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Based off Don't Tell Me You're Too Blind To See by Shaud

Sunset Shimmer is tired of having to prove herself in front of those who won't give her a second chance. Her reformation seems more like a burden than anything. After a stressful day at school, Sunset decides it's better she just give up on Friendship. Feeling defeated once again, Sunset takes a late night stroll through the city....only to bump into...herself?

First featured on 4/18/2015!

This story takes place before Rainbow Rocks, making it AU since it branches off into something else, I believe.

Pre-read and edited by GaleSinger
Cover Art by 0Bluse (Bluse)

Chapters (38)

Light Breeze is happy because one of their own has passed away. In their village nobody cries when somepony dies, they are happy because that means they joined the great equalizer of life: death. In death, all are equal and everyone is happy together. Although Light Breeze does feel a bit, unhappy. Like he's upset that she died by hanging herself and doesn't understand why. When he goes to the funeral held at Starlight's house, it looks like a typical funeral, but everypony is happy and Starlight, acting as the minister, gives a speech about how she is finally going to be happy forever and that they must all honor her by remembering to be equal and united...

Idea and suggestions are all thanks to this guy - Rated Ponystar
Editing was brought to you by - Basic Information (Don't question it)

Edit: Now with a great reading! By this guy
Check it out

Chapters (1)

After the disappearance of Sunset Shimmer, Celestia finds a new protégé, Starlight Glimmer.

This one won't be a mistake… will it?

Chapters (1)

This Story is written entirely in 3rd Person...
This Story is a repeat of a previous story I created that failed inevitably.

During her Summer Break, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have been sending each other letters through their magic books. Twilight has convinced Sunset the idea of coming to Equestria since Sunset has nothing to do. After much thought Sunset accepts the idea and returns to Equestria where she will be greeted by Twilight and Spike. While staying with Twilight in her castle Sunset begins to path to redemption. But along the way Sunset develops a stronger feeling then friendship towards Twilight.

This is an Intro story to a series i'm creating so bare in mind that this story is NOT my best work.

Chapters (18)

Sunset Shimmer gets attacked at school. Who did it and why?

Set after Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has had a long day. Intending to relax and blow off some steam, she has an eventful encounter with a recent diary entry from somepony she didn't expect.

This story now has an audio reading!

Chapters (1)

Newly appointed student president Starlight Glimmer has the brilliant idea of wearing uniforms to make sure everyone is equal. And while it seems to suit her well, for everyone else it's a living nightmare.

Chapters (3)

Sonata realizes that she may have a crush on Sunset. Not exactly knowing how to deal with her new found feelings, she asks Adagio and Aria for help, which probably wasn't the best idea.

Chapters (1)

After the invasion of Canterlot failed, the Changelings were given a strict rule by their Queen. No Changeling was ever, EVER, allowed to speak of that failure for as long as they lived, neither were they allowed to utter the name of the princess who defeated their Queen, lest they pay the penalty of Death.

One Changeling accidentally lets slip the name of the princess during a meal, and immediately Queen Chrysalis sentences him to die by stoning.

His execution doesn't go the way she had in mind, though...

This story based and inspired by one of my favorite scenes from Monty Python: Life of Brian.

Chapters (1)

Sunset has been through a lot lately. She thought that making amends for her past mistakes and defeating the Dazzlings were already difficult enough, but then it appears that two of her friends wants something more. And this is the point when things get actually difficult.

Edited by Space Jazz from chapter 3 onwards.

Chapters (4)