• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


.ngathf lgan'hagw heyl'R uhluhtC hfan'wlgm iulgn'hP

Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
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[Part One of the Riflepony Series] When an unexpected heat wave scorches Appleloosa, Braeburn finds himself unable to save his family's apple orchard. That is, until he meets a certain pony whom he thought to be fictitious. The mare tells him of a treasure that is said to be buried in the town of Dodge Junction, and asks for his assistance in finding it. Will the tales of Cunning the Colt's treasure prove to be true, or were they simply folktale?

Proofread and edited by JohnPerry.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to A Changeling Queen Under the Griffon's Crown

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy?[...] A new day will come."—Samwise Gamgee

Alan Williams Goldenhoof has been there and back again. He saved Equestria, saved an Empire, and even walked up to Death's door, shook his hoof, and then went on his merry way. He is loved in Ponyville, famous in Caterlot, and is considered to be a hero.

And now his heroics are about to end. Perhaps permanently.

With a shadow of arcane evil lurking in the back of his mind, and an old foe on a new battlefield, he has met his match. But no matter what they say, he knows the truth. He knows this guy cannot be trusted.

No matter what they say.

Book 3 of the Harmony for All Trilogy

Chapters (31)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)

Warning. This story is OLD. Like, so old that it's from the time when you could have contradicting story tags old. Only reason I keep it up is for sentiment. Keep in mind that, in my mind at least, it is very bad and I would not recommend reading it. Read at own risk or check out some of my more recent projects.

You have always been a different pegasus since the accident seven years ago. Your view on the world changed. Being the son of an extremely smart and famous Scientist father and a rich fashion designer mother you often find yourself alone. You love to explore the forest, the mountains, as much as you can. You always push yourself to go farther and higher, where nopony has gone before. Your adventures were always your private escape from the world.

Until one day when your parents get you a job with the local weather patrol just before leaving on their respective trips. Your summer is about to get more interesting...

Told through 2nd person and 3rd person naratives.

Chapters (12)


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

A man comes across a filly, however she's not one of the Mane Six.

Sometimes life plays games with you. Everything you felt was important to you is taken and your past seems to have more stark moments of things you'd rather forget. Living alone and battling your own demons seems to be the only thing you have to look forward to. However, one night while walking home in the middle of a freak late summer storm in the middle of the night, something happened. Something terrifying. Something wonderful. Something unexpected.

It's an old trope, not a fresh idea, but this is a story about me and My Little Chryssie...

Cover art by ZuTheSkunk. Check out dat artwork! A special thanks goes out to this artist who so graciously allowed me to use his work.

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Chapters (8)

[Rewrite's done!]

There's not a lot of things that get to me. One time, I was held at gunpoint by a hoodlum in a grocery store. Then there was this time when I almost got sandwiched between a tractor-trailer and a SUV. At both moments, I was pretty surprised and scared shitless. But this; this whole thing with me waking up in a different body and shit?

I guess I should start out by introducing myself. I'm Justin, and this is how I woke up one day in an alien body.

(There'll be some extensive use of Cursing: Blood and Violence. Viewer Discretion is advised. Of course, the blood and such will take effect later in the story. )

This story was approved by BlackWing to take place in the Chess Game of the Gods universe. I'd also like to give a shout-out to Cloud_Surfer, who approved my species.

Credit and Fame go to StandardIssue from the CGotG group for the Cover Art!

Chapters (24)

(R63 Twilight x Rainbow Dash story)

After getting some quick advice from her friend Elusive, Rainbow Dash visits the library to read the latest Daring Do book, as well as tell Dusk Shine how she feels about him. Hopefully she can.

Chapters (1)

Three alicorns are tired of their subjects and their constant whining and complains. So one fateful day, they make a silly wish. But the wish came true...
One human, a lonely guy with the name, Anon, who does not have a job, friends or a family, is riding his big RV in North-Norway. Every day is the same; driving, fueling, eating, driving.
Until one day everything changes.

Featured for over 4 days!!!

(-Just a heads up. i suck with grammars and stuff, so expect some changes and corrections in the future. Also please point out my mistakes if you would. Thanks. Now let the games begin!)

-(cover art goes to the guy who made it!)-

Chapters (7)

Non-canon prequel to The Enchanted Library

As a filly, Rarity's favorite bedtime story was about three princesses trapped throughout Equestria by a wicked spirit of chaos. How she dreamed of finding them all when she was older, especially the princess trapped in a library under a tree. She knew, however, that fairy tales weren't real.

Only when she grew up would she find out how very wrong she was.

Based on an AU a friend came up with in which Rarity stumbles across an enchanted library where Twilight is its spiritual guardian, and both form an unlikely friendship as she helps Twilight be restored to normal.

Chapters (1)