• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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This story is a sequel to A Stitch in Time

Having discovered the message left for her by Star Swirl the Bearded in the distant past, Twilight once again finds herself caught up in the middle of a struggle against forces far greater than herself. In order to even stand a chance she'll need to travel further and wider than she ever has, and forge some unlikely alliances with old enemies. All to bring down the powers that have manipulated and shaped her entire life, and retake control of her own future.

The conclusion of the Time Loop Trilogy, which began with Hard Reset
Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash saved Spike from a dragon attack--and paid for it dearly. Now she's severely scarred on one half of her body, in constant pain, and unable to fly, and she becomes a recluse in her own house. Spike feels guilty but helpless, and recent ex-marefriend Applejack is determined to get her out of her house and back to normal.
But when you take everything away from a pony, how can you expect her to ever be normal again?

Special thanks to DbzOrDie for ideas for, support of, and general pestering until the completion of this story.

Chapters (11)

Having been many months since the last one, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo decide it would be a fun idea to take another weekend camping trip up to Winsome Falls in the spring. But on their first night in the tent, Scootaloo accidentally wakes up Rainbow Dash in the middle of the night... and ends up revealing an embarrassing secret.

She's wet the bed.

Lots of Scootalove up in this hood. Read at your own peril.

Featured on Equestria Daily 2/11/2014.

Chapters (1)

It started out innocently enough. Rainbow Dash received a prank love letter, and decided to laugh about it with Applejack. Problem is, it wasn't a prank; and Applejack had been the one who sent it.

Now Applejack has disappeared, and Rainbow Dash is determined to find her and bring her back.

Because they're friends. Yeah. Friends.

Special thanks to TwilightUCrazy for the idea and invaluable suggestions for this story.

Chapters (9)

It's the End. Equestria has fallen. Her lands are black and sick. Her skies are dark and cold. All that lives is dead – or corrupted by a foe long thought gone.

Millions of lives are lost, among them heroes and princesses, with its remaining survivors forced to retreat to their last safe haven. For five years, they have struggled to survive, dealing with sieges, rebellions, starvation, and death. The Pony Race is all but doomed.

But hope may yet live.

Not all of the Elements have perished. Two survive, and these two final bastions of Ponykind will make an effort to ride into the coming darkness to end it once and for all...

...or be swallowed by it like everything else.

Written by Rated Ponystar and TwilightUCrazy

Edited by TimeLord_Whooves

Chapters (12)

Applejack has always wanted a family of her own, but she had thought it out of reach... until now.


FEATURED: October 4th, 2014 — Sweet bald-baby Jesus, that's awesome.

Chapters (28)

Octavia's new to Ponyville, and she just bought a used couch. As it turns out, she has to move the heavy thing clear across town on her lonesome. That isn't the problem. The problem is these damn crazy ponies who won't stop pestering her.

Cover Art by faloxx

Chapters (1)