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And can you dry your tears
When the rain falls down in droves and droves
And can I be here for you
To let me hold you tight

Trixie has been best friends with Starlight Glimmer for months now, and the bond between them has never been stronger. But, after a bull-headed mistake and lack of critical thinking, Trixie manages to leave Starlight Glimmer angry and disappointed. Again.

Over the course of a single day, Trixie takes the steps to make things right between the two of them and, in doing so, instantly discovers some feelings inside of her that she never thought possible. Her best friend was kind, sweet, and yes, very hot. And now she was in love with her.

Greatly inspired by this amazing image by TheSoleil, as well as the brony song Seagulls by the illustrious FritzyBeat.

Chapters (6)

Equestria: The shining beacon of peace and harmony in a world torn by war. The citizens are safe and secure within the borders.

However, a darkness is coming. Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia, fears the return of the goddess of the night herself: Nightmare Moon. A mare who wishes nothing more than the destruction of everything good. Sunset will do anything to stop her.....
...Even if that means hanging out with other ponies.
I know you all have seen your fair shair of Alt-universes, starring a different main six. I know this, but I couldn't get the thought of trying my own hand in the concept.
{I'm also hoping I live up to the standard set by my predecessors.}
I shall call my 'verse, "The Shimmerverse"....Genius!

(Edited by The Albinocorn. Thanks for the assistance.)
Coverart by F-NAR
I hope I did well and you enjoy it.
Please leave a comment.

Chapters (23)

When Twilight Sparkle had the magical surge that cemented her place as Celestia's student, the amount of power she released not only hatched a baby Dragon, it brought forth something else. Something that shouldn't exist any more.
Something that has Celestia worried.

A fluffy puppy.

[Despite the gore tag it's rather light on that, and they have yet to make a lewd tag and there's a bit of that.]

Editing help by Lawlypops, ThatNoobpony and people in the comments.

Modoc is converting this story into a youtube audio format if you'd rather listen to the story. That link is here.

Cover art by marking

Season two is live here, Season 2

Chapters (122)

In a sunburned Equestria, Rarity leads the pleasant life of a clothier in the tiny town of Spurhoof. She’s got a successful business, a capable assistant, and the respect of the place she’s called home for six years. Maybe she never achieved her foalhood dreams of fabulosity, but at least she’s comfortable. What more can a mare ask for?

Then a band of outlaws decide to pay Spurhoof a visit, and their leader’s eye has settled upon Rarity. Soon she’ll have to fight not only for her life, but maybe her very soul. Will her diamond turn dull under the hot Equestrian sun, or will adversity make her shine all the brighter?

Print copies now available for purchase on Lulu!.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

Inspired by Fallout: Equestria and the song Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance.

Other stories inspired by music:
Ordinary World
Bed of Roses
Drops of Jupiter
How to Save a Life
Forgive Me, Friend
Time for Tea

A big thanks to my brainstorming fellow and ever-awesome friend SorenPixels, who has helped me ponder the plans for this story since its inception.

Additional kudos to Danger Beans and Cerulean Voice for their help with the first few chapters.

Big thanks to the fantastic author Viking ZX for taking time out of his busy schedule to be my Alpha pre-reader.

Last but certainly not least, my gratitude to my gang of Beta pre-readers: Babroniedad, Lord-Commander, Merc the Jerk, Snowybee, Soge, and Wanderer D!

I was not prepared for the absolutely stunning world building or the incredibly well done characters. [...] This is a work of absolute art. — Equstarte Marine Sebaste

Reading and re-reading (and re-reading) this story was an amazing experience. It will always be one of my favorites! — Wanderer D

I dare say this is a masterpiece of the fandom. — FanOfMostEverything

It's a gorgeous, vivid-drawn setting you've crafted for this, and it hits its gritty Western beats and epic scope with aplomb. Rarity's character journey in this is a stellar one, and her gradual sink into (and recovery at the brink of) [...] darkness was wonderfully and believably told. — Carabas

Cover art commissioned from the fantastic bakki, with title work generously donated by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (27)

As far as demons go, Morpheus is fairly standard. He plays tricks on your dreams, perhaps drives one or two mortals mad... but when a demon is summoned with their True Name, they are spiritually bound to obey their summoner. Usually this is not a problem, as it's usually something fun that Morpheus can get behind. Sabotage, assassination, diabolical masterminding... actions with consequences that will damn his summoner for all eternity. This time, though, he meets a creature so colourful and innocent-looking, he's almost insulted.

