• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.

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Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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It started out as an ordinary day for Fluttershy – waking up in her house in Cloudsdale and going to work managing the weather for Ponyville alongside her best friend Cloud Kicker. However, she finds herself troubled by feelings she can't explain, feelings that something serious is wrong. When she starts having visions of a strange life with strange ponies, she's determined to find them and find out what's going on. But how can such a timid pony convince others of what she isn't sure of herself?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Strange Destiny of Prince Blueblood

Following the events of "The Strange Destiny of Prince Blueblood," our semi-hero's life has been flipped and turned upside down. Despite his attempts to start over fresh, however, his past—both recent and distant—keeps coming back to haunt him and the ponies he cares about.

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to A Teacher With No Class

After his encounter with Ms. Cheerilee and her students, Prince Blueblood decides to leave Equestria and wander the Everfree Forest in hopes of making the world a better place through his absence. With the help of a rhyming zebra and a restless ghost, he struggles to learn more about himself, his lineage, and his ultimate destiny. And if he's lucky, maybe he'll even find a reason to survive.

Chapters (8)

Scootaloo has always been a filly with big dreams, but can they all come true?
At the very least, she can always follow in the hoofsteps of her hero, right?

(For an amazing follow-up/side-story, please read Shine by The Descendant.)
( Muffinz has written an awesome instrumental track here: EQBeats Page. Check it out!)
(Another great song here written by Fifths89 over on Youtube: Tiny Wings. Give it a listen!)

Chapters (4)

Something is definitively up around here. Applejack and Fluttershy have been spending a lot of time together without the rest of the gang. Well, Rainbow Dash is on to them! In fact, she is sure this is the no-good friend-stealing Applejack's doing, and she will not stand for this - whatever this is.

Also, Rainbow Dash wears a corn hat.

Chapters (4)

Applejack recounts the events surrounding her cousin's death to an interested stranger over a bottle of hard cider.

A short tale of unspoken retribution, wild-west style.

Chapters (1)

[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] Chrysalis is brought to Canterlot to stand trial for her failed invasion. Thinking her fate is sealed, she is determined to be defiant to the very end. Loosely based on March to the Scaffold, the 4th movement of the musical piece Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz.
All links to the music pieces are in the Author Notes.
Dramatic reading of the entire story by Illya Leonov
Dramatic reading of Chapter 1 by xPsychoShyx
Picture is by Huussii

Chapters (19)

My name is Canvas. I remember because I wrote it in the corner of the white box. It takes twelve steps to get from the cot to the wall. And the lights hurt my eyes.

(Note: The story isn't in color because I decided to try this without the gimmick! But I still recommend reading the GDocs version.)

Chapters (2)

What happens when all the colors fade? When Rainbows turn grey? What happens when the Rainbow you gave your whole life to disappears? Sometimes, even though it seems that the colors in your world may have vanished, all you need is a friend to bring them back.

Twilight Sparkle finds the answers to these questions when one of her closest friends passes on, even though it seemed like a living nightmare, she finds that it has opened her friends and her very own eyes that true friends transcend even death itself.

TheSlashawar did a reading of this story! Check it out if you want to :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7n_XfFbTko&feature=g-u-u
I am not doing anymore changes to this story (except for grammer and spelling). I feel that this story was written with most of my sorrow thrown into it so I don't want to spoil that.

Cover Image by LaurenMagpie: http://laurenmagpie.deviantart.com/

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash struggles to figure out why Pinkie Pie keeps acting weird, and seems so happy about spending Hearts and Hooves with hanging out with her, while also puzzling over the fact that Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth seem to be going out of their way to help the two of them enjoy the day.

Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth need to have their own tags, because they're awesome characters who deserve to have more stories written about them.

Has a semi-sequel-follow-up-side-story:"The Life and Times of a Winning Pony."

Chapters (2)