• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
Found 276 stories in 108ms

Total Words: 15,908,810
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Shining doesn't feel very keen on having a foal or filly to look after.
He'd much rather have a niece or a nephew.
So, with Twilight being his only sibling,
and the only pony she seems to have a thing for is Flash,
(at least, that's what Shining thinks.)
The captain puts two and two together and comes up with one simple solution.
"PRIVATE! I order you to buck my sister!"

~And to this day, Atlas still regrets ever writing this fan fic~

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, Spotlight - or, Psych Ologist, as known by the masses - needs some time to unwind.
And, between bickering couples, Cloud Kicker's horrible aura of train-wreckery and the Cutie Mark Crusader Lemonade Fabricators, 'unwinding' may need a little more than the typical 'Two' he gets from his friends at the Spa.
No, this time, he's getting a Four.
Oh yeah, things just got serious.

Non-canon oneshot set in the Winningverse ~ Title for Chono

Chapters (1)


[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Rainbow Dash]

Having turned away from the spotlight, you preferred to distance yourself from fame and popularity. Instead, you chose to live a simple life away from the crowds and fortune. But when you meet a multicolored mare with an unusual request, can you find it in yourself to go for the gold again?

A/N: Okay, this is going to make very little sense at first, but just bear with me.

So I've been playing a ton of Kid Icarus: Uprising lately. It is hella fun, and Sakurai did an amazing job at revitalizing the series. It has easily stolen the spot of "favorite 3DS title" in my heart, and I can't put it down.

So you're probably wondering, "what does Kody's videogame preferences have anything to do with a romance story involving Rainbow Dash?" Well, everything, actually.

A friend of mine noticed my new addiction to this title. He knows I write about ponies, and as such, he jokingly made a bet with me saying that I should write a story in which I use music from said game in every chapter. I shrugged it off and ignored it at first, but I went and started to listen to the soundtrack. Somehow, I developed a plan and storyline from doing so. Now, this story won't reflect the events or storyline from this title. It is entirely original.

The rules I was given are simple:
1. The music must come from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
2. At least one song must be used in each chapter. More than one song is viable.
3. The same song may not be used more than once.
4. Remixes or fan-made renditions of songs are not allowed.
5. The song must be used in a way that enhances the reading experience. I can't just toss a song in and say 'mission accomplished.' It must complement the events and make sense.

Now, I know what you are thinking, and yes. This is really weird. But hey, it worked, and this story was born as a result.

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that some of the songs used in the story are blocked in certain countries. As much as I would love to get this fixed, I'm afraid I don't have much of a way around this. If this affects you, I apologize deeply.

ANOTHER EDIT: Since Youtube is such a fickle thing when it comes to copyrighted music, a link may end up leading to a broken video. If this is the case for any of the songs, please let me know via PM so I can fix it ASAP. Thanks!

This is how it works. When you get to a bit of blue text such as this, that's a link to the song. Open it in a new tab and continue reading as the music plays. Simple. When you get to some red, underlined text, that is the cue to stop the music. Sometimes, that cue may not be there, and the song is meant to play until the end of the chapter. Songs don't carry over to other chapters, however.

The music is not required for the reading experience. It is entirely optional. Well, for you it is.

I hope you enjoy my nerd-ery!

Artwork by celebi-yoshi of dA.

Chapters (9)

The Canterlot Archive decides to create a document listing the age of every pony in Equestria. It's impossible to mess this up.

The Canterlot Archive messes this up.

Proofread by Octavia Harmony.

Special thanks to Selbi for additional help.

Live reading by CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

As the head chef of your own cafe in Ponyville, food has always been your one true passion. However, a certain purple unicorn may help you discover a new love....

Sequel to my fic here.

Chapters (1)

Sergeant Gold Watch is a tough-as-nails detective in the Canterlot Police Department. He has faced hardened criminals, vicious monsters, and cataclysmic threats to the kingdom. He now faces his greatest challenge yet: retirement. Heading to quiet Ponyville, many thoughts weigh on his mind. How can he build a better relationship with his daughter? Where can he find a decent cup of coffee and some fresh doughnuts? And how can he stop thinking about the one case he never solved?

And speaking of the prospect for a quiet retirement, what's this he hears about Princess Celestia's personal student moving here?

A look at life in the no longer quiet town of Ponyville from the perspective of its everyday heroes.

Set during Seasons One and Two.

Chapters (16)

After his mysterious arrival in Equestria, Rick made great friends and had great adventures. But when he dies on one of these adventures, he gets reborn. This time, he is not human but a unicorn. What will this mean for him and the Mane 6? Will magic make his life easier, or will his adventures get more... adventurous?

Sequel to A New World, A Fresh Start
Continued in An Earthbound Honeymoon

Please let me know of any grammar or spelling errors.

Chapters (34)

After losing his family a year ago, Rick Rhinestone could no longer take the loneliness and decides to end it all. It appears the universe has other plans for him as he finds himself in a strange land filled with talking horses. How will he manage?

Continued in Home Again

Please let me know of any grammar or spelling errors.

Chapters (22)

Every town has one: the store that nobody goes into. The one that doesn't sell anything ponies want. In Ponyville, this store is "Inkwell Commissions," run by a reclusive writer-for-hire. Trying to befriend this reclusive pony, Twilight asks for a story about Changelings, thinking that the two of them can bond over the writing process. Little does she know that she is about to get swept up into an adventure straight out of a Daring Do novel! One with the REAL Daring Do: small-time author with a big-time attitude named Pennington Inkwell!

Chapters (46)

"Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."

Mere months after the events of "A Canterlot Wedding," the memories of cold shoulders and dismissals remain fresh in Twilight Sparkle's mind, which causes her to question her ability to face the next task that Princess Celestia bestows upon her.

Alone, she must find a way to protect an entire empire. She's afraid and unprepared, but when a mysterious stallion lends a hoof to her success, she soon discovers a friendship that threatens to blossom into something much greater.

(6/9/2016): Made it to the "Featured" page again! You're so awesome, guys!

(( "Of Magic and Masquerades" is the first story in the Crucibles of Harmony series. It is an alternate take on "The Crystal Empire," with some alternate events from Season 3 and minor Twilight/Sombra shipping. ))

Chapters (26)