3~5 1039 stories
  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,039 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 8,733,286
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 83 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 253 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 201 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story is a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Twilight Sparkle is embarking on a new path in her life, and Luna is there to guide her to the right one. At long last, it is time for the Stars to come home.

Twilight Sparkle's story, and sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Cover art by AeronJVL.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

It has been almost a century since Twilight and her friends had discovered their destiny, and Celestia has been wracked with constant regret over the fate she has condemned her friends to. Now Luna looks to those very ponies to help Celestia smile again.

Celestia's story, and a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by the amazing Aniritak

Chapters (1)

Things aren't going well for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Everywhere she goes, ponies are treating her with reverence like she was Princess Celestia. Even her closest friends are starting to act the same way! And now with Twilight Masquerade Ball being hosted in her honor for defeating the dreaded Tirek, it looks like it's only going to get worse.

Takes place between Twilight's Kingdom and The Cutiemap.

Proof read by Bok and xXWeed_Princess420Xx.

Cover art by the magnificent Arnne.

Chapters (1)

Three divine sisters, The Sun, Moon, and Stars, have reigned over the heavens and earth since time immemorial. This is a tale of their greatest hardships and triumphs as challenges unforeseen seek to ruin the world they have created for their beloved ponies.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art provided by the talented NoOneBahtim.

Chapters (1)

It’s the week before the Canterlot wedding and tensions are high, even more so for the changeling love collectors. With the results of the wedding, life is going to change drastically, regardless of the outcome.

For one co-owner of the Sweet Roast Cafe, wife to a loving stallion, and undercover changeling, Sweet Leaf can only hope this change is kind.

Edited by Cursori, Fade, and Lingo

Preread by 63.546.

Cover art by lilfunkman.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Artwork and Answers

At an empty subway station, Rainbow finds comfort in the mare she's looked up to.

Chapters (1)

There are cards for brothers, sons, and other family members, so it should be easy to find one for Spike.

It should be, but it isn't.

For a friend.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Highways and Headlights

In an empty discount store, Rainbow finds direction.

Chapters (1)

In an empty shopping mall, Rainbow Dash searches for solace. She finds Applejack instead.

Chapters (1)