Fluttershy 243 stories
  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.
    Created by Fluttershy20
    - October, 2014
Found 229 stories in 83ms

Total Words: 1,807,221
Estimated Reading: 5 days


  • Favourites 80 stories - 0 unread chapters The best of the best (in my opinion) on this site :D

  • Tracking 106 stories - 58 unread chapters Stories yet to be completed and being watched

  • Completed works 269 stories Just a collection of stories that have run their course

  • One-shots 417 stories Stories that have only chapter.

  • Twishy 83 stories - 0 unread chapters The one ship to out sail them all (in my opinion, anyway). This is a bookshelf for friendshipping where Fluttershy and Twilight are the main characters, and romantic shipping where they are together.

  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.

  • Romance 186 stories - 0 unread chapters Does what it says on the tin, I guess

  • Twilight Sparkle 207 stories - 0 unread chapters This shelf covers books on Twilight Sparkle, as bookworm and Princess bookworm

  • Rainbow Dash 69 stories - 0 unread chapters The fastest pegasus to have ever lived. This covers all stories she features in, either alone or as a co-star

  • Applejack 43 stories - 0 unread chapters The country girl with the honest art. Like the others, this covers Applejack as a main star or a co-star.

  • Rarity 40 stories The fashionista with a generous and kind heart. This covers stories where Rarity is the main star or the co-star

  • Pinkie Pie 30 stories The pony everypony knows and loves. This shelf covers all stories staring Pinkie Pie, either as the main star or the co-star

  • Mane Six 105 stories - 0 unread chapters A shelf with the tage of the entire mane six. Note, individual tags on one or two characters doesn't count.

  • Multi-Chapter Stories 104 stories - 0 unread chapters Finished and on-going stories that have multiple chapters.

  • Celestia and Princesses 10 stories - 0 unread chapters All stories (complete and uncomplete) about the best Princess of Equestria and her sister and niece


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Fluttershy enters ponyville in search of a soda, but when she finds a vending machine her whole day turns on it's end, and she is forced through a sequence of unpleasent events.

Chapters (1)

A conversation with Applejack spurs Fluttershy to check up on Twilight's mental well-being. Twilight's reaction to her encouragement, however, is probably not what she had in mind...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Right

It's been a year since the changeling invasion of Canterlot, where Twilight Sparkle discovered Fluttershy's true nature. Since then, the shy pegasus has been more isolated than usual, scared of what may happen if anypony else were to find out what she truly was: a changeling raised by ponies since she was a foal.

After much poking and prodding from Twilight, she decides that she'll tell the other element of harmony bearers all at once. When her friends all arrive, and Fluttershy reveals her true form, the two find themselves under attack by their friends. Fluttershy and Twilight escape at the last moment, not entirely sure what just happened, and find themselves in a forest that neither pony recognizes, with no way of getting home that they can see.

They are totally alone. And totally lost.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has gone out to visit Zecora for a healing potion. While she is out, a magical storm appears over the Everfree Forest and Fluttershy becomes hopelessly lost. Worried about her best friend, Rainbow Dash heads into the forest and storm in search.

I am not associated with Hasbro and/or the My little pony Franchise. this story has been written purely for fictional purposes only. Cover art by Nyarmarr.

Chapters (1)

Fact can be stranger than fiction. When Discord's biology proves that again, Fluttershy has announcements to make.

Chapters (1)

One day Fluttershy wakes up to find that her mouth is missing. Together, she and her friends must discover the culprit who stole her mouth.

Fun Fact: I wrote all of this on my phone, so please excuse its brevity.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is coming home from the Wonderbolts Academy today, and all her friends are very excited. Of course none more so than Fluttershy, who hasn't seen her girlfriend in three long weeks. But wait a second, what did Pinkie just say? ...It's Rainbow's birthday too!? Now a frantic Fluttershy must scour Ponyville for the most perfect present bits can buy or face crushing disappointment!

Chapters (1)

Following the hectic rush of Twilight's coronation, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy spend an afternoon together.

A quick Flutterdash snippet that takes place shortly after the Season 3 finale and assumes an existing relationship between them. Written for a short story writing challenge between myself and Roarin.

Many thanks to kas92 for the cover image!

Chapters (1)

The mere thought of Pinkie Pie having a day where nothing happens threw wide the Pancelestial Passages to Pinksanity and produced this tall tale of culinary adventures and true love instead! -- In other words, Pinkie Pie invites Fluttershy over for pasta and wheatballs. Grab a fork and join in, the sauce is about to get real!

Also on: Equestria Daily and Deviant Art

Chapters (1)

For fear of rejection, she has been silent for years, never admitting her affection. But now they have grown ever closer, and she has learned how to trust her friends. Tonight, she will tell her everything.

Chapters (1)