• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

Stories I've read 714 stories
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Total Words: 5,055,644
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Everypony has always wondered who Scootaloo's family is including Rainbow Dash, so when she asks to meet them she is taken to meet her guardians at her home. What will happen and who is Scootaloo's family?

Done as a hypothetical situation after the recent reveal in the books.

Cover image belongs to PixelKitties

Chapters (1)

Warning: spoilers!

Tempest Shadow aka Fizzlepop Berrytwist has committed quite a few crimes during her time as the Storm King's lieutenant: high treason, slavery, kidnapping, use of forbidden magic conspiracy to overthrow the government, etc.

Now, after her trial, Tempest is locked away in the castle, waiting for the Princesses and the Council to deliver their verdict...

Coverart by puddingskinmcgee

Special thanks to Georg for proofreading and editing!

Chapters (1)

In the middle of the night, sometimes waking up to a whimper is worse than waking up to a scream.

Cover Art: Little-Tweenframes (SciSetDaily)
Cover Text & Header Designs: Novel Idea
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark: Millennial Dan

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Corejo: Lavender-Unicorn-Syndrome Counter Agent
Little Tinker: Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word

Word Count: 3,300 Words
Version: 3.3

Chapters (1)

After meeting her human counterpart, a thought has been bothering Twilight. Why does she need glasses? Twilight knew her vision was perfectly fine, so there seemed no reason for the other Twilight to need them.

Princess Twilight needs to figure this out.

There is a sequel! Warning, it’s a shipfic.

AN: Featured 10/9/17

Chapters (1)

Suddenly finding herself in hell, Twilight is presented with one fact: for the rest of eternity, she's stuck in a library holding every book possible. She's expected to organize them and is allowed to read them.

What makes this hell, again?

Now has two Spanish translations, one by SPANIARD KIWI and another by Pugg-Senpai.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twily's Alone Time

Twilight's stress relief activity had worked like a charm, but after a few weeks, she wanted to take it a step further. With a quick trip to Canterlot, she hopes to feel like her mom's litte filly. Even if it would only be for a night.

Chapters (1)

A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)

When the portal opens between Equestria and the human world, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are reunited, only for Twilight to find out something about her she did not know: Sunset is older than Twilight thought.

Much older.

Featured 9/3/2017

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle gathers her friends after receiving a rather distressing letter from her mentor, Princess Celestia. She's not happy about the contents, at all.

It seems her friends all went on some magical adventure without her. And now they're all in a lot of trouble.

Sex tag and Teen rating for some crude humor.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's day had ended up being very stressfull and by the time she got home she felt very drained. In her unsettled state, Her thoughts drift to her home in Canterlot and she ends up picking the perfect way to help unwind before bed.

Innocent litte age play ensues.

Editing thanks to Vector Scamp

Chapters (1)