• Member Since 17th Feb, 2015


The Incredible, Amazing and Spectacular, Anonymous 1927. Long live appledash.

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Distance can drive us apart. It can also bring us closer together.

After all is said and done, and the ponies have gone their separate ways, the only way they have to keep in touch is through letters.

Original Equestria Daily post is here
Russian translation
Chinese translation
Polish translation
Spanish translation

Now with music and audiobook

Chapters (1)

Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)

Braeburn is a stallion from a family of workaholics. He is determined to make sure Appleloosa becomes a thriving, successful town no matter what - even if the cost is his own health.

Lily is a nervous mare who is scared of her own shadow. She has lived through Nightmare Moon, Discord, a dragon, an ursa minor, plus whatever else has attacked Ponyville this week. She would much rather stay home in her nice, safe garden with her nice, safe flowers than venture outside her front door - but her friends have other ideas after reading Iron Will's latest book.

When Braeburn is sent away from Appleloosa to stay at Sweet Apple Acres for the sake of his health, nopony would ever have imagined the two would meet. Yet the yearly celebration of the Spring is Sprung Feast provides the stage for a very unconventional love story.

Featured on EQD! 28/3/13

Chapters (1)

This is a set of prompts (<1000 word minifics based on a single word) I’ve written in groups scattered across the site mostly due to too much coffee. Please comment or critique if you find any of them particularly interesting.

For the curious: The story title is a play on CalmNQuiet. These prompts often interrupt me when I'm trying to write something else. Hence, breaching the peace!

Chapters (19)

After one of Sweetie Belle's clumsy mistakes ends up destroying one of her sister's entire fashion lines, Rarity is finally sent over the edge. But after a terrible accident lays Sweetie Belle at the foot of death's door, Rarity is faced not only with losing her sister, but also with the reality that she may never be able to apologize for what she did.

Rated T for safety.

Sequel! Hoof Covers Bruise

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (6)

In a world full of magic, mere words can pose a deadly threat. When simply reading a sign can instantly infect the unwary, and cases start to turn up all around Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle casts the only spell she can find that can give her the time she needs to find the cause of the plague. But then she has to figure out how to stop the epidemic... without being able to read.

Editing provided by Spabble
If you like this, try Rainbow Typhoon
Audiobook on YouTube and for download on SoundCloud
Spanish version translated by MIkimoco
Russian version

Chapters (3)

Caramel likes Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh doesn't know.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are romantically involved.

And just how much does Caramel admitting his crush change all their lives?

Rampant coltcuddling and fillyfooling, in the romantic sense.

Chapters (13)

After Rainbow Dash accidently crashes through the library window and interrupts Twilight's newest spell, she is split into six ponies, each representing a part of her personality. These ponies will be sure to have their fun, much to Ponyville and Rainbow's friends dismay.

Cover art made by me. Here it is on Deviantart

Edited by Crowscrowcrow (thanks again, mate)

Featured! Here's a picture, thank you to all those who liked and faved! (9/8/14 - 12/8/14)
Featured! A second time! Here's the pic, thanks y'all (23/8/14)

Chapters (5)

As an unstoppable hurricane bears down on Manehatten, Rainbow Dash has to face the unpleasant truth that not all of life's obstacles can be overcome. Sometimes you just have to do your best to get by. And when Dash gets the opportunity to become a Wonderbolt for a day, doing her best takes on a whole new, unexpected, meaning.



Editing provided by: Spabble
If you like this, try: Words Failed Her

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to You Can Fight Fate

Time loops? The end of existence as we know it? Fate itself conspiring against you? Who has the energy to deal with that kind of thing?

Not Cloud Kicker, that's for sure. She's a mare who knows what she wants out of life. An easy job, a nice house, and an endless supply of potential banging partners. Then one day a simple little flower vendor moves in down the street and everything starts to change.

As a side story to the main Time Loop Trilogy, you can expect massive spoilers in the comments for both the original stories and unwritten chapters of this one.

Chapters (18)