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(Takes place some time before the pilot episode)
(Second Person, You X Luna)

You are, Whiplash, the little known god of metal and typical mischief maker. And one fine day, you catch Celestia in a bad mood.

So what does she do?

Why, what she always does.

Send you to the moon.

The awesome person who drew the cover pic

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is in love with Fluttershy, but now she knows what love is, she doesn't know how to express that love. So after seeing Applejack for advice she makes a plan to go on an adventure with Fluttershy to find this rare flower that shines silver, and sings when those destined to be together are present.

Can Twilight confess her love to the pegasus? Will Fluttershy enjoy going on this adventure? And will the pegasus accept Twilight's love?

As with my first story, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Chapters (24)

While Princess Luna is away celebrating Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Celestia tries on a strange black bauble from her sister's jewelry box. The result will be the creation of the most terrifying thing Equestria has ever seen. The Sun herself turns against all the ponies in Canterlot. Can Luna and her Lunar Stallions possibly hope to stop her? And if so, does Luna have the fortitude to strike down her sister in the end?

FEATURED May 16th 2012!

Chapters (10)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions are an elite guard force of seventy, the descendants of the originals from a thousand years ago. Her lover leads them, and they've begun to flourish and be accepted by society. But now there's a new super-power in Canterlot, and she's killing the criminal ponies she catches rather than arresting them. The descendant of Luna's avatar of WAR has emerged. Her ancestor was the one mare to ever go into battle with the Lunar Stallions, the Moon Champion. Can the Lunar Stallions stop this killing machine? Who is she?

Chapters (10)

Princess Luna falls comatose and is revived by the love-sick kiss of one of Celestia's guards. As a reward, she leads him to the ancient hidden barracks of her long forgotten guardian force. Their slowly blossoming romance gives birth to a breed of royal guard not seen in 1,000 years. The Lunar Stallions!

Chapters (11)

(Second Person Story)
You are a human who has found himself in Equestria. As if that wasn't bad enough, you're not quite as tall as you were when you started, and not only have to survive at a greatly reduced size, but then you have to live with it. Of course, Equestria is a place where there's always somepony willing to lend a helping hoof, and so you never lack for support. But what can they do for you really, if they can't make you bigger, or get you home? As the tale goes farther, you begin to question if you even want to go home, and then the ultimate question is asked; Can you earn your happy ending? Read and find out.

Chapters (80)

After Rainbow Dash's rump meets lightning one time too many, she feels like her reputation in town is ruined as ponies start laughing at her misfortune. Her self-esteem in tatters and her loyalty waning, its up to her friends to help her. Please review!

12/22/11 EDIT: Updated with corrections, revisions and an added scene in Chapter 11

Chapters (12)

You're a letter-sorting unicorn who works at the same post office as Ditzy Doo. Sure, you're both good buddies, but a small part of you wonders if you could be something more. One day, Ditzy gives you a gift...

Chapters (6)

As an Earth Pony ruin explorer, keen for riches and looking after yourself, you come across an old, ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. But instead of treasure, you find something much more dangerous, and much more wonderful. (Set mere hours after Nightmare Moon's defeat)

Chapters (5)