• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Our six heroes decide to settle down for the night with a few bottles of their choice beverage and a few hands of poker.

The night was going so well until Rarity decided to wager her virginity.

Now she's desperate to get it back.

(Formerly known as Rarity Loses Her Virginity in a Poker Game. The author's artistic integrity was long gone by the time of writing this.)

Special thanks to Blue_Paladin42.

Chapters (3)

It was supposed to be an easy delve. In, explore, and out.

Instead Daring Do finds herself wandering through an endless corridor, wishing for nothing more than to see the sky once more. And when she reaches the end of the maze, she discovers something waiting for her that hasn't felt the sun for a long, long time. Something very lonely.

And hungry.

Chapters (2)

After Zephyr finally gets a job, Dash points out that Fluttershy still hasn't got one. So where's her money coming from? Fluttershy seems to be the only pony who doesn't know.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Sleeps In

After the accidental discovery of humans, Celestia tasked Lyra with learning about Dale's culture and Dale's language. Two meetings later, a misunderstanding caused Dale and a Coast Guard woman to be inadvertently transported to Equestria. With the two humans hospitalized and communication limited at best, the Equestrians just want to heal them, while back on earth the Coast Guard wants nothing more than to determine what happened to one of their sailors.

Chapters (34)

After an argument with Luna, Celestia realizes that she is the only creature in Equestria who cannot sleep in. She enlists Twilight to help, and the two of them come up with a spell that will allow her to spend the night on a different world. Unfortunately, all their research failed to reveal that the world they sought was populated. Now, the Princess must decide whether to continue with contact, or destroy the only non-Equestrian witness to their existence.

Cover art is called "Sleeping Celestia" by Briskby

Chapters (15)

A spectral maned horse of voice cracking awesomeness, commonly known as Rainbow Dash, travails upon flying her prismatic figure eastward beyond the purple mountains, as told by old friends, noble and wise and otherwise.

An accompaniment(?) to the original work, Austraeoh, by Imploding Colon.
Special Thanks to Fourths and the Noble Jury for Assistance in the Cover Art

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been dating in secret for weeks now. One afternoon, they finally find the opportunity to spend some "quality" time alone together. When Scootaloo shows up, happy and unannounced, what are the two marefriends to do?

Play laser tag with the filly, of course.

A story commissioned by TIAS-A1927

Chapters (1)

Tonight, Celestia will talk to Shining Armor. With just one conversation, she needs to save Equestria.

A homage to Pearple Prose, written in her style. Cover art by LoloPan. Proofread by Queuefka Palazzo, Lucky Roll, Selbi, Mr Numbers, Magello, and Pearple Prose herself.

As seen on EQD and the RCL interview.

Reading by Illya Leonov.
Reading by VocalNoctis
Chinese translation by Dreams Set Free.

Chapters (1)

Okay, first off, you don't get to call me Flurry Heart. Not unless you have special privileges which are only afforded to those who are related to me and/or are national heroes. Or, I guess, if you're that guard that mom sends after me...

Point is, I'm Skyla. Got it memorized? SKY. LA.

Now these are the stories of how I earned myself that name. And a few other titles. And look, maybe mom and dad say I'm just going through a phase, but I say PHASES ARE FOR WIMPS. This, is who I am!

And the only reason I'm using Circus-Cinnamon's photo is because I can't find any other photos with how I really feel on it. I mean seriously, crystal ponies, I'm yelling half the time, is it that hard to take an angry picture?!

Chapters (7)

Upon Nightmare Moon's return, the leaders of other nations gather to discuss the situation.

They're not especially happy about it.

Cover art from the gallery of WingFlyte.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI. Russian translation, by Dark Room Collaboration.

Chapters (1)