Zaphod.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (5)

The past couple months have been hard on Twilight; she's taken to living in Canterlot Castle to ensure she can truly fulfill her role as a Princess of Equestria. However, the longer she's there, away from her friends, the more she realizes what her life is missing. She has status and friendship, but still she has troubles sleeping as a loneliness clings to her heart. Perhaps she's missing something.

And maybe a friend who shares a similar situation can shed some light on her problems sleeping.

Enter Rainbow Dash, a mare at the top of her world in every way. And yet, in the best hotels the Wonderbolts can buy, she finds the large beds just a little bit too empty to fall asleep.

Chapters (2)