• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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Spike chose the wrong day to get lost in high school territory. Him and his friends just wanted to take a shortcut to get to the bus quicker so that they wouldn't be late. As they pass the windows of the Canterlot High gym, they hear someone fighting, then peek inside. He and his friends spot a boxer training, so with their interest at its highest summit they watch the mystery person train. Then as, they saw him go to the locker room, they decided to follow him to the next window.

However he is actually a she. A fearsome one at that.

Whoa I got 77 likes on first day. Side note do rare ships and get amazing likes and 9 followers in one day

Feathered on 3/7/15

Chapters (8)

Argyle came to us by sea. He brought us his notes, a smile, and an impossible dream.

This story is complete, and will be updated every other day.

Pre-read and edited by Stinium_Ruide, Nailah, and applezombi. Thank you for your help!

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Rated Excellent in Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Review #5.

Recommended by TCC56.

Chapters (7)

A familiar Captain of the Guard finds himself dredged out of the ocean and into the dubious company of totally-not-pirates.

He doesn't remember who he is, and he's not entirely sure he likes the looks the all-mare crew is giving him. Cadence is certainly not going to be happy about that when she catches up with him.

He might have been better off in the water after all.

NEW! Cover image from the awesome and talented Harwick
Seriously go look at Harwick's stuff it's Really Pretty!

Chapters (43)

Scarlet Frost has had more than enough death and violence in her life and has spent the last several years living quietly as a librarian and scholar in the New Equestrian city of Swanrun. Sadly, it seems that death and violence are not yet done with her, as she is about to discover.

After a chance encounter, Scarlet is forced to leave her home and flee for her life alongside a mysterious orphan filly named Primrose. Now being hunted across the land she once went to war for, Scarlet will have to use every resource at her disposal just to stay alive. And if she is going to make it through this, she must confront the ghosts of not only her own past, but those of this long-broken world as well.

A special thank you goes out to my editors, Mister Hypothetical and Chromio!

Now with a reading over on YouTube!

The sex tag is for occasional blunt discussions on the subject matter and implied sexual behaviors between consenting adults.

Chapters (60)

From one barren wasteland to another, less barren wasteland, an Australian Information Technology worker finds himself stuck in the snow with nowhere to go. Armed with nothing but a cheap tool set and a three metre Ethernet cable, he must find a way to survive his new location. At least it can't get any worse... right?

Oh of course it can, it's a HIE.

Warning: Contains Australian, Changelings (of course), snow, occasional IT speak, less-than-stellar HIE satire, and shoddy humour not fit for a backyard comedy club.

Chapters (12)

Loré scroll is tossed out of her boring life of research papers and history studying the day she discovers a shared connection with King Sombra. Now the grumpy and downright hateful unicorn has to leave the comforts of her safe job to fulfill a destiny that she’s not even sure of herself, but it has the promise of ultimate power though.
Follow along as she journeys through the many different areas of Equestria, happening upon one danger after another, including one mysterious phenomenon known as “friendship”. Luckily for her she meets a strange Hippogriff to help her discover what it actually means to have friends, and that being hateful isn’t as useful as she thinks it is.

The wonderful art for this story is done by my dear friend Namworth, who is also the owner of the OC I'm using in this story.

Also, a lot of thanks to my awesome editor: MasterFrasca
Featured as of 5/27/2014

Chapters (16)

Having finally found the Sapphire Stone and with Daring Do too busy dealing with Dr. Caballeron there is nothing that can stop Ahuizotl from his desire for power. With the Sapphire Stone in place, a portal opens allowing Ahuizotl to step through to achieve his goal... or does it. Perhaps what Ahuizotl finds on the other side isn't exactly what he was expecting.

Mable Mane also known in Maretropolis as the Mane-iac is out on parole. Now she must try to lay low and maybe try to earn an honest living, otherwise, she might be hauled off to prison again. However, things start looking up for Mable when she sees a portal open in the sky and a strange dog falls through.

In Regards to Story Completion Status

It was required by the contest creator that all stories be completed by the deadline. However, if you all really want me to expand upon this story/world I will be willing to do so after contest completion. Just give the story an upvote and leave a comment if there are enough upvotes (25+) by then, then I'll either just write a sequel or change the completion status on this story and write more chapters.

Pre-reader: sevenofeleven

Editor: LoneUnicornWriter (they have currently only edited the first and second chapter). :raritywink:

New Cover art made by: arcanelexicon.

You can find the original cover art: Here.

It's the story of two fictional villains (or are they) coming together to kick plot, chew bubble gum and perhaps find love. It is such a shame they are out of gum.

This story was written for the Unexpected Meeting Contest.

Originally I was going to pair Ahuizotl up with Sonata Dusk and have it take place in the Equestria Girls universe but after some thought I changed my mind.

The original "short" story was split into four chapters because the last time I released a story with such a long chapter, others said they were intimidated about how long it was. So now it is more manageable.

I hope you all enjoy it.:twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)

(Button Mash x Babs Seed) (Semi-Anthro)

Button Mash is an unpopular, videogame loving dork who is regularly picked on in school. Babs Seed is a new transfer student and a fierce brawler who doesn't take any lip from anypony.

One day, Babs meets Button in the hall on the way to class. Or rather, sees Button on the ground with three others above him. After scaring off the offending ponies, Babs helps Button to his hooves and walks with him to class. After that, the two become fast friends and start to get to know each other...

Short episodic scenes based on a series of pictures by Gordonfreeguy. You can find his tumblr here.

Chapters (9)

Chrysalis might be one of the most evil, vile, and dastardly villains that Equestria has ever known. She might have been responsible for nearly destroying the world more than once, she might even be a soul-sicking, shapeshifting monster, but she is still a mare.

She had never been given a genuine, honest compliment from someone that wasn't under threat or stuffed into a feeding pod or mind controlled. Today that is going to change.

Cadence really hasn't happy about the whole thing.

Artist is llamacheesecake

Chapters (1)