• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Twilight has wanted to ask Rainbow Dash out for months, but has yet to muster up the courage to do so. Will Pinkie's New Year's party be the perfect chance to confess her feelings?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Foal Fever

You try having a daughter who thinks the only way to get anywhere is by flying. And a pregnant wife who can move slightly faster than continental drift. Oh! And before we forget, let's make sure your wife is also the pony with the magic to keep your daughter from flying or running or getting into various other shades of trouble.

Can you imagine how exhausting that would be? Try to, because then you might understand just why I listened to Vinyl's idea. Going around, telling your foal Krampus will give you coal if you're naughty? That's not too far removed from the usual Santa Hooves story, and if it can buy me a few days of peace and quiet before Hearth's Warming? Well, I'll take what peace I can get.

Thanks, as always, goes to EquesTRON and Seether for editing my story. I know I couldn't get this story out before Christmas, but I still managed to publish it in the twelve days of Christmas, so... you know, it still kind of counts.

Chapters (1)

Not to be confused with the superior and wholly unrelated My Roommate Is a Vampire by Dennis the Menace (which you should go read instead of this if you haven't already!)

Short, silly Octascratch wherein Vinyl Scratch comes home to Octavia in an awesome vampire cape. Has Vinyl become a terrifying creature of dark passions? Will Octavia be amused? (Spoilers: no.) Is there a twist where it's not Vinyl who's the vampire but Octavia instead? (Spoiler: also no.) Or perhaps Vinyl has simply been reading way too many vampire novels recently? (Spoiler: it's that one!)

Cover image from the talented namelesshero2222.

Now with a Youtube reading by the delightful ObabScribbler!

Chapters (2)

Returning home for Christmas after three weeks in Manehattan, Octavia Scratch finds her wife waiting for her with open arms. However, she also finds that her stepson, Bass, is still adapting to what is his new family.

(To clarify, this story is set in a version of Equestria that exists as a country in the real world, so it will include elements from both MLP canon (Such as locations) and reality (Such as Christmas))

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash complains about being bored in the library, after finding out that Twilight doesn't have the new Daring Do novel, an annoyed Twilight challenges the Pegasus to a game of chess in hopes that it cures her boredom. Suffice to say it not only cures her boredom, but it also makes her laugh. A lot.

Editors: DemonBrightSpirit, Twidashforever, and The Wandering Bard

Chapters (2)

It’s that time of year again. Hearth’s Warming Day is nearing, and Twilight has a special surprise for her family. Ever since Twilight and Rainbow Dash got married and took Scootaloo under their wing, the young filly would always hide away in her room during the holidays, every year, after seeing a present labeled “To Scootaloo, from Mother and Father”, leaving her confused, saddened, and angry.

But this Hearth’s Warming celebration is different. Not only is Twilight surprised by what she finds, but she also realizes that it is, in fact, the best Hearth’s Warming Day ever.

Chapters (1)

Now with an audio reading by Skijarama!

Now with a print version available for order!

A purple Alicorn shows up one night and then vanishes into thin air. Many wouldn't think anything of it besides how strange it was.

Not Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash has met that Alicorn before.

The implication it brings and the guilt that follows leaves Rainbow Dash with questions weighing on her mind.

Luckily, in the crushing pain of reality, she still has friends.


Cover art created by the extremely talented invertigo and paid for by the amazingly awesome Shipmun. Oh my gosh it's just so cool.

Chapters (15)

Ponyville's new 'code enforcement professional' has got it into her thick, monotonous head that Fluttershy has too great a density of pet animals, and she's set out to rectify that situation.

Twilight, though, has a problem with this, and she'll have to use her full authority as an alicorn princess to put a stop to it.

Audio reading by Crafty Arts | Dramatic reading by DRWolf

Other stories based on this story:
Six to Eight Weeks Unnecessary
Five to Seven Weeks Detention

Chapters (1)

In the wake of the Bugbear attack, Vinyl hears of Bon Bon's - Or, rather, Sweetie Drops's - true identity.
This, naturally, makes Vinyl curious. Could Octavia be hiding something from her?
Of course not, right?

Chapters (1)