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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Kyle Orin, while on his deathbead, encounters a strange being who sends him on some "second chance" at life to a world he thought was only in a popular TV series; Equestria.

Appearing in his new home right after the changeling invasion, Kyle, now Phasma, Has to prove that he's not trying to usurp anypony, or that he doesn't have an army waiting for attack, at the same time as keeping his origins secret to spare the worlds stability.

Chapters (10)

It is the thirtieth century, humanity has advanced well past interstellar spaceflight. Starships are commonplace, as is strife and conflict. Humans have developed an incredible sense of ingenuity for destruction...ingenuity that has not gone unnoticed. Decades of conflict have changed our race, and a human with a mind for destruction is exactly what a certain creature on a lonely and distant planet is looking for to help her in a last desperate grab for power. However, this creature is not the only thing vying for control...


This story was inspired and influenced by a handful of other fanfics, some more so than others. Additionally, a number of good friends helped me along the way to finally finishing it and making it publish ready. Before you read my first ever complete fanfic, I'd like to share these people with you.

--Editor/Proofreader/Tree/Awesome Friend

Nicole "AJ"
--Editor/Proofreader/Artist/Awesome Friend/'sister'

--Proofreader who allowed me to draw some inspiration from one of his own fanfics

--Fellow Author whose fanfic Blue Angel (which is also really good, and I highly recommend) was, in large part, what inspired me to write this story. Additionally, I draw a fair amount of influence from that fanfic, so if you see any similarities between the two, (mainly just how some scenes are structured and a few concepts here and there), know that it was with V-pony's thumbs-up. I'm not ripping off the guy, just using inspiration where I found it. :)

Lastly, in some chapters you will find a URL that looks like this:


When you do, I recommend that you put on a good set of headphones and open it in a new tab while you continue reading. They're just bits of music I thought would help frame the emotions in the story better, exactly what a soundtrack is supposed to do. They're taken from a few movies, animes, and possibly a video game or two. All soundtracks are property of their respective owners, I own none of them.

The soundtracks are optional, but I feel they add a lot to the story, feel free to enjoy them!

Other than that, enjoy my first fanfic!

Chapters (12)

The land of Equestria, ruled by the Royal family, has seen an uneasy peace with the surrounding lands that may be at stake by a force that none of them may be able to stop.
In the land of Oolacile, a brave Knight, one of Gwyn's was sent to halt the spread of the abyss. But he was unable to defeat the abyss.
A hero of a different land will come to learn of a new land and a new threat. One he is all too familiar with.

Chapters (1)

Sup, the name's Mark. Or was Mark, anyway that's not to important anymore. Just know that while I lived on Earth, I was constantly under pressure to follow the rules and fit a mold that didn't fit well with me. My life was constantly controlled by a system I despised.

Well since getting sucker punched into Equestria by a goddess those days are over. Being the one and only Winged Wolf in the known world is a huge help to being able to make my own rules. I'm finally free to do what I want, when I want, and how I want and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing.

Set in the same universe as The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog and Griffin the Griffin.


I did get permission from both Rust and BlackWing to use the same setting as their characters. Go read both of their stories. They're awesome. Reading them is what made me want to write this story in the first place, so if you liked this, you'll fall in love with those stories.

Added the Dark tag just in case. There will be a decent amount of violence later on. Will add character tags as they become important to the story.

Chapters (22)

Spartan A-042 finds himself on a mission gone wrong when he winds up in a land of talking ponies and other magical creatures as he struggles to comprehend how he got there, why he is there and above all, how can he leave.

Chapters (18)

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

Currently rewriting first eight chapters and editing the rest of the story. Plot will be fundamentally the same, just the quality will significantly increase. There will be some story and character changes.

As of right now the story ramps in quality with some bumps due to edits.

Chapters (43)

A ninja finally achieves Wu, the state of total neutrality that is dreamed of by mediators and martial artists everywhere, as a reward he is given a challenge. Bring harmony to the Tribes of Griffos and Equis. Can this shadow warrior complete his task? Along the way he will face many trials and triumphs and may take a certain certain young, boisterous Pegasus under his own wing as well as one that is as peaceful as they come.

[Note: I know little about the true lore of Ninja's so I may mess somethings up but I am trying. If you notice somethng wrong. Tell me and I will see if I can fix it when I have the time. Enjoy it even if it's a little wrong. Thank you."

Chapters (1)

Two brothers, One a Gun Smith and the Other A Mage go to Equestria

Collab with Slayer Brony

Will get funnier later on...

Chapters (1)

The Queen's dreams have plagued her splintered mind for as long as she can remember. Now she has an opportunity to understand her dreams with the arrival of a strange, but familiar creature. The only thing standing between her is his herd.

Chapters (4)

Brad and Twilight Sparkle are madly in love, so madly in love that Brad agrees to follow Twilight through the mirror portal to Equestria, where the two of them plan to have a big pony wedding.

. . . Problem is, after Brad comes to Equestria, he doesn't turn into a pony.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with its own TVTropes page!

Cover art by PicoBox.

(This is based on the first Equestria Girls trailer and on subsequent fan speculation.)

Chapters (15)