• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Have you ever thought you knew somepony so well you thought you knew everything about them? How would you feel if you found out something very surprising that you never would have guess about them? Octavia has such a moment about Vinyl.

Chapters (1)

It's Heart and Hooves Day and ponies all around Equestria are celebrating with their Very Special Somepony. Especially those in Ponyville. Come see how some old and new couples show their significant other how much they care for them on this day of romance and love.

This fic follows my series of fics including, in order, "Sweet Serenade", "Love and Chocolate", "The Author and The Guard", "It All Started With A Nap" and "The Clockwork Pony".

Chapters (1)

Spike's got three whole days to himself while Twilight is away at the Crystal Empire. Three whole days to be independent and free to do whatever he wants.

Or he would have, if a female dragon hadn't mistaken him for an abandoned hatchling. Now he's been snatched up and taken to her home to be "properly cared for."

Stuck in a cave with an overly-protective dragon intent on mothering him...maybe he should have just gone with Twilight.

Thanks to QueenCold for letting me use this picture of theirs as cover art!

Chapters (12)

Pinkie Pie learns the weirdest thing about ponies in love; they nibble each other’s ears.

But, why?

Pinkie needs to know.

Warning: This story is a slow descent into wat. It’s mainly Random & Slice of Life, with minor Comedy and Romance elements.

An entry for the January 2016 write-off event, with the prompt “Look, I Can Explain…”.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash: the most confident, cool, radical, and Awesome pony in all of Equestria. With a reputation like that, one could stand to assume that nothing would possibly scare Ponyville's premier daredevil.

And one would be right!

In fact, it was with this confidence that Rainbow was setting off to ask out the absolute love of her life. She was calm, she was collected, she was the very definition of cool under pressure. Fear of rejection? Hay no! She was Rainbow Dash for Celestia's sake.

Rainbow Dash didn't get nervous.

Chapters (2)

Parents and children argue, it's a natural occurrence. Although, for Spike and Twilight Sparkle, enough is enough. Neither dragon nor pony can stand it any longer. Spike leaves and says he'll never come back . . . What will happen to the Princess of Friendship?

I'd like to thank Lopito-Loopsona, Fracturedheart and the lovely VitalSpark for editing and proofreading this for me. Thanks, guys, it really means a lot. :rainbowkiss:

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, a mare just needs to climb a tree and stay there for hours and hours and hours on end. Octavia does not find this amusing, however. On the eve of her big audition for the Royal Canterlot Symphony, she needs her sleep. Unfortunately for her, Vinyl has the keys to their apartment, and she just won't get down from her darned tree.

It's going to be an interesting night... But maybe not for the reasons Octavia suspects.

Chapters (1)

Following the events of the Grand Galloping Gala, Octavia Melody has left Canterlot for some much needed vacation time sailing around the Bali Islands. Amidst the natural setting of the tropics she hopes to find a basis for a comeback composition, something to rocket her back to the limelight. What she finds while visiting a resort where the travelling DJ Vinyl Scratch is performing is that sometimes you might get more than what you hope for, just when you need it!

My first effort at doing an Octascratch pairing.

Cover art comes courtesy of BaroqueWolf on DA.

Chapters (7)

Everyone has one, according to Rainbow Dash. Everyone has a collection of porn. Rainbow is determined to find Sunset's.

Now with a voiced reading!

Sex tag is for raunchy humor and porn jokes.

Chapters (1)

On her latest visit to the human world, Twilight decides that she likes having a smartphone too much. So she steals one and takes it back to Ponyville with her.

Sunset does not approve.

This story was Featured on February 3, 2016.

Chapters (1)