She'll give him the order to begin World Domination, right?

Aaaaaaany day now.

Additional tags: Demonology, Demons, Demonic, Devilish, Dark Dank Demon.

Practically everything I make has some pun in it. Biology. Pun in it squares.

Rated Teen for mention of dark stuff. A story that tries not take itself too seriously. This is also going to be a short one, probably only about four chapters long.

Amazingly edited by Word Worthy!

Chapters (14)

On a cold January evening...

...Princess Twilight Sparkle sits beside her mother's bed, watching as the elderly Queen Celestia passes her final evening. Tomorrow, she'll be Queen, and a nation will look to her to unite them in their mourning. However, the burdens of her new position may prove too much to bear.

...Ms. Sunset Shimmer laments within a Canterlot townhouse. It's a foreign setting in an already foreign land. She's a girl born to the slums of Neigh Orleans, thrust into the upper crust of Equestrian society. All because she fell in love with Twilight Sparkle, starting what might be Equestria's most controversial relationship.

...Prime Minister Fancy Pants drowns out another late night behind a wall of gin and tobacco. The labours of running a nation are heavy upon him, and are made no easier by the progressive rhetoric spewed by Celestia's heir. May the gods save Equestria, and his liver, if she ever ascends.

The events of this evening will set in motion a year of deception, alliances, politics, and romance.

Editing was done by Rose Quill, I would like to thank her so much for the help. I couldn't have done this without her.

The lovely cover art is done by Miudraws. Many thanks to them for making this for me. I truly appreciate it, and you all should go check out their stuff, it's incredible.

Written for Oroboro's Sunset Shimmer shipping contest.

"But the purpose of this story, and something it does very well, is to humanize people who are normally larger-than-life. And the politics, it must be said, are gripping, the drama carrying the story and rising to a strong emotional climax in the final chapter." - PresentPerfect, Recommend on December 8th

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

This story takes place between S3 E13 “Magical Mystery Cure” and S4 E25 “Twilight’s Kingdom”.

Sink holes have been appearing around the Everfree Forest and even as close as the outskirts of Ponyville, so the Royal Sisters know that it is time to strike a treaty with the Diamond Dogs before their tunneling causes houses to disappear into the ground.

While they’re away, they have to deputise two ponies to run Equestria on their behalf and the only two with sufficient magic are Twilight and Nyx.

How will Nyx react?

Is she ready for such power again?

Chapters (12)

Rarity's quest for love led her from Tartarus to Canterlot. Now, wielding powers beyond comprehension, she rules over Equestria.

Now, if only she could understand how Fluttershy's little cult had gained thousands of members virtually overnight, or why the cult's second-in-command, Twilight Sparkle, always seems to be one step ahead of her...

Some RariTwi written for the December Crackship Contest. My prompt was "Heartless Dictator Rarity + Cult Meeting + Star Student Twilight" (and since she appears on the "Cult Meeting" card, I decided to also use "Cult Leader Fluttershy")

Cover art done by the amazing Earthsong9405 (Tumblr, DeviantArt). Given how her AUs (via Monochromatic's "The Sphinx's Riddle" and "The Princess's Choice") have warmed me up to RariTwi, I found it rather fitting to commission her to do the coverart for this RariTwi AU.

Sex tag might be overly cautious, but I prefer that over being banhammered. :twilightoops: Nothing explicit, no smut here, it's just being mentioned/discussed, and Rarity has some short fantasies that she is quick to shove aside.

Chapters (4)

Zecora had never seen an aura as bright or as warm as Sunset Shimmer's. Thousands of miles from home, Zecora had found a kindred spirit who could ease her feelings of isolation. Their lights grew together, forming a brilliant radiance.

But the brightest lights cast the deepest shadows.

Both Zecora and Sunset have a secret, one that would put the other in mortal peril. In a single night, both secrets will surface, and Zecora will have to choose between following her heart, or her duty.

Because humans and monsters cannot coexist.

Pre-read by DrakeyC, JayMan155, and EbonQuill

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

Cover art made by JayMan155!

Chapters (4)