• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
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This is the story of a brony, who inserted into Equestria.
But instead of a pony, he became the enemy of Celestia.

Would he decide to do what’s right, to love and tolerate
Or would his evil changeling nature make it hard to integrate

Then there is the question of the duty that is his natural birthright
Tasked by the changeling Queen, he was to murder Princess Twilight

So, here’s my attempt at a SI with a bit of a twist that others have done before. Go to Equestria, end up on the wrong side of the tracks, and have to deal with it. Enjoy!

Art provided by SoukiTsubasa

Chapters (13)

Cadance didn't know what to expect when her formerly banished Aunt Luna returned from her thousand year banishment. But, she's quite entertained by the hilarity. Especially if it means a chance to play a little joke.

Edited by Habanc. Preread by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, and Timaeus

Cover art was done by Silfoe and used with permission! In fact, this fic is a gift for her!

Now with Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Given the successful befriending of Discord, Princess Celestia deems that no longer will villains be defeated but instead reformed. While most have the chance to submit willingly or continue to fight, King Sombra is given little option. Brought back from the dead and stripped of all his powers and strength, it's all become a game of futility. Now Sombra only wishes he could have stayed dead all along.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (24)

Ten years ago, the Griffon Empire opened a portal to a strange new world and tried to annex it. In the peace settlement that followed they lost control of the province containing the portal. Since then, the Griffonian Democratic Republic had been completely isolated, surrounded on all sides by a hostile empire. Now, for the first time, a visitor had been allowed.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang

Shortly after their wedding, Ford Mustang and his wife, Rainbow Dash, have already made plans to have their first foal together. With each passing month, they go through the usual joys and struggles from starting their own family as they cherish what they have from their friends and family. But as his beautiful, blue angel goes through her pregnancy, Ford starts to receive terrible visions that may determine the ultimate outcome of Rainbow Dash's fate. Mustang has gone through many challenges in his previous adventure, but can he find a way to change her fate in time or will he have to accept the inevitable in the end? Don't miss out on the final chapters that will ultimately conclude the Trilogy of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (37)

From Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder
K'larra was a deep cover changeling sent to spy on Ponyville in preparation for the invasion. Sazzix was a survivor of the invasion that slipped past the wards and posed as an ordinary pony.

They fell in love.

Then they figured out they were both changelings.

Then they got drunk.

Chapters (1)

It's that time of year again.

The holidays, a time of joyous celebration, gift giving, chorus singing and drinking of strange alcohol. You've really only managed to do that last part so far.

You sit now in a bar, trying to forget the bland feeling you have from the constant reminders of your loneliness.

While there, you hear a commotion and a strange woman who just might be the thing you want this Christmas.

(Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and happy holidays to those who don't. No sex in this one I'm afraid, but a feel good time of year needs a feel good kind of story, no?)
(Cover art by Sp@ce.)

Chapters (1)

A new pony has come to Ponyville, a blue-colored pony by the name of Ocean Blue. Though mysterious, he soon finds himself among Twilight and the others, unintentionally becoming a welcome addition to the town. But when Princess Celestia and her sister Luna arrive in response to a letter from Twilight, the mysterious stallion is promptly arrested. The next day, for the first time in over a millennium, a pony will received the death sentence.
Twilight is left stunned and confused. Celestia tells her that Ocean Blue is a villain and must be stopped, but her own experiences don’t add up to what she is told. Can Ocean Blue be trusted? Is he a villain, as Celestia claims, or is Twilight’s own heart telling her the truth?
Equestria’s newest princess faces the hardest choice she has ever made: she can accept Celestia’s word as truth and watch Ocean Blue be killed, or she can risk her crown, her safety, her friends, and the companionship of her oldest teacher… and follow him into the wild.

(Artwork done by the extremely talented Neko-Me of DeviantArt)

Chapters (10)

When Spike and Twilight get into a fight with one another and Spike storms out, the town goes on a search party looking for the baby dragon. After days and no sign of Spike, Rainbow returns with an injury that could only have been inflicted by none other than Spike.

Realizing the futility in Twilight or her friends reasoning with Spike, Sombra takes it upon himself to find out why Spike was so upset in the first place.

Sombra could never have been prepared for the answer Spike was going to give him.

Side story to my multi-chapter SombraPie fic. SombraPie is included in this story, but to a minimal amount.

Chapters (2)

Due to a combination of blood magic, an ancient elven artifact and the well placed punch of a golem, the Commander of the Grey and several of his fellow Grey Wardens find themselves in the magical land of Equestria.

Coming from a land that not only has magic, but fears and mistrusts those who use it, how will they react to see land of ponies who depend on magic to keep their lives in perpetual harmony? How will the ponies react to the strange creatures coming from a land of bloody conflict, demons and magical intolerance?

A Dragon Age crossover.

Chapters (43)