Fluttershy 243 stories
  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.
    Created by Fluttershy20
    - October, 2014
Found 229 stories in 58ms

Total Words: 1,807,221
Estimated Reading: 5 days


  • Favourites 80 stories - 0 unread chapters The best of the best (in my opinion) on this site :D

  • Tracking 106 stories - 58 unread chapters Stories yet to be completed and being watched

  • Completed works 269 stories Just a collection of stories that have run their course

  • One-shots 417 stories Stories that have only chapter.

  • Twishy 83 stories - 0 unread chapters The one ship to out sail them all (in my opinion, anyway). This is a bookshelf for friendshipping where Fluttershy and Twilight are the main characters, and romantic shipping where they are together.

  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.

  • Romance 186 stories - 0 unread chapters Does what it says on the tin, I guess

  • Twilight Sparkle 207 stories - 0 unread chapters This shelf covers books on Twilight Sparkle, as bookworm and Princess bookworm

  • Rainbow Dash 69 stories - 0 unread chapters The fastest pegasus to have ever lived. This covers all stories she features in, either alone or as a co-star

  • Applejack 43 stories - 0 unread chapters The country girl with the honest art. Like the others, this covers Applejack as a main star or a co-star.

  • Rarity 40 stories The fashionista with a generous and kind heart. This covers stories where Rarity is the main star or the co-star

  • Pinkie Pie 30 stories The pony everypony knows and loves. This shelf covers all stories staring Pinkie Pie, either as the main star or the co-star

  • Mane Six 105 stories - 0 unread chapters A shelf with the tage of the entire mane six. Note, individual tags on one or two characters doesn't count.

  • Multi-Chapter Stories 104 stories - 0 unread chapters Finished and on-going stories that have multiple chapters.

  • Celestia and Princesses 10 stories - 0 unread chapters All stories (complete and uncomplete) about the best Princess of Equestria and her sister and niece


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

During a meeting with the queen and her council, Jarl Fluttershy finds herself at the recieving end of harsh tongues. Dejected, she finds solace

in the company of her bodygaurd/farmer, Applejack.

Chapters (1)

After purchasing a pin-up calender for a nature fundraiser, Fluttershy develops a crush on one of its subjects. They're just so subdued, so elegant, and yet still so confident and charismatic... They're everything Fluttershy is and everything she is not in one beautiful package.

When Twilight "offers" to introduce the two, it seems like a dream come true. After all, this is destiny; they're a perfect match, meant to be together.

What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by "Pictures of Lily" by The Who.

Editing and prereading by Adjudicator, MidnightRambler, Sereg, and MetaFour, all of whom are awesome.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
ObabScribbler has done a dramatic reading of this story! Find it right over here.

Chapters (2)

A day in Cloudsdale, just a routine day for many. But for two mares and a small filly it had been far from it ever since they received a simple letter three days ago.

This is a one-shot for darqfox's Twishygroup chalange.
No romance, but still a TwiShy fic.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a problem. She is in love with one of her best friends, and has been for quite some time. She wishes every day to suck up all of her fears, and bleed her heart out to this mare. But she is too afraid. She may find the perfect opportunity, however, as a new tradition is begun in Ponyville. Perhaps if she cannot speak the words, she can sing them in Ponyville's approaching talent show.

I'm making this series into a comic series, along-side the fics. First Page!

(Just permissions 'n stuff)
Nyx is from Past Sins by Pen Stroke, as everyone should know by now.

Chapters (6)

Um, this is a story... well, actually, it's a lot of stories, thirty of them, by the time it's done. And they're all going to be about me, Fluttershy.

I find that a little bit scary.

But don't worry, they won't take up a lot of your time. I'm sure you're really busy, so these stories only took thirty minutes each to write. I'm sure you can read them a lot quicker than that. If you want to, that is. It will be updated with a new story every day, so that's a whole month of... me...


This is part of the Thirty Minute series, which also includes Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight. Go check them out as well!

...if that's okay with you.

Chapters (31)

When the mane six go to see a Wonderbolt's show in Canterlot, Fluttershy decides to not go as crowds of that size make her too nervous. So, Princess Celestia decides to spend the day with her instead while her friends are away. The two decide to play a few simple games of chess to pass the time...

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Chapters (1)

“If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks,/Then I'll follow you into the dark” -Death Cab For Cutie, ‘I Will Follow You Into The Dark’

Twilight goes to visit Fluttershy at her cottage. However, she finds the cottage empty of all the animals and Fluttershy crying after reading a letter. What is it that has the yellow pegasus in tears and will Twilight be able to help?

Dedicated to DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt (also goes by Taco_Bandit here on FimFiction).

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been getting love letters from an anonymous pony that's a lot closer to her than she realized.
My editor and good friend, Blue Dragon, also entered this TwiShy contest so she can't be editing for me this time, I'm on my own so excuse me any gramatical errors!
This is my entry for the TwiShy group's August Dual Contest.

Sequel: Date Helpers Time!

Cover made by Socko. Here's her dA

05/19/18 This is long overdue, but this story was featured in a Youtube video. Here's the link
I apologize for only now remembering to add this link :facehoof:

Chapters (1)

The mayor of Ponyville has been forced to resign after a scandal involving princess Luna, a pie and some charges of corruption. As a result Fluttershy is appointed new mayor of Ponyville by princess Celestia. Her friends try to help the shy pegasus governing the city...

Chapters (10)

Written for the TwiShy group contest, which fell apart because no one writes anything. HINT HINT.
Prompt: Music.

It was just another Thursday night at The Teapot. It was just another Poetry Night at our favorite teashop. Oh, but it was so much more than that...

Cover art by SilverBlaze. Go give him some love.

Chapters (1)