• Member Since 19th Oct, 2014


blonde , brown eyes

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After Pony Magazine declares Twilight Sparkle to be the most eligible bachelorette in all of Equestria, Twilight finds herself buried under a veritable mountain of bouquets and love letters from all corners of the country. Enlisting her friends to separate the chaff from the wheat, each of them try to find a letter from an admirer who might be worthy of Twilight.

But the others are skeptical of Rainbow Dash's choice - a hastily written poem that came with a messy bouquet that somepony hoof-picked and threw together at the last minute. There's no way something like that could have come from a pony worthy of Twilight's love, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

With the time she has left, Rainbow Dash seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.

Chapters (3)

What do we truly fear in death? Can an ageless alicorn keep a promise to her beloved?

Can she remember who Rainbow Dash was?

Chapters (1)

When Bon-Bon has to leave Ponyville for a while to deal with a family crisis in Manehattan, Lyra writes her a letter every day. And every day, she gets a letter back. What could possibly be wrong with such loving devotion?

So why is everyone growing steadily more worried about her?

Written for the 2014 Friend-Off on EQD. Based on this picture.

Reviewed by Singularity Dream here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash can't sleep. Maybe Twilight can help her.

A cute Twidash one shot that might cause diabetes, cavities, and congestive heart failure.
(Beautiful cover art by Ambris on Deviantart.com, check is stuff out. All the dawww!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight shares a secret place with Rainbow Dash on her first birthiversary since they became a couple. [TwiDash]

Chapters (1)

It is just an another working day for Twilight. She has to read, study, research, experiment, meet her friends, and take care of her citizens. And waking up so late does not help anything. Should she leap out of her bed and become a panic Twilight, or just let them go and change it to an another lazy day.

Thank you for giving this story a chance. My English skill is not that good; however, I appreciate all your comments. :heart:

Thanks to arcanelexicon for editing and proofreading. :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was the Iron Wing. She was a war hero, the Slayer of Shadows, the Liberator of the Crystal Empire, the Wrath of Celestia. And depending on who you ask, she still is.

But the war is over. There's little need for a pony like her in peacetime. So she keeps telling herself that she needs to adjust, that she needs to find a new role to fill in the world that she saved. But Equestria seems content to let her remain what she has become, even though they have no need of a warrior.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be", is something she keeps telling herself. But every time she says it, the only thing she can reply is, "so what should it be?"

One whole year after the close of the war, and Rainbow Dash still doesn't have the answer.

Art by NCMares.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash keeps a short diary after she returns to Ponyville.

Chapters (9)

Hearth's Warming Eve is a night of magic throughout Equestria. From young fillies to weathered ponies, every soul finds their own magic in the blissful night. But while some receive their blessings in ways they had wished and hoped for, others come across the magic in ways they never prepared for.

Based on the short story "The Gift of the Magi"
Cover art by My-little-Brony
Edited now by Shadowsreached!

Chapters (1)