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A unicorn mare wakes up in Ponyville, with all her memories gone into a haze that prevents her from recalling them beyond her own name after suffering an injury. Now, with nothing from her past to rely on, she must start a brand new life in Ponyville as her life starts all over. However, while she is gaining new memories to cherish, will she ever remember the memories she lost, the past life that she once lived?

Art by AlicornParty on deviantart : http://alicornparty.deviantart.com/
Editor: AandWguy

Chapters (27)

For nearly a thousand years the ancient prophecies of Clover the Clever sat unread in Canterlot's forbidden archives. Until the day that Celestia took on an apprentice, and everything changed.

Sunset Shimmer is smart, resourceful, and determined. No matter how many new lessons Sunset learns, she just isn't satisfied. Equestria is in danger, and Celestia refuses to give her the power it would take to help defend the kingdom.

Another pony might've given up and trusted her princess to handle things. Sunset Shimmer isn't like most ponies. If Celestia won't deal with looming threats, Sunset will take matters into her own hooves. She'll find allies for Equestria even if she has to leave the universe to do it.

A prequel set in the continuity of My Little Apprentice. This story is not required to understand that one, or vice-versa.

This story was written at the behest of Two_Bit, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (15)

For four years, Sunset Shimmer has carried a torch for Miss Cheerilee, and for four years, she's struggled to look at her without thinking of the one who got away.

First place in the Changing Seasons Sunset Shipping Contest!

Edited by AndrewRogue

Art by LeekFish, used with permission

Chapters (8)

Sequel is now live!

Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Cover image created and permitted by FeliXao.

Chapters (23)

Princess Twilight has just ascended to her throne of friendship and is prepared to tackle her new duties, but Princess Celestia has something of grave importance for her to do first.

She wants her to meet her family.

Chapters (20)

After her failure with the clones Chrysalis decides that she needs to learn more about the element bearers, Spike and Starlight before she comes up with her next plan. To bad for her no matter what disguise she picks it seems to be a mistake.

(Warning: There are a lot of sexual base humor in this but not the act it self.)

Now edited by ShadowSpider

Chapters (9)

Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

Chapters (20)

For Sunset Shimmer, letting a group of impressionable high school students in the know about another dimension where magic reigns and talking ponies are the norm is not the easiest thing to handle. It does not help that the portal to this dimension is right in front of the school.

Sooner or later, though, she has to deal with more than mere questions about Equestria. Twilight becomes curious enough that words won't cut it for her anymore. She wants to see this dimension for herself.

So, Sunset begins by offering to bring her camera through the portal to take pictures and videos of her next trip there in Equestria.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Who-dunce-it?

The crime? Burglary. The stolen goods? Nothing—or so the obscenely wealthy Duchess Clearglass claims. The culprit?

Well, that's Rarity's job. Whether she wants it to be or not.

Reading the previous story is not necessary to enjoy this one, but will provide additional context.

Chapters (5)

The crime? Murder.
The victim? Prince Blueblood.
The culprit?

Well, that one's Rarity's job.

Take heed! There be spoilers in the comments!
An ex-entry into Aragon's Comedy is Serious Business contest which sadly grew too far beyond the word limit to submit. Be sure to check out the actual entries here!

Chapters (4)