• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Urgh, dullery, after dullery after dullery. Does it matter that Honeycomb is cheating on her sister's best friend cousin's boyfriend?
Certainly not in the mind of Octavia Melody. the annoyed cellist caught up in a school, she simply hasn't the time for.
Look Midnight, I can do my own intro
Well you've put me off now. Yes where was I? So recently, like I've said life is really really dull. But perhaps, just perhaps, it might be looking up for me. Earlier the new Girl, the white unicorn with the dodgy specs, and the dodgy headphones, and dodgy tastes in music, arrived in my music hall. We had a nice chat, and not to be presumptuous, but I think I've made a new friend. Result!

Okay you've got the premise out of the way. May I please do the tags, and the technical stuff?
But of course, that's your line of work, you're the writer. I'm just the protagonist. I'm not really sure what I'm doing in this part to begin with.
*sigh* Neither do I.
Thank you Octavia

There will be no explicit content here. Although it will be heavily referenced, so you'll know about it if it happens. I'd just rather not write that stuff.
Honestly, dirty minded Midnight. Oh wait...
Look it's essential to the plot. But yes, for an asexual, I'm pretty dirty minded.
Nevermind Octavia.
I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Source to Cover Art: Here

All chapters post chapter 4 have been kindly edited by the wonderful Forgotten Existance

Chapters (9)

My marefriend Vinyl Scratch, has been wanting to, well, do as marefriends do. Problem is I've never seen her that way before. What is wrong with me? I know it sounds sounds silly, but I'm afraid. And not the kind of excited afraid. I just really don't want this to go where she wants it. Does that make me a horrible person?

Well here we go then, let's give this a pop. My first go at FiM Fiction. This story was originally written for an English assignment. Due to it's praise I thought I'd ponify it and lob it on here.

I wrote this because I've never seen a fic tackle the topic of asexuality. I think it's an interesting topic, and one that is close to my heart.

I think it's a little too short for my liking, but there was a 1100 word limit. (which the original one hits exactly)
Link to original:
Link to cover art:
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If not, tear it to shreds, and help me improve.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, aspiring student of Princess Celestia has been tasked with the most difficult challenge a Magian must face. Making friends. Along the way she will discover what it means to truly be a friend and uncover a power unlike any other.

Image by smilingdogz who without, this story wouldn't be possible.

Chapters (49)

At a slumber party hosted by Twilight, Rainbow Dash suggests playing a game she and Fluttershy grew up playing. Twilight thinks it will be fun until Pinkie Pie designates her to be "it" first...

Takes place in Season 1, sometime after "Look Before You Sleep"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Vinyl and Octavia Bust Out of Prison

Vinyl and Octavia have managed to escape from prison, but now they have nowhere to go... or at least, they think that they don't, until they discover an offer from a local organisation to join them. Can Vinyl and Octavia survive their first mission as COBRA Troopers, or will it be the end for the duo?

The Vinyl and Octavia Series
1. Vinyl and Octavia Machete Their Way Through the Jungle
2. Vinyl and Octavia Move House
3. Vinyl and Octavia Get Incredibly Drunk
4. Vinyl and Octavia are Forcibly Shipped
5. Vinyl and Octavia Fight Ten Thousand Ninjas
6. Vinyl and Octavia Have Multiple Dates
7. Vinyl and Octavia Engage in Roleplay
8. Vinyl and Octavia in 'Dial D for Detectives'
9. Vinyl and Octavia Duel Destiny
10. Vinyl and Octavia Bust Out of Prison
11. Vinyl and Octavia Join COBRA
12. Vinyl and Octavia Break the Timestream
13. Vinyl and Octavia Rob a Casino
14. Vinyl and Octavia's Freaky Day
15. Vinyl and Octavia Jump the Shark

Chapters (4)

Star Power isn't Twilight Sparkle -- but she does play her on TV.

This story has an audio version!

Written for the December 5th Writeoff Contest. Prompt: "Behind closed doors."

Chapters (1)

Twilight, who was walking home from a princess summit, finds two young foals alone in a trashcan, beaten and skinny. She does the responsible thing in this situation, she gets them some milk then takes them to the hospital.

Nyx is from Past Sins. Link.

Chapters (3)

Bon Bon has to take Lyra to the hospital to figure out what's wrong with her marefriend. She just won't stop making mouth farts! She's unresponsive to everypony and everything around her, and Bonnie just doesn't know what to do. The answer to her question is weirder than what she had original expected.

I don't know why I wrote this, it's really weird and very stupid. I hope someone enjoys it at least.

I've borrowed the cover art from the talented Atryl

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is lonely and is determined to change that.

She’s had her eyes on Rainbow Dash for a while, but she doesn’t know how to truly express her feelings. No books were able to properly explain how to cope with her feelings of love, leaving her frustrated and confused. She has tried dropping subtle hints here and there, but Rainbow is oblivious to her advances and Twilight is too nervous to spill her heart out to her.

So she waits, spending many months devising a way to get Rainbow to see her more than just a good friend. Given a set of perfect circumstances, Twilight is finally able to put her plan into action. Now, Twilight might finally be able to see if she can turn her friendship with Rainbow into something wonderful.

Edited by Rated Ponystar and Alcatraz

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Gift of the Mash

Button Mash had been planning this out for years, ever since that one Heaths Warming Eve where Sweetie Belle kissed him. He was going to ask her out on a date. He's got the perfect idea, taking her out to the Canterlot Winter Ball after Hearths Warming Eve. Only problem is that he doesn't have tickets, but he knows somepony who does. Somepony he's going to regret working for.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle is getting prepared for her date with the one boy she's had a crush on for a long time. However, her entire world is rocked when she learns of a secret she was never meant to learn and questions everything in life.

Will this Hearths Warming Eve end up being a season of memories or a season of sorrows?

Edited by CommanderX5 , JumbledThought and Corpulent Brony.

Art work done by RoyalRainbow

Chapters (7)