• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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In Canterlot, there is the district of Canterwell.

In Canterwell, there is a flat.

In that flat live Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

This is a day in their lives.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl had missed Octavia's new concert and Octavia grew tired of this. It was the last straw and she would not accept any of Vinyl's excuses. But will this be the thing that seals either one of their fate?

Chapters (1)

Rarity is married to Spike and eight months pregnant with their baby girl. And while she wouldn't have her life any other way, she was seriously contemplating murdering him!
Some fluffy pregnancy stuffs.
Featured on 4/15/14. Whoo-hoo!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight is accused of nepotism, her friends rush to her defense! Sortof.

Written in four hours during a speed-writing exercise. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

On the wedding day of Spike and Sweetie Belle they go through the memories that brought them to this day. Will their most precious memories help them with the wedding day jitters?

My first one shot!

Cover done by marking

Chapters (1)

On her way to Canterlot High for her music club, Octavia meets Vinyl Scratch and is annoyed by the music blasting from her headphones. After getting yelled at, Vinyl responds by making odd gestures with her hands. It turns out, Vinyl Scratch is deaf, and she feels music instead of listening to it. Feeling ashamed, Octavia wishes to make it up to her, but is surprised by Vinyl's request.

Commissioned by Dashole

Pre-read by ZOMG and MrMinimii

Chapters (1)

When a pony has lead a long, full life, they grow more and more content towards the end. Such is true for one mare, reflecting on past times with her daughter by her side.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was doing the best she could to become a princess of which everypony could be proud. With only a few teensy little bouts of self-doubt, she was hitting the books like a pro, learning the ropes from the elder princesses, and easing into the job at a cautious, steady pace. Steady, that is, until a certain power-obsessed centaur threw all of her timetables and checklists into the air – along with most of her house.

So with T-wreck now back in the slammer, all she and Spike have to do is get used to living in a new house castle as well as cope with changed circumstances, responsibilities and expectations. Easy-peasy, right?

The events of this story happen in parallel to and intersect with events in Outland, although each story can be read independently.

Chapters (6)

The autumn is coming, and our favorite bipedal unicorn, Lyra, is preparing for the big event of the season - the Running of the Leaves!

But how is Bon-Bon going to take it? And can Lyra's body take the bipedal cross-country race? Only one way to find out!

- - -

This whole thing was inspired by the cover image, made by thelivingmachine02 on deviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Lyra explains the unfortunate series of events that drove her to cry when the parasprite devoured her pie. Very minor shipping elements, with Bon Bon, obviously. It was inevitable.

Chapters (1)