• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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Total Words: 15,388,900
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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While she's providing veterinary care at the park, Fluttershy runs afoul with one of the more domesticated critters.

...Fluttershy would never kick a puppy on purpose, would she?

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Dramatic reading here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight DONE!

The day of Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding anniversary is coming. Shining Armor, wants to give his wife a truly exceptional present, so he asks the Royal Guard of Canterlot for help.

Things get very out of hand from there.

Remember that Twilight Velvet is the author of the Daring Do books in this fanfic!

Proofread by:

Lucky Roll
Octavia Harmony
Chaotic Note
Missing Link

Chapters (2)

All Diamond Tiara wanted for her 21st birthday was sex and fun and sex and friends and sex and rock and roll and sex.

Bad thing is: she actually got it.

Edited by Neko Majin C and Maskedferret.

Chapters (5)

Cadance and Night Light share a pleasant conversation in a café. Everything somehow manages to get really weird, really fast.

Proofread by Octavia Harmony and Selbi.

Chapters (2)

The princesses gave their magic to Twilight to prevent Tirek from stealing it. As a result, they end up stuck in Tartarus.

Marvelous place, Tartarus. Really brings ponies together. The fact that things manage to go downhill here says a lot about the wonders of family and alicornhood.

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Audio Drama by Espa_Roba_5 and Ajvasquezbrony28
Live reading by The Living Library
Live reading by Astro-Brony

Proofread by Octavia Harmony

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Daring DONE!

The princesses need to take a week off to argue about important issues.

Luckily, Twilight is there to rule Equestria while they're gone!

There's absolutely no way this can go wrong.

As it's a sequel to "Daring DONE!", Twilight Velvet is the writer of the Daring Do saga and our favorite Indiana Jones homage is still a fictional character. That's what the AU tag is about!
(yay featured)

Special thanks to my prereaders and proofreaders:

Chaotic Note
Super Trampoline
Bookworm S

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone here...

Audio reading courtesy of TheArchitect
Audio reading courtesy of joehighlord

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds out that Twilight's mother is the real identity of Silky Dusk, the author of the Daring Do books.

Excited by her discovery, she writes a fan letter.

Things only go downhill from there.

(Written before Daring Don't)

Proofread by RainbowDashie1001.

(Russian translation courtesy of Korryamber)

(Audio reading by KhaosSparkz)
(Audio reading by Ironwolf)
(Audio reading by Landon)

Chapters (3)

Every week, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy play a game. And every week it’s the same, predictable result.

Fluttershy doesn't seem to mind. But when she confesses that she doesn't really understand why winning is so important, Rainbow Dash’s world almost explodes. Now Dash is on a mission. Not only to explain to her friend why winning is so awesome, but to prove it too. Because by the end of the day, come hay or high water, Fluttershy is going to win something!

Fluttershy just wants to play their game together next week, like always.

A story of two ponies and their friendship, past and present. Of winning and losing, the games we play and why we play them.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Perfect Days

Applejack goes flying.

Chapters (1)

With Twilight away in Canterlot, Spike is left to his own devices. But Ponyville isn't the busiest of towns and before long, boredom begins to creep.

So to cheer himself up he decides to go spend time with his friends. Five stalwart companions whom he has known through thick and thin.

But Spike soon begins to realise that really, those are Twilight's friends. Not his.

In fact he starts to wonder whether, since he moved to Ponyville, he's actually made any friends at all...

(*2nd edition. Based on feedback, the final chapter and epilogue have been added-to to better reflect the contributions of the CMC.)

Chapters (6)