• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.

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Every rising star must eventually fall. Rainbow Dash is locked in a struggle against her own past, and with the help of Twilight is about to make a discovery that will change the way she flies forever. But what will she lose in the process?

Massive thanks to Furor1 and Nyuuchandiannepie for the ridiculously awesome artwork, you should really check them out on DeviantArt if you've not already.

Dedicated to Donald Campbell and his Bluebird, for chasing his horizons for no other reason than the fact that they were there. Also to Steve Hogarth and Marillion for writing Out Of This World, the song that inspired this story.

Chapters (45)

This story is a sequel to Screwball Mio Amoré

Several months ago, a strange little propeller beanie dropped out of the sky and landed in an abandoned field outside Ponyville. The ponies went about their lives, blissfully unaware of what lurked underneath, until today...

Chapters (4)

Not everything is as it seems when Dinky visits her mother in the hospital.

Connected to Chengar Qordath's "Saying Goodbye"

Now a dramatic reading! Courtesy of Lisa M.
Part 1
Part 2

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Turning of the Screwball - The Strange Case of Button Stitch

Button Stitch has contained the chaotic creature inside her, and is taking her first unsteady steps into the realm of relationships. Davenport, the proprietor of Ponyville's premiere supplier of Quills and Sofas, is the object of her fancy, and he thinks she's pretty neat too. Can romance bloom between the two most aggressively boring ponies in Ponyville?

Of course it doesn't go well. Murphy was a pony.

Continued in Screwball Over

Chapters (5)

Windfall takes place seven years after FiM's main timeline. The Elements of Harmony have gone their separate ways, but are still close, and all the girls come running to be there on the eve of Fluttershy bringing her first foal with Big Macintosh into the world.

If you enjoyed this story and this fanfiction future extrapolation, please consider reading the sequel Earth & Sky

Chapters (4)

Button Stitch is an excessively regular mare with excessively regular habits, but something strange has begun to happen to her in the wake of Discord's rampage. Can Rarity and the rest of the girls get to the bottom of the strange manifestations of nonsense that have been plaguing Ponyville?

Continued in Screwball Mio Amoré

Chapters (4)

As Cloud Kicker faces the imminent death of a close friend, she struggles to accept the inevitability of death, find some way to bring a small bit of happiness to her friend's final hours, and finally ... say goodbye.

Connected to Comma-Kazie's From the Mouths of Fillies

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle corrects the grammar of a short story Applejack wrote, she has no idea of the painful repercussions soon to follow.

Note: If you're confused, this story was originally posted by someone else, who thought I wasn't writing anymore and wanted to get my story more exposure, and felt the only way to get it past moderation was to claim to be the author and that I was a "pseudonym." We've had a discussion about that and I'm not angry about it anymore.

Chapters (1)

Bon Bon has been deeply in love with Lyra for almost as long as they have known each other. Every day is a blessing for the two lovers. But as Bon Bon starts to feel under the weather, will Lyra uncover a dark secret that will rip the two mares apart and leave only hate, sadness, and fear in it's wake?

The story continues in 'Life, Lies, and Love'

### Note ###
The story has undergone it's first ever proof-read and edit, to hopefully fix a lot of grammar and typos. Thanks goes to KiroTalon and Ivo for all their help with this.

Chapters (5)

Every week, in secrecy, Scootaloo goes to her parent's house. She's afraid of other ponies finding out because her parents are rather... strange. But maybe things aren't as they seem, as her parents are about to tell her something that can turn her entire world upside down...

Chapters (1)