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Rainbow Dash decided to take Scootaloo flying for the day. She pushed the young filly to improve her flying skills, but maybe she pushed too hard. Now Scootaloo is lying in Hospital in a critical condition, the doctors informed Rainbow Dash that she wasn't going to make it. She relives the events of that fateful day whilst sitting next to the unconscious little filly that meant the world to her.

Just want to say thanks guys for all the likes and faves!

This is my first time ever writing a sad story so lets hope it turns out ok.
Guys I want you to be brutal, criticism is needed.
It is pretty short but this is just a one-shot I have never tried anything like this before.
Comments contain spoilers, so if you can't handle 'em don't scroll down xD

Chapters (2)

Gummy is the best pet in the world! He always listens to me, never moans or complains when I talk too much, and always comes along with me without any resistance. Sure, he isn't much of a talker, but he's a really swell listener. Every day I spend with him is super fantastic!

Yet, Mr. and Mrs. Cake always look sad every time I play with Gummy. Those sillies! Don't they know that Gummy couldn't hurt me even if he wanted to? He's all gums! Duh! Even my friends have been showing "concerns" about my relationship with Gummy.

I don't know why they're being such party poopers all of a sudden!

Edited by Bad_Seed_72 and pre-read by Skeeter the Lurker and Flint Sparks.

Polish translation can be found here

French translation over here

Fan sequel over there

Equestria Daily took this thing in too. It be right over yonder

Chapters (1)

Here is a tale of sadness and woe
Featuring the Cutie Mark Crusader trio
Whereupon the three find their special talents
But due to a horrifying happenstance

They find those revelations come at a price
And the end result isn’t always nice
This story is about some of their happiest days
And yet their worst in so many, many ways

Edited by Abcron

Chapters (2)

Dedicated to the memory of my dearest friend, who lost her battle with her demons earlier this year. I love you, Posey. I hope you never forgot that.

Sweetie Belle gets a letter.

Chapters (1)

Additional tag: [Cute]
Rainbow Dash, age three, spends a heartwarming day with her family.
One cute filly, two loving parents, and plenty of time to themselves. What adorable, everyday adventures will they get themselves into? First thing in the morning, Rainbow decides that she is going to be a cat; it only gets cuter from there.

(First person Rainbow Dash)

Author's Note
Anti-Disclaimer: I take full responsibility as the author for any and all side effects that come from reading this story.*

*Side effects may include, but are not limited to: diabetes, heart attacks, cuteness induced head trauma, the feels, d’awwwwwws, and artery clogging sweetness.
Note: Any actual medical conditions are not my fault and I hope you recover quickly.

Pre-read by Sethi and Hopeless Appraisal

Chapters (1)

What would you do if the earth began to fall apart? Your friends and family die while two superpowers battle to the death. Would you give up and let death take you, or would you survive to live and tell your story?

Chapters (3)

Discord has been reformed— mostly. Still, Princess Celestia seems to have trouble controlling what appears to be a seething hatred for him whenever nopony else is around.

When the Princess approaches him one day before a royal ball, Discord begins to see the situation a bit better.

Chapters (1)

Upon her defeat by the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon is forced by Celestia to exist in a mortal Earth pony body and experience the mortal world she so despised. Nightmare Moon crosses paths with a Great and Powerful pony who herself is on her own journey of discovery. Darkness does not yield easily to the light and Nightmare has to face the most terrible enemy of all: herself.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Storm on the Horizon

Story 4 of the Savage Skies series.

It is well-known that the brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Princess Celestia is unquestionably Equestria's brightest guiding light. Unfortunately, two ponies must deal with the very deep, very dark shadows that she casts.

Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials since moving to Ponyville. However, his past and the ponies that haunted it are not as far behind him as he would like to think. Whether he likes it or not, his enemies, who draw their hatred from their irrational reverence for Princess Celestia, have found him again and he must struggle with the fact that his mere presence could a threat to his friends and his new family.

Twilight Sparkle must deal with a different shadow as she travels to Canterlot in order to learn more about the mysterious Eyes of Nightmare, as she must contend with the Noble Court, who live in the shadow of the Royal Palace itself, its members planning to use Twilight and her friends to advance their own ambitions, stopping at nothing to have her under their influence.

Thankfully, neither of them will have to deal with these obstacles alone.

However, something even more dangerous is stirring. Dark matters are afoot.

The series begins with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (20)