• Member Since 14th Mar, 2015


hello everybody it's me your friend Kristyna I'm 14 years old I love something about: The Walking Dead My Little Pony And World War 2 :3

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Poor Daring Do. All she wanted was a nice relaxing vacation. No archenemies; no deathtraps; no ancient treasures. Just her, a few colleagues, and a front-row seat to one of the most incredible sights in Equestrian nature: The breezies.

Unfortunately, adventure has a nasty habit of finding Daring Do even when she doesn't want it to. While preparing for the breezie safari, her bumbling student Tailspin accidentally stumbles upon the evil designs of a retired empress seeking revenge. Seeing Daring as a liability, the ex-empress has her new ally place a curse on her, transforming her into the most fragile creature in Equestria.

This works. For about five minutes.

Now a few inches high and royally ticked off, Daring must get accustomed to her new body with the help of Fluttershy and the great entomologist Professor Windsday if she wants any chance at payback. Meanwhile, a guilt-ridden Tailspin drags a hapless Tree Hugger into the desert in the hopes of finding a cure. These are uncharted waters for everyone involved, but Daring doesn't mind that part. That's what makes an adventure great, after all. No, she's more concerned about being paired up with the two most annoyingly indecisive pixies in the world.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented DavieRocket.

Chapters (13)