• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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‘A horse walks into a bar...’

One evening a despondent Applejack walked into Ponyville’s tavern. The next morning she was gone without a trace.

In the days following her disappearance the inn’s landlord recounts events in Ponyville as the town searches for its lost friend, struggling to understand why she left, and where she went.

Chapters (4)

A changeling sets up a secret shop inside of Ponyville. He can be anyone you want him to be. The crush you wished felt the same way about you. The boss you want to just scream at. The parent you hoped would return someday. The friend that's now your enemy.

He can be anyone you want him to be. Just don't ask him to be himself.

Now with a youtube reading. HERE!

Chapters (1)

I had a pretty good life. They called me Spit Shine, I worked in the palace, cleaning this, doing that. Hell, I even got to talk to the Princess, and learned all sorts of interesting stuff. It was stimulating, prestigious, and hey, call me weird, but I liked the work.

Shame I was also secretly a changeling infiltrator with a name too annoying to pronounce in polite society trying to observe and potentially subvert your nation state.

I mean, these things happen.

Of course, you'd be surprised what you can learn about a pony when you have a different perspective.


Original Concept by SoloBrony

Grammar-Less-Suckification by CarcinoGeneticist

Vector by Ackdari

Brand new Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

Would you risk your life to save a stranger?

What if you could only save her for twenty minutes?

A Fallout: Equestria side-story.
On EQD May 30, 2014.
Reading by Illya Leonov (YouTube, mp3).
Russian translation by Psychoshy@ficbook.net and others.

Chapters (2)

Should the powerful and sexy alicorn Dark Demon King Ravenblood Nightblade follow his destiny as savior of Equestria, or his love of interior design?

Why not both?

BASED ON AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER BY DEVICE HERETIC!!! This is my first alicron Mary Sue self-insert fic, so plz b nice. Maybe Ill write moar if ppl like it

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus!
On EQD Oct. 20, 2012.

Chapters (2)

Staying overnight in the hospital is already creepy enough without having to deal with ghosts...

Extended version of my fourth place entry for the 'It's Your Funeral' Writeoff event. An enormous thank you to everyone who commented on it over there!

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle discovers an amateur novel lying abandoned on the ground. The mysterious story soon becomes all the rage with everypony.

And then Rarity hears a passage of it being read out loud...

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith recovers from a bout of pneumonia, and the Apple family realizes that if they keep their secrets much longer, they might never get a chance to open up to her. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Braeburn visit her at the hospital and tell her things they've kept hidden for far too long.

How does she take it? Not how you'd expect.

AN: Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

The Royal Ceremonial Headdress takes ages to fix up. Just ages. Plenty of time to chat about love, and time, and those big steel cups they serve alongside your milkshake.

Audiobook version: KwirkyJ

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)