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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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This isn't entirely my work. This story was started by kiddi. He wrote the first 4 chapters. He feels he can't continue and has given me permission to continue it.
Naruto Uzumaki is lost to Konoha when he vanishes durring an attack on his life. He winds up in the magical land of Equestria in under the care of a certain Zebra. But this is only the beggining as much larger things are in story for are young traveler. Watch as he grows and faces numerous challenges caused by his past and his future.

Chapters (7)

A human of great power has found his way to Equestria, whether it be fate or coincidence, he is now in a strange magical land of talking ponies. He finds the peace he has been searching for after being called a monster and hated on earth, but his peace will not come easily. There is a terrible threat on the horizon that he will have to face if he wishes to keep the new life he finds.

Chapters (49)

A freak lightning storm, strange lights, and an unassuming, yet mysterious stone obelisk. What do these things have to do with an average college student from North Tonawanda? At first, nothing. But when nineteen year-old Connor lets his curiosity get the better of him and lands in the center of a cosmic coincidence, he probably should have left well enough alone.

Now he finds himself stranded in an impossible world where magic is real, and "normal" takes on a whole new meaning. A world populated by sentient creatures calling themselves "ponies." A stranger in a strange land, Connor's yearning for answers and a way back to Earth will try both his patience and his sanity in the days following his arrival, even with the support of his new equine friends. But as he witnesses his life slowly spiral out of control, he will call into question his definition of home, humanity, destiny, and what it means to truly belong.


Rated Teen just in case for occasional swearing. This story takes place shortly after the end of Season 2, and the main character is from an Earth where MLP never existed (in order to preserve proper characterization). Or just assume he's never heard of it, that works too.

The title is not an Evangelion reference, I was just inspired by the wording scheme.

Chapters (23)

The vampires of the Red Court are vile and cunning creatures, they attempt to conquer or destroy everything around them. Now a small group of the vampires have stumbled across a new world to take for their own, but they did not come alone. Wizard Harry Dresden and Knight of the Cross Michael Carpenter chased after the creatures and now find themselves trapped in the same world the vampires are slowly taking. They must lend their experience to the local inhabitants if they are to fight off the growing horde, and the new Red King.

I will explain the Dresden history as it becomes relevant to the story. So it is not necessary to have read the Dresden books to understand what's going on.

Edited by: NaughtSought

Takes place before the season three finale of MLP, and sometime after the events of the White Night novel. So no Princess Twilight or Winter Knight Harry, sorry. At the time of writing, I haven't read Cold Days or any novel onward, so please no spoilers in the comments.

I do not own any of the Dresden/MLP characters.

Chapters (30)

Why does he cry? Because he doesn't know what he is.
Is he an Angel? Never knowing a god's kiss.

How long has he lived? Ask him if you wish.
Will he answer though? He's as fragile as a dish.

Will you love him? Give him what he craves.
Will you hate him? Throw him into the flames.

Opening themes: Hello - Pol Rossignani (Evanescence Cover) - Part 1

I'm Alive - Shinedown - Part 2

Emperor's New Clothes - Nathan Sharp Cover - Part 3

Chapters (12)

If you were given the chance to go to Equestria, would you take? I sure did, unfortunately for me I had no idea what I was getting into or how my presence would affect everything. Now Equestria is going crazy and only myself and a rag-tag group of new friends can stop the events. But if we do win and Equestria goes back to normal, how will I get home?

Edited by NightmareKnight I mean Thardoc. Thardoc's doing it now.
Pre-reader by quilzel

Chapters (31)

Sam Gideon was thought to be dead. Killed in the explosion of the Providence colony after defeating Victor Zaitsev, the leader of the Order of the Russian Star. That's what everyone thought anyway...

So yeah, this is a Vanquish/MLP mix. If you haven't played Vanquish, I suggest you go and pick it up. It's very cheap these days and is an amazing third person sci fi shooter. If you're into third person shooters, you'll love it. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapters (9)

Lacuna is the son of Wrath, ruler of the sixth level of Hell. He is everything you would not expect from a demon. He doesn't like fighting, he doesn't like torturing, he doesn't like fire or lava, he doesn't like possessing people to potentially create a Paranormal Activity 26 or something. But he does like flying, and he definitely loves reading, especially about the World of the Living.

Check it out! Someone actually made us a cover pic!

Also, for anyone giving the fic a 'thumbs down,' I'd like to hear why you didn't like it. I'm a stickler for criticism and I'm interested on how you think we can improve. Thanks!

Chapters (7)

After an attempted spell by Twilight goes wrong, a Necromancer is brought to Equestria. In reaction to the Necromancer raising an army, Celestia attempts Twilight's spell again, raising another warrior from the strange land of the Necromancer. Unfortunatley, the warrior doesn't want to talk.

Chapters (9)

My name is Simon "Ghost" Riley. I was part of Task Force 141, an elite group of soldiers composed of the best of the best. Our mission was to take down Makarov, the mastermind of Russian invasion of America. The team consistered of myself, Roach, Ozone, and Scarecrow with sniper support from Archer and Toad. We didn't find Makarov, but we did find a jackpot of information. On our way to the landing zone, Ozone and Scarecrow were killed by mortar fire while me and Roach managed to survive. I dragged him all the way to the LZ but fate had other plans in store for us, specifically death at the hands of our own commanding officer. Shot point-blank, the shock and blood loss made my vision blur as everything went dark. I couldn't feel my body or when I hit the ground, but I could smell the scent of something before flames engulfed the world. I tried to resist Death's offer, but in the end, I gave in. I welcomed his embrace, hoping that I'd finally find peace.

Instead, here I am, alive and kicking in a world full of bloody ponies.

Chapters (5)