• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012

Mending Paw

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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Working with fruit was always Applejack's calling. It's the customers she's not always sure about.

The friends, however, are never in question.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Chapters (1)

In Rarity's line of work, absolutely anything can inspire the next great fashion line, up to and including: corporate warfare, cinnamon buns, fortunate coincidences...

...or simply being with your best friend.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

(Cover by fromamida on dA)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How many have you forgiven today?

For Anon, so much has changed in a little amount of time. He can't really complain about it either. Things are getting better and he knows that the sisters are happy too. However, there's been a change in Celestia, it's small but it still has him questioning the reason. Did he do something wrong or could it be something else?

A special thanks to the following people:
PeerImagination, Dedicated and always ready to proofread any story I make. (c1-13)
SirReal, Countless hours of editing and refining my story. (c1-8)
Proofreading (c1-6) by Ra1nbowCrasH and Anonimous
I appreciate all the time you've invested in my stories.

Chapters (23)

Cheese Sandwich, the premier party planner in all of Equestria. With a large grin, musical talent, and a head full of crazy ideas with the skills to make them happen, this stallion polkas has way through life, making parties bigger and better wherever he goes.

Tomato Sandwich, a relatively low-key college student. Frugal and sensible, with a penchant for sarcasm and casual indifference to any weirdness that comes his way, he's simply content with having a mostly normal life.

Imagine Pinkie Pie's surprise when she learns that not only are these two stallions brothers, but they seem to hate each other. Thinking that their current relationship just won't do, she attempts to get them to mend their brotherly bond, hoping that they would be the "Best Brother Buddies" she knows they could be.

Now if only they would cooperate.

Cover art by PoIkaHorse.

Chapters (10)

Pinkie loves Rainbow. Pinkie tries to kill Rainbow. Pinkie finds she's not the only one who's crazy.

Psychopaths don't like to share the fact they're psychopaths—besides with the victims locked up in their basement. Pinkie is one of those psychopaths, only she has a victim instead of victims, the one and only Rainbow Dash. Every attempt on her life has been avoided and unnoticed.

Pinkie doesn't mind this game of cat and mouse, and if she didn't know better, she might suspect the same being true for Rainbow. With every attempt, Pinkie gains clarity on her feelings for the pegasus, before finding out the truth.

Apparently, Pinkie isn't the only one who's crazy.

Inspired by this video.

Chapters (1)

Her house is in the northeast section of Ponyville, near the Whitetail Woods, and she is not married. She takes care of dozens of animals, both pets and wild critters, and she gets home every day by 8 PM at the latest. She is always in bed by 11 PM, and makes sure to get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, she usually has no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a foal, she wakes up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.

Fluttershy is a pony who wishes to live a very quiet life. She takes care of others with simple needs and makes sure that they're content, living vicariously through their own joy. That is how she deals with society, and she knows that is what brings her happiness.

Although, if she were to fight she wouldn't lose to anypony.

This story is an entry in Aragon's Comedy (is Serious Business) contest, with the prompt "We Learned Something, Unfortunately".

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to No Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows first but it's not absolutely required.

Baked Bean was just a regular citizen of Equestria until one fateful day when he accidentally booped Princess Celestia's nose with his own and then found he was forced to marry her to fulfil the terms of an ancient law. Miraculously, Love has blossomed between the princess and the pauper, and the new Prince of Equestria is now looking forward to taking his place at the side of the Princess of the Sun.

But Baked Bean is still very much a novice in the realms of government and nobility, and he's in for quite the crash course between old foes, snobby ministers, and his own shortcomings...

But at least Luna tolerates him now.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Proofread and Preread once again by Georg, Moon Fire, Zen and Ponies, and Sipioc!

And with much thanks to You-Know-Who for the cover art!

Chapters (42)

Baked Bean is but one of the thousands of tourists in Canterlot, and he's looking for some inspiration to help launch his writing career. To this end, he pays a visit to the Royal Gardens, but while there he quickly and quite accidentally invokes a long-forgotten law that will completely upend his life and thrust him into the spotlight...

As Celestia's husband.

And all this because of noses.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

With an audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios!

Cover art graciously provided by the Right Most Awesome Backlash91!
Original cover art provided the Right Most Awesome Sipioc!

Proofreading and prereading services provided by Georg, Sipioc, and Moon Fire!

Fan Art for this story can be found right here!

A most worthy review by Cyonix!

Chapters (32)

During the first conflict with Discord after his 1,000 year imprisonment, each of the ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony were forced to match wits with the Master of Chaos. All of them found that they were sorely out of their depth.

Except, perhaps, for one.

After Discord is imprisoned, Celestia takes each of the ponies aside to hear their stories. Fluttershy is the last one called and is a little nervous about the meeting. With a little encouragement from a friend, she is able to join the Princess for a cup of tea and describe her encounter with Discord. It might prove to be a rather fateful discussion.


Planned as the first in a series of related short stories based on Fluttershy as she shares tea with Discord and possibly one or two others.

Chapters (1)

The Vigilant Owl: an underground network of specialists, who work in secret to protect the ponies of Equestria from harm. Spread throughout the continent, they use their unique gifts and talents to ensure that the populace can continue to live happily, ignorant of the horrors that lurk just out of sight.

Their newest member: Lyra Heartstrings, Truthseeker.

A Russian translation is being made by Wing Regent, and can be found here.
Fanart of Octavia and Pinkie by Ari-10.
And art of Bloo by Devil Sugar!

Chapters (65)