• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011


Just another average teenager who likes videogames, books and ponies.

Favourites 137 stories
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Total Words: 11,667,233
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rainbow Dash gets the chance of a lifetime when she receives a letter inviting her to the Wonderbolt's training camp for tryouts! With her now coltfriend Big Macintosh in her corner, as well as her five best friends, Dash is determined to make her dreams come true! As she discovers certain obstacles in her path, how much will she sacrifice in order to realize her ultimate goal? Will her relationship with Macintosh survive her ambitions?

Featured on Equestria Daily.

A direct sequel to At Home On The Range.

Chapters (28)

After a thousand years, Luna finds herself finally freed from the form of Night Mare Moon - the ordeal has left her weakened, though, and she is ordered to spend the next year regaining her strength and getting herself up to speed on what has transpired during her thousand-year absence. Finding ways to spend that time? That... might be troublesome.

Sequel to 'Hiatus': 'Stuck In The Middle With You' (Slice of Life)
Featured on Equestria Daily and FiM Fiction! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (16)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It teaches so many life lessons. In this one, Twilight and her friends learn a difficult lesson about partying too hard, and the price that comes with it.

Stay thirsty, my Bronies.

(Set prior to the Season 3 finale)

Cover image by Toodles3702 ( http://toodles3702.deviantart.com/ ).

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI - https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Una-noche-para-intentar-recordar-970255692
Russian translation by zmeyk - https://ponyfiction.org/story/6209/
Reading by Promissa Fidel

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its characters are owned by Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Chapters (3)

Spike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need a lot of help... An everypony story.

(Cover image by Rannva)

Chapters (17)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)

Big Macintosh's life has taken a surprising turn in the form of a pink pony with a penchant for partying. But even amongst all the gossip and the dozens of parties appearing on his calendar, he still manages to live the same life he’s always lived (to a certain degree). However, sometimes it’s not the great big changes that are the most affecting.

Chapters (1)

Steven Kamai is just another ordinary high school senior, waiting to go out into the world, aside from the fact that he was born and raised in Hawaii. That all changes when one day the sky flashes pink and he finds two women floating off to sea near Barber's Point. Influenced by his Hawaiian upbringing, he takes them in, but will they be more than he bargained for?

Formerly Part of the PonyFall Collaboration
Find out more about it here

Credit goes to rainygami for the cover art.

AN: Even though this isn't part of PonyFall anymore, I still feel that my readers should go to their page. The PonyFall guys have had a lot on their plate recently but their idea is just super-extreme-ultra-awesomeazing!
~April 3

Chapters (3)

After a crushing second rejection from Rarity, Blueblood finds himself rather emotionally shaken. However, when he finds himself under the guidance of an unassuming farmer, the noblecolt's life will take a turn the likes of which he would never have expected.

Shout out to Sketchy Sounds, who is working on a reading of this fic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAOt0gSKqK4&feature=youtu.be

Chapters (10)

Gerald McCormack, a 22 year old college student that is living by himself with his trusty butler, Gordon. When he stumbles upon a strange majestic-like woman in his own obstacle course--with a pair of Double D's I might add--he takes the woman in, and realizes she strongly resembles Princess Celestia! Will she be able to handle the human world that is so different from Equestria's? Or will she go into a paranoia freak out and Gerald would be forced to kick her out since she seems to be a crazed drug-addict hippy!?


Rated T for Violence & Language

Info about collab located here: http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=group&group=405

Chapters (9)

A series of brutal murders seize the attention of the worlds greatest consulting detective.

Soon after meeting his eventual partner Jog Watson, Holmes must contend with the Butterfly Killer, a serial murderer who only kills when it rains and always leaves a dead butterfly with the victim.

The only suspects: a classroom of young ponies.

Chapters (6)