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It’s a word I grew up around, but never fully understood.
Mother always talked about it, but I never got it. After all, there were hundreds of us, almost a thousand. How could we go extinct?
Mother always talked about the time before, when there were thousands of us. If I was good, she would tell me the story of the wicked ponies of Equestria, and how they drove us out here into the badlands.
Back then, “extinction” was just a far-off word that Mother always harped over, almost as much as her “Grand Plan” to take over Canterlot and then “all of Equestria would fall before her.”
Now Chrysalis is gone, her grand plan failed, and the last changeling hive is in shambles.
And extinction isn’t just a word anymore.

Further chapters will be uploaded as they are edited.
Naming and editor credit goes to [REDACTED]
Name of the story is a reference to the song by the heavy "Who needs the sunshine."

*Edit: Got some fanart! which the artist has kindly allowed me to use as a cover image, thank you Stormwatch.

Yes I am deleting all comments, no I am not reading them, if you want to find out why check here If you need to contact me use fimfiction's private message system and I should get back to you within a day.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Finding Her Voice Again

A repentant Sonata has sought out the help of the Rainbooms to learn how to sing again. Can she use the magic of friendship to sway the hearts and ears of Canterlot High?

Cover image by Tarakonovich

Chapters (6)

More than a year after their defeat at the Battle of the Bands, a siren returns to Canterlot High in hopes of regaining something she lost.

Cover image by: rileyav

Chapters (1)

It is a rare day when Princess Celestia gets to take on a personal student. Even having her own school named after her, being a princess makes finding time to be a young pony's mentor all but impossible.

But today will be different. Today, Celestia will get the chance to do something she hasn't done in a long time:

Teach Twilight magic.

Proofread by Shrink Laureate

Chapters (3)

Journals. Everyone keeps one, even if they call it by a different name. An autobiography, some online blog, or even fading memories in the mind regaled as tales to grandchildren, it's always recorded somewhere for someone to see or hear one day. And whether or not it's truth or fiction, it's always unique in delivering an individual perspective on life.

Celestia politely asked Sunny, her mirror pool duplicate, to write about her life experiences in one such journal.

Unfortunately for her, Sunny wasn't very good at following directions.

This is a side story to Letters from an Irritated Princess.

While knowledge of the whole series is not required, it is highly recommended that one has read the events beyond the Slice of Life Letter to have a better understanding of the circumstances. Otherwise, reading this might be confusing.

Correction: It will absolutely be confusing. Also made a small title change that should, in theory, be simpler.

Chapters (18)

Warning: Contains spoilers for season 6.

Princess Flurry Heart has been born to Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire. However, Shining has noticed that Flurry doesn't really look like him. And, according to Twilight, she looks a little too much like someone else...

Rated T for suggestive dialogue and cut-off curses.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire just wanted a normal day to the Cloudsdale market to buy some apples. Here's the catch: there's a little blue pegasus that keeps following her around...
And why does she keep yelling, "Mommy!"?


When pictures give you ideas, it's up to your imagination whether you wanna turn it into a story.

FEATURED on 1/28/16!

Dramatic reading by SkyOfStorms! Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

Coming straight out of FTL, Captain Amelia Finegold barely has time to blink as her ship, Cobalt Blue, crashes into an unknown vessel in deep-space. Struggling to get ahold of an unexpected situation, things take a turn for the bizarre when she finds out the other ship isn't driven by humans. Or even occupied by humans at all.

One moment, Twilight is asleep. The next, lights and alarms blare as she comes to grips with an unexpected emergency. Problems crop up one after the other. Irreparable damage, wounded ponies, and a new alien species?!

Set in an alternate universe where Equestria became a space-faring empire.

Small note: Some revisions have been made, thanks all!

Chapters (3)

Long ago, Commander Hurricane set an example that still resonates with all pegasi who fall in love with their ground bound kin. Every pegasus knows the story, the tradition is deeply engrained and held dear to their hearts.

Now, if only Twilight could curb her curiosity long enough to enjoy and appreciate just how important she is to Rainbow.

Pre-reading and editing assistance by Melon Hunter and Timaeus.

Art originally by ELZZombie

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is lonely and is determined to change that.

She’s had her eyes on Rainbow Dash for a while, but she doesn’t know how to truly express her feelings. No books were able to properly explain how to cope with her feelings of love, leaving her frustrated and confused. She has tried dropping subtle hints here and there, but Rainbow is oblivious to her advances and Twilight is too nervous to spill her heart out to her.

So she waits, spending many months devising a way to get Rainbow to see her more than just a good friend. Given a set of perfect circumstances, Twilight is finally able to put her plan into action. Now, Twilight might finally be able to see if she can turn her friendship with Rainbow into something wonderful.

Edited by Rated Ponystar and Alcatraz

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (5)