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Time passes...

Hearts change...

Bonds that once seemed unbreakable become distant memories.

For Sunset Shimmer, the glorious years of her youth have long passed. She's put down roots, and built a life for herself at Canterlot High. The bustle and excitement of yesteryear becomes replaced with the peace and tranquility of routine.

All that changes when the past comes back to visit...

Special thanks to SolidFire for his editing work.
An entry for the Changing Seasons contest

Chapters (2)

Twilight calls for help. Unfortunately, it comes.

Note that this story deals heavily with depression and suicide. There's no shame in deciding not to read.
Thanks to Quill Scratch for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has an excellent idea.

And that excellent idea is taking LSD.

My entry into the Changing Seasons contest.

Edited by Aragon, Posh, Kamikakushi, and Themaskedferret.

Preread by Waterpear and Brasta Septim

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo is attacked by Queen Chrysalis. It ends poorly... for Chrysalis.

This is a blatant crackfic; I regret nothing.

Chapters (1)

I consider myself a lucky guy. Good job, good family, and best of all, really, really good friends. We call ourselves MMPD, and together we've had tons of crazy adventures, helped one another discover ourselves, and always have had a good time. It's a shame we've drifted apart since high school, but at least we get to see each other once a year on our shared birthdays.

That tradition turned out to be a lifesaver, because as my friends and I just found out… well, let’s just say we’ve known each other a lot longer than we thought. Now we’ve gotta find a way back home, and hopefully we won't drive each other nuts along the way. We know we’re not the big heroes, and we’re all in WAY over our heads, but hopefully we can do enough to make a difference in the end. If we can do that, then I know we’ll have made our families proud.

I just wish we still had our capes.

Side fic to Five Score, Divided by Four by TwistedSpectrum.The reading of that story is NOT required in order to understand what is going on in this one.

Now with a Chinese translation!

The Last Crusade Tv Tropes Page
Five Score Divided by Four Group

Cover art by Sonson-Sensei.

Chapters (18)

As the world ends, a group of teenagers covered in blood enter Sugarcube Corner.

What follows is technically a love story.

Edited by Pearple Prose and Themaskedferret. Preread by Undome Tinwe, MaxKodan, and Majin Syeekoh.

An entry for Oroboro's Changing Seasons contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Passion and Reason

There comes a point in your life when you finally become aware of the road you're walking down, and where that road takes you. Where you realize the whole way's been mapped out for you in advance, and you never questioned it before. The moment where you first have to ask if you're okay with that.

Spike and Applebloom just want to pull over for a bit and get wasted.

Chapters (1)

Rarity had always known she would have an arranged marriage—such was the life of a princess, after all. She just hadn't expected her wife to be a sphinx or that she would actively avoid her, and not just because she loves books.

Commission for the lovely Earthsong9405 set in one of her AUs where Rarity is in an arranged marriage to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a sphinx Princess from Saddle Arabia.

Chapters (1)

Whether they're pony or human, girls have one thing in common:

They talk.

They talk about life, they talk about love, they talk about each other. They talk about the weather, they talk about movies and music, they talk about the enormous magical disasters that threaten their world.

Whether they're pony or human, girls get together and they talk. And this is what they say.

A collection of short stories that may take place either in the Equestria Girls universe or the main Friendship is Magic universe.

Chapters (44)

Walnut Grove is an orphan. Yup, simple as that. After spending ages waiting for a family to adopt him, he went looking for one. Except... he didn't exactly find what he was looking for.

Edit: Woah... second time this story has been featured. Either I did something right, or it’s dumb luck. Probably the latter. Either way, I guess I’ll make a whole slice of life story out if this... because that’s apparently what you guys a want.

There is a reading of the first chapter on YouTube by Skijarama that I quit enjoyed if any of you are interested.

Chapters (3)