Favourites 1685 stories
  • Favourites 1685 stories - 2796 unread chapters
    Created by peel
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 40,611,706
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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A long time has passed since Twilight and her friends first discovered the Elements of Harmony, and she has since become a full-fledged alicorn princess. In that time, she's done many great things.

But the one thing she hasn't done is tested herself. She's never seen the full extent of her powers.

Growing bored of Equestria, and seeking the ultimate challenge, Twilight decides to see just how powerful she really is by attempting the impossible.

Creating her own world.

Idea taken from a brainstorming thread and used with permission from Kapuchu.

Special thanks to Conicer for the epic cover art!

Chapters (6)

Ponyville is being utterly obliterated by Twilight Sparkle, or at least somepony who looks exactly like her. She wakes one morning to the devastating sight, somehow having lost her voice and her ability to use any magic. With no way to convince any one that it's not her causing the destruction, she is callously sent away by her impostor to face her doom. Suffering through immense turmoil and emotional pain, will she finally find her ultimate savior not within herself, but within Rainbow Dash?

What will become of Twilight and Ponyville? Will the impostor Twilight stop only at Ponyville, or continue to go for a much greater target? And are the impostor's motives really as sinister as they appear to be?

--This is my contest Entry for Blundy's TwiDash Framed Challenge-- Completed.

Many thanks to a thorough and helpful contributor--> Senyu
Thanks also to my helpful prereader/proofreader/editor--> LightningBass94

Chapters (14)

After an urgent call to the castle, a snafu leads to a missing Celestia, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash caught (literally) red-hoofed in her royal chambers by the guards!

What do you do when the world is convinced that you've assassinated Princess Celestia?

You run! That's what you do.

You run your flank off!

Chapters (5)

You know these stories where somebody suddenly wakes up with a creepy, unknown voice in their head? Well that's what's happening to me, except I'm that strange voice, and I'm not stuck in somebody, I'm stuck in somePONY.
How did I get here? And how will I ever find a way to go back without so much as a body to call my own?

Now with 100% more cover art thanks to the splendiferously awesome Exelzior! Go read his stuff instead of mine! Do it!

Rated teen for foul-mouthed protagonist. Expect bad words.

Chapters (13)

I have traveled this world for decades. Yet I have seen no sign of life but the predators that hunt their prey.

I have made a home among the jagged peaks of a near dead wasteland. One day a creature fell from the sky, badly wounded.

She calls herself Chrysalis. She tells me that she is the last of her kind.

Or so she thought.


Chapters (13)

When Rainbow's private property ends up in Rarity's hooves. The fashonista becomes dead set on finding the owner and Rainbow Dash tags along.
Now she has to get it back, while keeping everyone from finding out it's her's. Because Rainbow Dash does not play with dolls.

Sorry if it's crummy first MLP fanfic which also happens to be a rough draft. There shall be Twidash!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Fire & Rain

To say that the Wonderbolt's last trip to Manehatten was eventful would be an understatement. Spitfire broke her wing, met Rainbow Dash, dated Rainbow Dash, and a planned thunderstorm went out of control landing many ponies in the hospital. Now with Spitfire getting "promoted" to command of the Wonderbolt's Academy and Rainbow Dash on the mend from her own injuries, the two will learn just how much life can still throw at them.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rapidfire must come to grips with their new roles as leaders of the Wonderbolts. Soarin doesn't know if he's up to the task, and Rapidfire doesn't know if he even wants to stay. All these trials and more await them further on up the road...

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, SolidFire, Sorren, and Skeeter The Lurker.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (11)

The TwiDash Project is a series of vignettes and short stories depicting the budding romance between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash behind the scenes of season two and onward, taking place during, before, and/or shortly after canon episodes.

Concept is based on the The AppleDash Project by bookplayer. Bookplayer has kindly given her blessing for others to explore the idea with different ships.

Editing by Formerly Committed.

The TwiDash Project is co-authored by bats and Subsolar Drift. Authors of different chapters will be indicated in the chapter title.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

For seven months I've been with one of the best girls imaginable. We're living together, we're doing well in school- I'd never believe I could ever be this happy.

I also could never believe that, on the night of my 25th birthday, I would look in the mirror and see my hair and eyes turning green.

Nor would I believe that, within the next twenty-four hours I would turn into the queen of a vampiric race of insectile monsters from a cartoon.

Go home, evolution. You're drunk.

(Set in the Five Score universe. ...What do you mean there's already a Chrysalis Five Score story?!)

Fair bit of swearing.

Chapters (36)