• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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Spike's eleven year nap is interrupted by a little filly in his treehouse...

Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's June event, "A Matter of Perspective"

Now with a Spanish Translation, by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash begins looking for romance, seeking advice from all of her friends, But Applejack's a little on edge, and nopony seems convinced that Rainbow knows what she's doing. Will this end in heartbreak or a happy ending? And will Princess Celestia ever get to banish somepony to the moon?

Chapters (1)

Sick of seeing Rainbow Dash lazing around in her apple orchard, Applejack bets that the pegasus couldn't last a full year working the land, a challenge Rainbow refuses to back down from. As the seasons pass though, the two ponies find their friendship growing stronger as they spend time working together, through good times and bad. While the days grow shorter and cooler, the two friends find that maybe they have the chance to become something a little more.

Inspired by the song Ballad of Autumn Dreams by TarbyRocks. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhfe6uoy6NA) Themes and title used with the artist's permission.

(A/N: I am currently in the process of revising the current chapters, so Autumn has been put on hold for now. Sorry to those who are looking forward to the update, but I feel this will lead to a better story.)

Chapters (3)

The erogenous 3rd edition. It's 30 percent longer, 300 percent better edited, 3000 percent more ethically dubious, and still narrated by Steven Fry.

It's that special time of the month again for the Elements of Harmony; the time when they get together for a Truth or Dare game of a more questionably pure nature. From long kept secrets, to reflecting on parties they can barely remember, their three years of friendship have changed them. For better or worse, they were still deciding on that.

This game will be different. Most likely for the worse, but that's what drinking before the sun sets can do. Or maybe them being hornier than usual. Or secretly planning each others sex lives. Or falling in love with each other. Or all four. Most likely all four.

Twilight wants to go out on her first date, but will alcohol and the raunchy advice of her friends help? Rainbow badly wishes to sedate her loins, or maybe she's looking for something more? What exactly, is Rarity planning for this night? Should they really add weed to the equation?

The Elements all have desires they haven't quite realized they have had, and a day long exchange of sex jokes and tension might lead to events that are out of their control. It was in their control once.

Our innocent little ponies seem to have sucked in too much Seth Rogen, but that's okay.


It's Archer with ponies.

Chapters (24)

Guardians come in many colours and personalities, protecting others or misusing their power. Rainbow Dash is just one of them. As she encounters her favourite filly Scootaloo alone after dark, she soon finds herself tangled up in a complicated network of protégés and presumed protectors, both from the present and the past.

VoxelTron has started a reading of this one. Check it out! click
Proofreader(s): twilight-the-pony (also The11thWonder, Nonagon )

Sequel: Lonely Mountains
Trigger Warning: non-descriptive (sexual) abuse of a minor
Rated Teen for adult themes and violence.

The events are set somewhere after Sleepless in Ponyville, but before the coronation.

This is my very first fanfiction (in the hope that this doesn't scare you of).

Image by DavidMRyan

Chapters (22)

Applejack's got a secret she'd kept hidden for many years. Nopony would ever have guessed what she and Twilight were up to in the library late at night, once Spike had gone to sleep. That is, until a jealous Rainbow Dash decided it was her business to find out just what in the hay was going on.

Chapters (8)

The cutie mark crusaders want to be grown-up mares like Applebloom's big sister, Applejack.
So when Applebloom finds out that Applejack has a secret cider stash, and Applejack tells her it's "For adults only" the crusaders decide that if they drink it, they'll be adults too. What could possibly go wrong?

This is an idea I had while drunk. Also I wrote it while drunk. Maybe I spend too much time drunk.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash doesn't do sappy. Mushy, cute, sweet, and romantic are also totally out. So of course she has a crush on an awesome pony who's none of those things: Applejack. Now she just has to find a not-mushy, not-romantic, totally cool way to tell her.

A trip for two to an island paradise seems like the perfect time. Swimming, volleyball, jet skiing, snorkeling-- plenty of chances for a really awesome moment. But when her dumb feelings only let her see sappy romance at every turn, her nightmares might just ruin everything.

(A retelling of Sleepless in Ponyville for Skeeter the Lurker's Switcheroo contest.)

Chapters (1)

After losing a bet, Rainbow Dash now has to wear panties for an entire day. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact she not only has her weather duties, but also has to help out her friends. Let the awkward moments commence!

Pre-Read by: RainbowBob and DbzOrDie

Edited by: Unnamed Pawn, ugugg93, and Apple Fritter

Thanks to FreeHomeBrew for the cover art

Chapters (8)