• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
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Total Words: 15,908,701
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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So I was relaxing in my room, replaying my oldest, yet still loved trilogy adventure: Baldur's Gate.
I'd passed the first book and was working on the second, and had just changed my Thief main character into an Assassin and input all the changes on the character screen, when, well, it happened.
Nobody told me my laptop was an interdimensional portal, and I suspect that normally, it wasn't. I also suspect that normally, it would have no power to change me into my main character either.
Who I was before is unimportant now. Who I am now is Marketh Shadeblade.
And I will do what I have to in order to survive, or more importantly, carve out a little niche for myself here in pastel pony land.
There might be one or two small problems with that, but it's nothing I won't be able to handle. Right?

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Friday Night Twilight

A cartoon pony named Twilight Sparkle visits me every other Friday night. We talk more than we used to, but she still makes me watch that show of hers. Isn’t anything ever going to change?

Chinese Translation by ComradeSpark

Note: that Romance tag doesn't equate to mushy stuff, and it's not the reason for the Teen rating. This is much closer to Everyone than Mature.
Cover art generously provided once again by statoose
Big, heartfelt thanks to Skeeter The Lurker for helping me deal with reader reactions, and to Craine for proofreading the new final chapter.

Chapters (8)

A single changeling is blamed for making Chrysalis' plan to take over Equestria fail. He's banished and thrown out of the hive, ending up somewhere far away.

Luckily, he ends up not too far from a certain well-known village, where he can feed to his heart's content.

Needless to say, not everything goes according to plan.


Now with a French version, courtesy of Wansdich, here.
Fanart! Check it out here. And even more here!
Now in ereader-friendly PDF version, by Starflower Hooves! You can view and download it here.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

Snowstorm is new in Ponyville, has just met the mare of his dreams, and landed a great job. But how will he react when the object of his affection is not only his partner, but his manager? Lessons of life, love, loss, and laughs, as well as everything in between.

Chapters (26)

James Kaughn is a member of the world's most elite fighting force, but when his team is sent in to rescue a captive family in Afghanistan the mission hits a snag. He stays behind to allow the others to escape, fully expecting to die, but ends up in an unfamiliar place. Join him as he meets new challenges and struggles with his worsening PTSD. Will he be able to actually make friends and not just teammates?

Chapters (68)

This story is a sequel to The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs

A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

Some time has passed since the Griffon War ended and the Equestrian Army returned home. Peace and harmony has returned to the land. But war changes everything—even when that is war itself. From the ashes of the old military traditions, Skyfall Team is born. Luna's experimental group seems promising: tactical, advanced, intelligent, and powerful—and about to be put to the test, when the Royal Family is threatened from their own home. With little information to go on and short of time, Skyfall Team's trial by fire may leave the Royal Family in terrible danger that could cost them their lives.

Chapters (15)

Midnight Storm has had a hard life. She's wandered from city to city for the past three years, and they've all eventually run her out after they've found out what she is. Against her better judgement, she's placed her last hopes on the small town of Ponyville.

The residents here are nice enough, but when they find out what she really is, will they accept her, or drive her out like all the others? And when Celestia finds out about her, what plans does the Princess of the Sun have in store for the mare?

Cover image by Valkyrie-girl

Story now included in The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Arrival of Ford Mustang

It's been over a year since the Arrival of Ford Mustang, a former human being from Earth, now a full-fledged Pegasus in Ponyville, and things have been going really well with him and Rainbow Dash ever since they became a couple nearly a year ago. With their one-year anniversary coming up, Ford decides it's time to pop the question and ask Rainbow for her hoof in marriage. However, an unknown force of darkness rises from the shadowy depths of the earth and achieves his ultimate plan that can not only seal the fate of Equestria, but for the rest of the world as well.

Now, without the aid of the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony, it's up to Ford Mustang and his elderly dragon friend, Hindel, to set things right and stop this monstrous tyrant once and for all. But is Ford up to the daunting task at hand? What kind of allies will he run into along the way? And what is Hindel's connection with the vengeful pony from long ago? Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (35)

*This is a sequel to my earlier story, The Winds of Change. The prequel's not as well written in the beginning, but at least give it a chance. Look at the rating if you're unsure.*
As the griffin war continues, Dash and Jason are thrust back into a conflict they aren't too keen on continuing. But with the griffin threats and the re-emergence of coveted soul magic looming on the horizon, will they be able to revitalize the war effort and win the war with the same efficiency and skill as in the liberation of Canterlot? With Team Green Bean together again and the aid of new allies, this almost seems like a task they can pull off. That is, if things go to plan.

The more I write this, the more I think that I went a little too far. Coming up with more ideas is going to be tough.

If you didn't like the prequel, this is waaaaay better. Just look at the rating. You should probably still read the prequel however, because this story makes absolutely no sense without it. This one's well written from the beginning though, so people should have much less of a beef with it. The prequel only got good about a quarter of the way through, before I improved at writing.

Characters involved are pretty subjective to change.

Side story concerning Scoots in Ponyville to be found here.

Art (more than just the cover) by Shadow Bolt

Chapters (60)

Golden Delicious has always known his friend Starburst as a mare who enjoys pushing herself beyond her limits. For years, she's worked herself to exhaustion on her visits to Sweet Apple Acres, and for years, he's tolerated it with a smile. What used to be incidents that scared him half to death are now a part of his routine: he and Starburst will work, Starburst will faint from exhaustion, he'll carry her back to the farmhouse, he'll tell her the dangers of overexerting herself, and she'll kindly dismiss his advice and just do it all over again. It's a tiring and endless circle, but he's more than happy to go through it again and again, always being there to take care of her when she's "burnt out."

He's just not sure why.
Featured 7-11-14! Thanks, guys!
Pre-read by (who else?) Kilala
MLP: FiM © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Cover Art and the characters Golden Delicious and Starburst © kilala97 of DeviantArt

Chapters (1)