• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories
  • Canceled / On Hiatus / Virtual Hiatus 404 stories - 107 unread chapters Stories That were either cancelled, put on hiatus, or haven't updated in a long time. (Prior to 2016's what I'm currently going by.)
    Created by arcum42
    - March, 2015
Found 370 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 8,274,158
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rarity, on her way to picking up books from the library for Sweetie Belle, discovers that a particular pony has a mane. Not just any mane, but a fluffy, cuddly, puffy, pink mane at that! And not only does it feel great, but is durate, easy to come by, and best of all, free! Rarity tries her hardest to obtain the secrets behind this strange substance that is Pinkie Pie's hair. Hilarity ensues.

Also a subplot on hats and reading.


Something totally random that I thought of while browsing through gifs. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle may believe in Pinkie Pie's myriad abilities, but when an opportunity to study them from a perspective she never thought possible arises, how can she resist the chance at the understanding she's always truly wanted? More importantly, can Ponyville survive the trade-off necessary for this opportunity?

Chapters (5)

A strange and sudden cataclysm has spread the Everfree forest across all of Equestria. Angel wakes Fluttershy from a stony slumber, only to find her stricken with amnesia. Now he and kind pegasus must venture across Equestria to find what had happened and how to restore harmony.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finds herself in a difficult situation when she finds a foal walking out of the Everfree forest. Without parents the foal will surely be be hurt, but if she takes the foal in she puts both herself and her friends at risk.

Chapters (2)

A changeling crash-landed somewhere near Ponyville after being thrown by the shock wave he had experienced back then in Canterlot. Apparently he is parted from his comrades and he's too far away from the Changelings' hive. Luckily for him, the Mane 6 rescued him in order to get information about those Changelings, hoping that they would find and execute the best way to deal with them.

...Mane 6 didn't know about his loss of memory, aside from his bad wounds by the time he was found.

As the stranded changeling awake, it's his new life he'll be continuing with the desire to know his past....

Chapters (4)

Currently trying to earn another doctorate in the Magical arts, Twilight Sparkle is unable to use her previous research on the 'Magic of Friendship' for her final thesis. Forced to look elsewhere for a suitable subject matter, she approaches Zecora who directs her to an undocumented species of magical flower.

While she studies this plant, Twilight learns more about a little known field of study called 'dream magic' and some of the hidden secrets of her consciousness.

During this period of magical and self discovery, Twilight has come to realise it that everypony has a dark side, even the best of us.

But what happens when she finds hers?

Don't let the tags scare you off! Dark tag is 'Light Dark'
Rating may (most likely will) have to change in future (No higher than Teen). Character tags may be subject to change.

Coverphoto images:
Twilight's Gala Dress and Rarity's Gala dress Vectors made by http://catnipfairy.deviantart.com/
Ponyville Road Side View Vector by http://boneswolbach.deviantart.com/
Twilight Sparkle Gasping Vector by http://xpesifeindx.deviantart.com/

The rest was me with Magic of Friendship Photoshop.

Chapters (3)

Because of a magical instability in the 64th chromosome, one unlucky earth pony changes genders uncontrollably. Will Caramel(le) find a cure for this condition, or will (s)he be stuck unstuck?

Chapters (10)

When Rarity is given an order for a dress, a series of unfortunate circumstances lead her to request the aid of Twilight Sparkle. When she discovers that Twilight has been studying time spells, she asks if she can help her recover some of her time. Reluctantly, Twilight agrees, but when she is performing her spell, something breaks her concentration causing the spell to become unstable, sending them 15 years into the future. What awaits them in a world where they have been missing for so long? Will they ever get back to their own time? Only time will tell.

(I LOVE feedback)

Art by Dreatos
- http://dreatos.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d47n304
Seriously, check out his work. He is one of my favorite pony artists.

Chapters (14)


Chapters (11)

(One of my submissions for Nanopowrimo)
((OC alert)) Stress Relief is a mare who has always had a knack for making others feel calm and collect. There was never stress in her house because of her. However one particular mode of stress relief is her forte, and how will she break it to her friends and family?

Chapters (7)