• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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Earth-pony Twilight Sparkle has always been a little "out there". But while testing her latest crazy idea, she finds that there are places even farther than that...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series:

Chapters (1)

On a cold autumn night, a pair of ponies are discovered. Ponies with strange wings, and stranger eyes. Wild, bestial and savage, but with a spark of intelligence. A spark of civilization. A spark fanned by the lords and ladies of high society, breeding class and eminence. Bat Ponies.

The wind howls, and ponies forget.

Chapters (9)

The Celestial Era has lasted for hundreds of blissful, peaceful years. The Glorious Sun rules all, sees all, knows all. The citizens of Equestria are happy, perfect specimens- because they have no other choice, nor would they want it to be otherwise. A young mare, Twilight Sparkle, finds a small, unexpected, inquisitive spark leading her to ask questions. Difficult questions. Questions to which she will not like the answers.

For The Sun Rises, but The Sun Never Sets.

Chapters (11)

Matilda was one among many griffons sent as tribute after Equestria defeated Gryphonia in a great humiliating battle. There she is put to work the great boilers of Canterlot Palace from morning till evening, constantly providing hot steaming water for the day's use.

Making friends is difficult for Matilda, though she wants to try. Living life is harsh because she was a citizen of a disgraced nation, though she is proud of her heritage. Having ambitions is impossible because it would take a lifetime to earn her freedom, though she does not stop dreaming about it.

Until she begins to discover the power of Friendship and Harmony for herself.

Follow her as she writes about her thoughts, feelings, opinions, and wishes, in a simple journey of self-discovery, humor, and longing.

Cover art courtesy of RexySeven. Title added by me.

Featured on 18/2/2022! Thank you so much for your support!

Chapters (22)

There comes a point when you can no longer run from the things you've done. Ryan Williams believes that he has reached this point, but sometimes, just as we are about to close one door, another opens before us, changing our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

Update: Redemption now has a live reading! Done by Teraunce, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/W4vLoB3Lbk0
Go give it (and his channel) some love :D

Chapters (15)

Starburst, the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flash Sentry, has about all she could ask from life: loving parents, her Little Brother Best Friend Forever, and despite her seriousness and disciplined mentality, she has group of friends close as family. She also has an ambitious goal in life: she wants to be the first mare ever to become the Captain of the Royal Guard, which she's been preparing herself for since she was a little filly.

So... what would happen if she were to meet a pony that is an exact opposite of her?

Covert art, the universe and most of characters by kilala
Edited by Lazygamer313
Proof-read by: Zaleros, Vrilix
Former proof-readers: Merchent343, TexPony

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Discovery

After changing into a pony, David has to come to terms with the fact that he can't function as used to. He thought his greatest challenges were past him, however, the difficulties of his new body are quickly becoming a massive strain on him and Midnight.

The guilt of making the choice for him weighs heavily on the dark mare, and eventually, the two of them must learn to confront the issue or lose the only thing they hold dear anymore. Each other.

Takes place between chapter 19 and the epilogue of The Discovery. I know that this is going to be confusing timeline-wise, but for the sake of making it easier, this takes place about a month or so before the epilogue of The Discovery. Again, this is a first attempt at something new, and I hope that you guys can appreciate this story for what it is, and not what The Discovery was. There are some different themes here, and a significant amount of fluff just because I felt like their relationship called for it. I hope that you enjoy what I've written.

*As with The Discovery, this story is pre-written and will be uploaded weekly.

As always, edited by my best friend AJ.

Chapters (8)

Gilda only wanted the humble things in life. Cheap rent, copious bits, the respect of her peers, the occasional juicy field-mouse.

Being captured by the Equestrians and dragooned into the Territorials wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of, but at least the rent was free.

And the rats were nice and plump.

Chapters (36)

You are Anon, and you managed to marry your love, Princess Celestia. However, fate conspires against you, and you end up bound to her sister as well.

Now if only you knew more about Luna than her name.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Pray Tell: Who Inscribed All These Bollocks Upon The Walls?

Poor little Cadance.

What little filly wouldn't be miserable under all the pressure of being the world's only other alicorn princess? Say goodbye to a normal life, normal school, normal friends, and, maybe worst of all, your only role model is the literal perfect pony. Rough life, huh? To get back at auntie, she's going to, armed with a screwdriver and a knowledge of school desk graffiti, make her quite literal mark on the palace.

Celestia is a princess out of her element: running a country is easy. Raising a filly is hard. She is also, incidentally, something of an expert at vandalism.

Maybe there's a lesson here after all.

Unapologetically saccharine sweet. Chronological prequel to the fic listed. You probably don't need to read it to understand what's going on, but you should.

T rated for general content. Very tame, really.

Chapters (1)