• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


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    Created by LostUmbrella
    - October, 2014



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This story is a sequel to Bride of Discord

Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.
When disaster strikes that tears Screwball's family apart, it is up to her to bring it together again.

New cover art by floppy-fluttercord

Chapters (23)

What if Discord had not been turned to stone by the Mane 6? What if he had escaped?
It is three years later and the Mane 6 have moved on with their lives, all except Fluttershy, who cannot get the draconequus out of her mind. The others are happy in their new and comfortable lives, until their enemy returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.

This has been adapted into an audio series.

Also, here's a dramatic reading by Pablo Didonna, and one by 666HellGirl1

Cover Art by Nstone53

French: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Une-Mariee-pour-Discord-La-fuite-440318295
Spanish: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10203187/1/La-Novia-de-Discord

*Bronyland Pony Awards Nominee 2013

Chapters (18)

It was supposed to be a great success. Two best guitarists in Canterlot High and a vocalist who only needed to remind herself how to sing forming a supergroup. What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by a conspiracy theory by Yukito.
Rated Teen for ponderings about sirens' biology.

Chapters (1)

When Sunset Shimmer needs some money to get her jacket cleaned and repaired, she decides to take a part-time job to make some cash. She didn't expect to get a rather surprising co-worker, nor did she expect things to turn out quite like they did.

My first Equestria Girls story, happening after the events of Rainbow Rocks. Cover art courtesy of jankrys00.

Chapters (1)

All Twilight had to do was finish Starswirl the Bearded's final spell. She didn't have to become undead, seal her soul in the Elements of Harmony, or enlist her friends in an effort to fix everything... but you have to play the hand you're dealt.

Even if it's rotting off.


Big ups to Themaskedferret for all her support on this story.

Chapters (1)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

Everybody thought the Elements of Harmony kept us safe from the evil things waitin' to come for us in th' dark of night. It happened so fast, that before Ah knew it, th' world I knew was gone. All Ah left... all we had left, were each other. They thought they could put our kind in chains. They thought we would all bow our head to their Queen.

We're th' Crusaders. And we don't bow.

We fight.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl and Octavia, despite living together, have never been seen at the same time. Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Or, could there be a deceptive reason?

Thanks to TheArtrix for the cover art.

Inspired by the comic "The same pony" by "TheMaiah"

"Popular Stories" tab. Feature boxed for seven days!
Randomreader-001 (webshoter) did a fanfic reading of this. You can listen to is here.

Chapters (1)

It's funny how a random whim can turn out to cause the most profound encounters in a person's life. By attempting a bit of magic, I was able to get the once in a lifetime chance to talk with actual royalty! Only, royalty from another world...

Chapters (7)