• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories
  • Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories - 107 unread chapters Stories That were either cancelled, put on hiatus, or haven't updated in a long time. (Prior to 2016's what I'm currently going by.)
    Created by arcum42
    - March, 2015
Found 370 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 8,274,158
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Sweetie Belle finally did it. She got her cutie mark. Should be a day of Sunshine and Rainbows, right? Well, the universe is not always so kind to little fillies. Things got complicated.

Chapters (1)

Derpy's, the loving and caring Mother of Dinky (and possibly some others), life has finally reached a dead end. After being fired from her job, and no where else to turn, the last straw as been turned for Derpy: She asks Twilight Sparkle in the hopes that she can fix her eyes! And by the mere look of things, it was a complete success! But with her new eyes fixed, Derpy's view (and intelligence) on life suddenly takes a drastic change, some for better, and for others, much much worse....

(A short spin-off story of my current season 3 fic. Was origionally gonna be a single chp/epi but had too much fun writing this, so turning it into another short story. Read and review about what ya like! And don't bother pointing out flaws- writing this on Yahoo, no real sense of auto-correct on it).

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were always the closer friends of the CMC's. Now they're roommates in Canterlot, where Sweetie studies music and Scootaloo works anywhere she can to put food on the table. Not anywhere anywhere, modest places! Despite this, Scootaloo still lacks a few things. Primarily? Oh, a cutiemark and the ability to truly fly. She's like Fluttershy at the Hurricane, as Rainbow Dash harshly put it. Then Sweetie Belle... well, she drunkenly comes on to Scootaloo. Madness ensues.

I don't know anyone who could draw coverart.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finds a book in the library.

Twilight Sparkle reads aforementioned book.

Twilight Sparkle's life is thrown upside down, her view of her teacher shattered, and her friends pitted against each other.

Everything will return to normal.

One of these statements is false.

Chapters (1)

When Scootaloo finally realizes that there's somepony who seems to have forgotten she exists, she decides to work her hardest at gaining the attention of her idol, Rainbow Dash. With the help of her friends she'll learn to discover that there is something inside of her that can't be reached just through following in somepony's footsteps, and that sometimes a little forgetting can lead to something worth remembering.

Chapters (3)

Quick Finder is a simple unicorn from Ponyville; working as the regularly peaceful town's psychologist. But when an opportunity in Manehatten springs up he take the opportunity to become a bigshot. He quickly learns that the life of a psychologist is everything but sane.

Edit: I do apologize for not updating. I've been quite busy. Conquering Westeros takes some time you know.

Chapters (1)

The universe exploded and then the Doctor fixed it, at the cost of never existing. Now the Doctor finds himself in the TARDIS as it crashes through the fabric of the universe. Once it has landed the Doctor can't believe the scanners when they say he is on his home planet. But all is not as it seems when he opens the door to find a brown pony with an egg timer on its flank.

Chapters (12)

A few months after Discord's second banishment, Twilight stumbles across a magical stone and a broken mare during the most beautiful meteor shower in centuries. What can these two possible have in common? After the losing one of their own, if the elements of harmony are going to save Equestria, and themselves; they must mend their shattered hearts with what almost broke them in the beginning.

Chapters (12)

Things change.

The Crusaders all got their cutie marks years ago. Now Apple Bloom is living in mortal dread of becoming a mare, Sweetie Belle is keeping an ever changing list of which colt she wants to be her very special somepony, and Scootaloo is leaving for flight school in Cloudsdale at the end of the summer.

It's a time for first kisses, changing friendships, and new ways of thinking about their bodies and themselves as three best friends to decide what kind of ponies they're going to become, and how they'll survive the bumpy road of growing up. But however they do it, they'll do it together.

Because some things never change.

Warning: This is rated teen, and contains NO SEX, even off screen. But it does contain frank talk about sex and sexuality, and is inspired by the young-adult books of Judy Blume ("Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" and "Forever.") Since these books are typically read in middle or high school, I felt teen was appropriate. If readers or mods disagree, please let me know.

Thank you to DbzOrDie, Jackie, Twifight Sparkill, First_Down, and TheRealRainbowDash for pre-reading, proof reading, and combinations of both.

Chapters (3)

Time-travel always carries a heavy price. As the mane six are trapped in the library and attacked with memories of the past, two mysterious ponies arrive to intervene.

A crossover between an obscure creepy low-budget 1980s British sci-fi show, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, by someone who hasnt attempted creative writing for 15 years. Hope you enjoy it, and please do criticise so I can decide whether to continue or accept that my talents lie elsewhere and slink back to making pony customs instead! Oh, and this is set sometime after the episode Its About Time!

Chapters (3)