3~5 1039 stories
  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,039 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 8,733,286
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 83 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 254 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 200 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


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This story is a sequel to Impossible Numbers' Flashfic Anthology, Volume Three

Shooting arrows is just Sour Sweet's way of letting off steam. And under the watchful eyes of her parents, of making a very pointed statement.

Genres: Drama, Equestria Girls
Prompt: "Bittersweet"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/413321/flashfic-150-september-2019-bittersweet#comment/6992685

It doesn't matter what Professor Fossil wants, or whether or not this is too late, or even that all the old friends are dead. Rockhoof will honour this birthday.

Genres: Drama, Sad
Prompt: "Birthday Magic"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/371727/flashfic-150-september-2018-birthday-magic#comment/6589841

Princess Platinum is selfish, pompous, spoiled, and frankly a bit slow on the uptake. Even she learns, eventually, why it's a bad idea to set up a croquet match on a farm.

Genres: Comedy, Drama
Prompt: "Where Your Loyalties Lie"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/380250/flashfic-150-november-2018-where-your-loyalties-lie#comment/6646129

If only Apple Bloom hadn't rummaged around in the attic, those painful memories might never have haunted Applejack's mind.

Genres: Drama, Sad
Prompt: "Ow! Where Did That Come From?"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/403965/flashfic-150-june-2019-ow-where-did-that-come-from#comment/6873752

In the face of Fluttershy's curiosity, Discord points out a few hitherto-unconsidered aspects of his species.

Genres: Random, Slice of Life
Prompt: "A Dragon's Heart"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/407214/flashfic-150-july-2019-a-dragons-heart#comment/6915541

She has many names. Her real name is one she could do without, because it describes her far too perfectly.

Genres: Drama, Slice of Life
Prompt: "Bittersweet"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/413321/flashfic-150-september-2019-bittersweet#comment/6998020

Unlike Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara is on her way to university. So she goes to visit the farm gal to make sure she knows. And reacts the right way.

Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Prompt: "I Thought We Were Friends"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/410220/flashfic-150-august-2019-i-thought-we-were-friends#comment/6946747

Chapters (7)

Lemon Zest is a radiating ball of pure energy, just with a human attached. Sunny Flare is more like one of those icy outer planets far away from the sun, you know, Pluto. But they keep in orbit, nevertheless. After all, gravity doesn't always suck.

Originally intended for Loganberry's Flashfic 150, September 2019: "Bittersweet" event.

Chapters (1)

A princess from a magical land, with fiery hair, ruby lips and eyes that could melt stone. Rarity's diary reads like a fairytale. But something we tend to forget as we grow is how rarely fairytales end happily.

An entry for the third and final Sunset Shipping Contest.

Preread by forbloodysummer and Wanderer D.

Chapters (15)

Sunset Shimmer owns this world. She can do whatever she likes, play whatever games are devised, run around in a high-tech simulation the like of which has never been seen, smelled, heard, touched, or tasted before. And why wouldn’t she, when the Spirit of Chaos himself is her own personal game master?

But sooner or later, all good games must come to an end…

Contestant for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings. Further details are available via this link.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Daisy Chain Part 1: Fluttershy x Maud Pie

The second story in a new shipping prompt series.
Now with handy group: Daisy Chain (It's a link, click it!)
Should you wish to learn more about this series you can check out any of the blogs written by myself, fimfic4ever, UnlicensedBrony, and dramatic_spoon
If you wish to join our group of writers for the prompt series, send fimfic4ever a message.

Applejack has been sneaking out, and Apple Bloom can't take it anymore. Who is that weird mare that keeps glaring at her sister? Why does she never smile, even when her sister spend so much effort being nice to her?!

Mystery's really don't work too well when the tags give it all away. Have fun anyway. ^^

<<<Previous Entry Fluttershy x Maud - Next Entry>>> Applejack x Teddy Safari

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wanted to be a pet.

Trixie wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that kind of weird information.

Neither was Fluttershy.

Contains: Mild Pet Play. (I know, what a shock.)

Inspired by Fluttershy's Anti-Adventures #21.
Coverart by Pencils

I couldn't resist writing this after seeing that adorable comic.

If by some horrible twist of fate you have not read Pencil's comics before, you should. Right now. Go on, I'll wait.

Edited and firmly critiqued by Phaoray

Standalone, set somewhere between Trixie's Forest Retreat and Trixie's Threeway Trouble.

Chapters (1)

Plagued by a particularly troublesome composition, not even her favorite cup of tea can quell the churning storm of Octavia's thoughts. Perhaps an old memory might serve as a greater muse...

Cover art by OverlordNeon: deviantArt / Tumblr

Chapters (1)

“Sometimes, you can’t have the family you want. Even if you’d give anything for it.”

For Sunburst, risen from obscurity to Court Wizard of the Crystal Empire, life has taken an incomparably good turn. Shining Armor and Cadence have almost become a second family to him, and Princess Flurry Heart like the daughter he never had.

Hoops, by contrast, has lived life on his terms since day one. With flight school behind him, his career in the professional leagues ought to be all but guaranteed—if only the pros would let him in already.

And when Sugarcube Corner burns down, it should not affect either of them.

Yet, when façades start to fracture, their connections to Ponyville's model family will threaten even the most sacred bonds. Before long, Sunburst, Hoops, and the Cakes will all have to decide if the past can be buried again, or if the old, comfortable stories just aren't enough anymore. In only one way, they are all alike: To get what they want, they are all willing to risk shattering every life around them—and maybe even their own.

Audio version by the immensely talented Neighrator Pony here!

Original story concept co-developed with Astro Brony and Obabscribbler. This story would not exist without them.

Special thanks to my beta readers: Luna Farrowe, Neighrator Pony, Chaotic/Sojourner, and AShadowOfCygnus, whose encouragement and guidance made publishing this a reality.

Cover art by UrbanQhoul.

Chapters (18)

Twilight Velvet's mind was stuck. She only wanted to write her magnum opus; how else could she explore the fantasy worlds of her past? It's just a shame her daughter is more interested in long words than she is in tall tales.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows the classic tale: the Three Bears leave to let their porridge cool, the naive little filly Goldilocks comes in, she does porridge. Hijinks, as the saying goes, shall thus ensue.

Dinky's got a little more behind her "re-imagining" than that, though. Her mind stands trial. Can she outwit the grim judge (big sister Amethyst)? Can she appeal to the all-loving jury (Derpy, walking disaster zone and friend of insurance sellers everywhere)?

Or will she find the chair to be much too hot? And not "just right" at all?

Chapters (1)